Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (2024)

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (1)

The only hero unlocked by default, the Warrior is focused around armor and general survivability. He starts with a potion bandolier (velvet pouch since 0.9.3), 3 throwing stones (tier-1 thrown weapon), a worn shortsword as a weapon and cloth armor with a broken seal affixed to it.

He no longer starts with an extra point of strength, and he now doesn't receive a disadvantage to using thrown weapons.


  • 1 Characteristics
    • 1.1 Generic Talents
      • 1.1.1 Tier 1
      • 1.1.2 Tier 2
      • 1.1.3 Tier 3
      • 1.1.4 Tier 4
  • 2 Subclasses
    • 2.1 Gladiator
      • 2.1.1 Gladiator Talents
    • 2.2 Berserker
      • 2.2.1 Berserker Talents
  • 3 Class armor abilities
    • 3.1 Heroic leap
      • 3.1.1 Heroic Leap Talents
    • 3.2 Shockwave
      • 3.2.1 Shockwave Talents
    • 3.3 Endure
      • 3.3.1 Endure Talents


Warrior starts with the Broken Seal as his unique item.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (2)

Broken Seal
A wax seal, affixed to armor as a symbol of valor. All the markings on the seal have worn off with age and it is broken in half down the middle.A memento from his home, the seal helps the warrior persevere. While wearing the seal the warrior will slowly generate shielding on top of his health based on the quality of his armor.
The seal can be affixed to armor, and moved between armors. It can carry a single upgrade with it.

When affixed to armor the seal generates 1 point of shield every 30 turns. The shield doesn't decay over time, but it's capped at tier + level of the armor worn (as in a +1 tier-2 armor will cause the Broken Seal to grant a maximum of 3 shielding). It can also transfer a single upgrade applied to the armor while the seal is affixed to it, so it is highly recommended that the Warrior's first scroll of upgrade is used on the cloth armor. The Broken Seal can only be affixed to identified armor, and that armor cannot be cursed. However, it will still work if the armor becomes cursed while it is attached.

Warrior now automatically identifies the scroll of rage and potion of healing, rather than the potion of strength.

Generic Talents[]

Tier 1[]

Hearty Meal

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (3)

Hearty Meal
+1: Eating heals the Warrior for 2 HP when he is below 50% health, and 3 HP when he is below 25% health.+2: Eating heals the Warrior for 3 HP when he is below 50% health, and 5 HP when he is below 25% health.

Veteran's Intuition

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (4)

Veteran's Intuition
+1: The Warrior identifies weapons 1.75x faster and armor 2.5x faster.+2: The Warrior identifies weapons 2.5x faster and armor when he equips it.

Test Subject

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (5)

Test Subject
+1: Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for 2 HP.+2: Whenever the Warrior identifies an item, he heals for 3 HP.

Iron Will

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (6)

Iron Will
+1: The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is increased by 1.

+2: The max shield provided by the Warrior's seal is increased by 2.

Tier 2[]

Iron Stomach

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (7)

Iron Stomach
+1: Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him 75% damage resistance while eating.

+2: Eating food takes the Warrior 1 turn and grants him 100% damage resistance while eating.

Liquid Willpower

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (8)

Liquid Willpower
+1: The Warrior instantly regains 50% of the shielding from his broken seal when drinking or throwing a potion.+2: The Warrior instantly regains 75% of the shielding from his broken seal when drinking or throwing a potion.
The shield regeneration effect is doubled when using potions of strength, experience, mastery, or divine inspiration.
If this talent is gained by a different hero it will instead grant shielding equal to 5% max hp at +1, or 7.5% max hp at +2.

Runic Transference

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (9)

Runic Transference
+1: The Warrior's broken seal can transfer regular glyphs in the same way it transfers an upgrade.

+2: The Warrior's broken seal can transfer regular, powerful, and curse glyphs in the same way it transfers an upgrade.

Lethal Momentum

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (10)

Lethal Momentum
+1: When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a 67% chance to be instantaneous.

+2: When the Warrior kills an enemy, the killing blow has a 100% chance to be instantaneous.

Improvised Projectiles

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (11)

Improvised Projectiles
+1: The Warrior can blind an enemy for 2 turns by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 50 turn cooldown.

+2: The Warrior can blind an enemy for 3 turns by throwing any item that isn’t a thrown weapon at them. This has a 50 turn cooldown.

