Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (2024)


  • 1 Overview
    • 1.1 Upgrading
    • 