Tier 3[]

Hold Fast

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (12)

Hold Fast
+1: When the warrior waits he gains 0-2 armor until he moves.
+2: When the warrior waits he gains 0-4 armor until he moves.
+3: When the warrior waits he gains 0-6 armor until he moves.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (13)

+1: The Warrior's strength is increased by 8%, rounded down.
+2: The Warrior's strength is increased by 13%, rounded down.
+3: The Warrior's strength is increased by 18% rounded down.

Tier 4[]

Heroic Energy

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (14)

Heroic Energy
+1: The hero's armor ability has a 12% reduced charge cost.
+2: The hero's armor ability has a 23% reduced charge cost.
+3: The hero's armor ability has a 32% reduced charge cost.
+4: The hero's armor ability has a 40% reduced charge cost.


Subclass can be chosen after defeating the second boss and using the Tengu's mask.


The Gladiator builds one point of combo every time he makes a successful attack with a melee or thrown weapon. If the Gladiator does not make a successful attack within 5 turns, his combo is reset.As combo builds it unlocks a variety of combo abilities. A new ability becomes available at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo. Some abilities help build more combo, while others let the Gladiator spend his combo on powerful attacks.

Hitting enemies with physical attacks (melee or missile weapons) generates combo. Unlike in vanilla PD combo doesn't increase attack damage, but allows the Hero to execute special moves.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (15)

The gladiator builds momentum as they land successful blows. Each attack increases the combo counter by one, but taking too long between hits will reset the combo counter to 0.Building combo unlocks special combo attacks that cannot miss! A different attack is unlocked at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 combo count. Some moves reset combo and some do not, but each move can only be used once per combo session.

After any successful attack the combo counter increases by 1. However it resets after not hitting anything for 5 turns (the timer can be extended by killing any enemy if you invested in cleave talent). After gathering at least 2 combo points a new button appears on the screen which lets the Hero execute a special move. Any move can be chosen with enough combo points, however each move can be used only once per combo and any move except Clobber and Parry resets the combo counter.

Special moves:

  • At 2 combo, Clobber becomes available:
Clobber knocks an enemy back 2 tiles, but deals no damage and cannot knock into pits. Increments combo by 1.
  • At 4 combo, Slam becomes available:
Slam deals combo*20% of your armor's blocking power as bonus damage. Resets combo when used.
  • At 6 combo, Parry becomes available:
Parry blocks the next attack within 1 turn when activated, and instantly retaliates to it. Resets combo if nothing is parried.
  • At 8 combo, Crush becomes available:
Crush deals combo*25% of your melee damage to the primary target, and half that damage to all other enemies in a 7x7 AOE. Resets combo when used.
  • At 10 combo, Fury becomes available:
Fury hits an enemy once for each combo you have, each hit deals 60% damage and can trigger enchantments. Resets combo when used.

Combo move overview:

MoveComboDamage MultiplierNotes
Clobber20%Knocks back enemy two spaces, can't push to chasms and traps.
Slam4100%Damage is increased by the Gladiatior's armor's DR roll * 0.2 * combo.
Riposte6100%Exeuted automatically after parrying an attack.
Crush825% * comboDeals 50% of the damage to all enemies in 7x7 AoE.
Fury1060%Attacks as many times as there is combo; 10 combo will attack 10 times.

Gladiator Talents[]


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (16)

+1: When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to 15 turns.
+2: When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to 30 turns.
+3: When the Gladiator kills an enemy, the combo cooldown for his next hit is increased to 45 turns.

Lethal Defense

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (17)

Lethal Defense
+1: When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he regains 33% of the broken seal's shielding.
+2: When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he regains 67% of the broken seal's shielding.
+3: When the Gladiator kills an enemy with a combo move, he regains 100% of the broken seal's shielding.

Enhanced Combo

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (18)

Enhanced Combo
+1: When the Gladiator's combo is 7 or higher, Clobber's knockback range increases to 3, it inflicts vertigo, and it can knock enemies into pits.
+2: In addition to the benefits of +1, when the Gladiator's combo is 9 or higher parry works on multiple attacks.
+3: In addition to the benefits of +1 and +2, the Gladiator can leap up to combo/3 tiles when using Slam, Crush, or Fury.


The Berserker gains rage as he takes physical damage, including damage that gets blocked by his armor! Rage steadily fades away over time, but fades more slowly if he is at low HP.The Berserker deals up to +50% damage at 100% rage. At 100% rage he can also go berserk, gaining 2-6x his seal's maximum shielding depending on his missing health and keeping his rage at 100% as long as he has shielding left. However, the Berserker needs time to recover after he goes berserk.

Berserker gains rage by taking physical damage (before any damage reduction is applied). However, after not taking damage for 2 turns, he loses 6.7% x (HP / max HP)^2 of remaining rage every following turn; having lower health causes it to decrease much slower.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (19)

The severity of the berserker's injuries strengthen his blows. As the berserker takes physical damage, his rage will build, granting him bonus damage. Damage which is blocked by armor still counts towards building rage.Rage will fade over time. The lower the berserker's health, the longer it will last.If the berserker is brought to 0 hp while at full rage, and is wearing his seal, he will go berserk and refuse to die for a short time.
Current Rage: X%+Y% damage

Rage will cause the Berserker to deal bonus physical damage; at 100% rage he will deal 50% more damage, lower amounts of rage will multiply this boost by their percentage (i.e. 90% rage will increase damage by 45%). With enraged catalyst talent active, enchantment proc rate is increased alongside with damage. While rage can exceed 100% if endless rage talent is active, bonus damage and enchantment proc rate won't increase further.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (20)

Fear and uncertainty bleed away, leaving only anger. In this state the Berserker is extremely powerful, dealing +50% damage and gaining bonus shielding.This bonus shielding is equal to 2x his seal's max shielding, increasing to 6x if he has very low health. When this shielding is reduced to 0, berserking will end.
After raging, the Berserker will need to recover before being able to build rage again.

At 100% or more rage, Berserker can use berserk ability to gain bonus shielding. He will also automatically start berserking upon being reduced to 0 HP if he has deathless fury talent active, this takes priority over a blessed Ankh. Berserking grants (2 + 4 x (1 - (HP/max HP))^3) x max seal points of shielding, further increased by any rage above 100%. As long as the shielding holds, Berserker doesn't lose any rage. However, he loses 2.5% of remaining shielding, rounded up. When it's depleted, he loses all rage and needs to recover before he can gain rage again.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (21)

Inner strength has its limits. The berserker must rest before using his rage again.While recovering the berserker does not build any rage from taking damage.
Normal: Turns until recovered: X
Live-saving: Levels until recovered: Y

The Berserker will have to recover after berserking, and will be unable to gain rage until he does so. Recovering takes 100 turns, or, if berserking prevented death, 4/3/2 levels of experience depending on the level of deathless fury talent. The recovery time/XP needed is reduced by any rage over 100% Berserker had before recovering.

Berserker Talents[]

Endless Rage

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (22)

Endless Rage
+1: The Berserker can reach a max of 116% rage.
+2: The Berserker can reach a max of 133% rage.
+3: The Berserker can reach a max of 150% rage.

Deathless Fury

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (23)

Deathless Fury
+1: Berserk automatically triggers if the Berserker is about to die and rage is at or above 100%, but it has a cooldown of 3 hero levels when this happens.
+2: Berserk automatically triggers if the Berserker is about to die and rage is at or above 100%, but it has a cooldown of 2 hero levels when this happens.
+3: Berserk automatically triggers if the Berserker is about to die and rage is at or above 100%, but it has a cooldown of 1 hero levels when this happens.
Note that the Berserker will still die if he has 0 HP when berserking ends.

Enraged Catalyst

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (24)

Enraged Catalyst
+1: Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of 15% more often at 100% rage.
+2: Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of 30% more often at 100% rage.
+3: Enchantments and curses on the Berserker's weapon trigger more often the more rage he has, to a maximum of 45% more often at 100% rage.

Class armor abilities[]

After defeating the fourth boss the warrior can use the Dwarf King's crown to transform his armor into warrior suit of armor and pick one of three class armor abilities.

Heroic leap[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (25)

Heroic Leap
The Warrior leaps toward a targeted location, going over any enemies or hazards in the way. He cannot leap over walls or other solid terrain however.
Charge cost: 35

Allows the warrior to jump toward a target location over enemies, but not over walls and other solid obstacles.

Heroic Leap Talents[]

Body Slam

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (26)

Body Slam
+1: When the Warrior lands after jumping, all adjacent enemies take 1-4 damage, plus 25% of his damage blocking power in damage.
+2: When the Warrior lands after jumping, all adjacent enemies take 2-8 damage, plus 50% of his damage blocking power in damage.
+3: When the Warrior lands after jumping, all adjacent enemies take 3-12 damage, plus 75% of his damage blocking power in damage.
+4: When the Warrior lands after jumping, all adjacent enemies take 4-16 damage, plus 100% of his damage blocking power in damage.

Impact Wave

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (27)

Impact Wave
+1: When the Warrior lands after jumping, all adjacent enemies are knocked 2 tiles back and have a 25% chance of becoming vulnerable for 5 turns.
+2: When the Warrior lands after jumping, all adjacent enemies are knocked 3 tiles back and have a 50% chance of becoming vulnerable for 5 turns.
+3: When the Warrior lands after jumping, all adjacent enemies are knocked 4 tiles back and have a 75% chance of becoming vulnerable for 5 turns.
+4: When the Warrior lands after jumping, all adjacent enemies are knocked 5 tiles back and have a 100% chance of becoming vulnerable for 5 turns.

Double Jump

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (28)

Double Jump
+1: If the Warrior performs a second leap within 5 turns, that leap has a 16% reduced charge cost.
+2: If the Warrior performs a second leap within 5 turns, that leap has a 30% reduced charge cost.
+3: If the Warrior performs a second leap within 5 turns, that leap has a 40% reduced charge cost.
+4: If the Warrior performs a second leap within 5 turns, that leap has a 50% reduced charge cost.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (29)

The warrior slams the ground, producing a shockwave that travels up to 5 tiles in a 60 degree cone.Enemies caught in this shockwave are crippled for 5 turns. They also take 5-10 damage, plus an additional 1-2 damage for every point of strength the warrior has above 10.
Charge cost: 35

The warrior slams to the ground producing a shockwave which travels in a cone, it damages all enemies in it's path by 5 - 10 (increased by 1 - 2 for every point of strength above 10 and cripples them for 5 turns.

Shockwave Talents[]

Expanding Wave

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (30)

Expanding Wave
+1: Shockwave's range is increased to 6 tiles from 5, and its width is increased to 75 degrees from 60.
+2: Shockwave's range is increased to 7 tiles from 5, and its width is increased to 90 degrees from 60.
+3: Shockwave's range is increased to 8 tiles from 5, and its width is increased to 105 degrees from 60.
+4: Shockwave's range is increased to 9 tiles from 5, and its width is increased to 120 degrees from 60.

Striking Wave

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (31)

Striking Wave
+1: Damage from shockwave has a 30% chance to also trigger on-hit effects like enchantments and combo.
+2: Damage from shockwave has a 60% chance to also trigger on-hit effects like enchantments and combo.
+3: Damage from shockwave has a 90% chance to also trigger on-hit effects like enchantments and combo.
+4: Shockwave has a 100% chance to also trigger on-hit effects like enchantments and combo, and it gives enchantments +20% power.

Shock Force

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (32)

Shock Force
+1: Shockwave deals 20% more damage and has a 25% chance to stun instead of cripple.
+2: Shockwave deals 40% more damage and has a 50% chance to stun instead of cripple.
+3: Shockwave deals 60% more damage and has a 75% chance to stun instead of cripple.
+4: Shockwave deals 80% more damage and has a 100% chance to stun instead of cripple.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (33)

The Warrior endures for 3 turns, taking half damage from all sources. This reduction is applied before damage resisting effects like armor.After enduring, the warrior's next hit within 10 turns gains bonus damage. This bonus damage is equal to one fourth of all the damage inflicted on him while enduring, before any damage reduction effects!If the warrior has any combo, using this ability increases its remaining time by 3 turns.
Charge cost: 50

The warrior skips 3 turns, during which he takes half the damage from all sources. Shrug it Off talent further increases the damage reduction.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (34)

The Warrior is now dealing bonus damage based on the damage he endured.
Bonus Damage: XHits Left: Y

After the effect ends, the Warrior receives the Endurance buff, which increases damage of his next melee attack within 10 turns by 25% of the damage endured. Sustained Retribution talents reduces the damage bonus, but makes it last for multiple hits. Extra damage provided by this ability is not effected by Berserker's damage multiplier.

Endure Talents[]

Sustained Retribution

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (35)

Sustained Retribution
+1: The Warrior deals 115% bonus damage spread over 2 hits, instead of 100% bonus damage in 1 hit.
+2: The Warrior deals 130% bonus damage spread over 3 hits, instead of 100% bonus damage in 1 hit.
+3: The Warrior deals 145% bonus damage spread over 4 hits, instead of 100% bonus damage in 1 hit.
+4: The Warrior deals 160% bonus damage spread over 5 hits, instead of 100% bonus damage in 1 hit.

Shrug It Off

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (36)

Shrug It Off
+1: The Warrior's damage reduction while enduring is increased to 60%, from 50%.
+2: The Warrior's damage reduction while enduring is increased to 68%, from 50%.
+3: The Warrior's damage reduction while enduring is increased to 74%, from 50%.
+4: The Warrior's damage reduction while enduring is increased to 80%, from 50%.

Even the Odds

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (37)

Even the Odds
+1: The Warrior deals an additional 5% bonus damage for every enemy within 2 tiles when enduring ends.
+2: The Warrior deals an additional 10% bonus damage for every enemy within 2 tiles when enduring ends.
+3: The Warrior deals an additional 15% bonus damage for every enemy within 2 tiles when enduring ends.
+4: The Warrior deals an additional 20% bonus damage for every enemy within 2 tiles when enduring ends.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Warrior (2024)


How do you get the Duelist in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

The Duelist is unlocked by equipping a tier 2 weapon with adequate strength. This requires using two Potions of Strength or one potion and one Scroll of Upgrade (assuming the weapon is not upgraded).

What is the best armor in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

The best armor found at a depth is Plate Armor +3 (very rare). Plate armor +2 is a bit more common. Save your scrolls of upgrade for that kind of armor, if you can.

How long to beat Shattered Pixel Dungeon? ›

Main Story120h
Main + Extras265h 17m
All PlayStyles355h 23m

How do you get rid of the green fire in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

It's also possible to remove the fire by throwing a Potion of Purity.

How do I get a duelist set? ›

The Duelist Set pieces can be dropped as loot from the Duelist enemies located in Leyndell, Royal Capital. There is an apparent Colosseum on a hill in the southwest area of the city that has two Duelists, one patrolling the path and one at the top. Both of these enemies have a chance to drop all three pieces.

How do you get the Rotten Duelist Set? ›

Where to Get the Rotten Duelist Set. The helm and greaves are obtained after defeating the Rotten Duelist in the Consecrated Snowfield, while the Gravekeeper Cloak can be found in the Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs.

What does the chalice of blood do in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

The chalice of blood passively increases natural health regeneration; it does that by reducing the amount of turns it takes for the Hero to regain 1 HP naturally. The effect works as long as the Hero is not starving. A +10 chalice regenerates 1HP every other turn.

What does the dried rose do in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

Once the Dried Rose is given to the Sad Ghost, the Hero will be rewarded with the choice of either the Ghost's weapon (melee), or the Ghost's armor.

How many levels are in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

5 dungeon regions, 26 floors, over 100 room types, and trillions of possible floor layouts. Over 60 enemy types, 30 traps, and 5 detailed bosses to test your skills. 9 optional challenges and over 100 achievements for completionists. Interface modes for large and small screens, and support for multiple input types.

Do enemies Respawn in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

In Pixel Dungeon, one enemy would respawn every 50 turns (25 turns at night).

Does Pixel Dungeon have an end? ›

After the Hero acquires the Amulet of Yendor, they can choose between ending the game right away (granting 2x score multiplier) and going back to the surface, the latter of which being referred to as ascending.

What is gold used for in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

Gold can be used for purchasing items from Shops at Depths 6, 11, 16, and 21. Large amounts of gold are needed, to buy most items in the Shop, as items in the Shop are usually grossly overpriced.

How to unlock duelist dd2? ›

The Duelist and Crusader in Darkest Dungeon 2: The Binding Blade have powerful perks at their disposal. The Duelist is available by default if you own the DLC. The Crusader, however, is unlocked once you complete a fairly lengthy quest chain.

How do you unlock challenges in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

Challenges can be enabled after winning the game at least once. They are mostly similar to the challenges known from the original Pixel Dungeon, but many of them were made slightly easier in 0.6.

How do you unlock the shattered throne dungeon? ›

Following the path to the central room on a Strong Curse week, you would see a giant Taken gateway in a large room, with a Techeun standing in front of it. Approaching the gateway and following the prompt it gives would allow you to enter the Shattered Throne.


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.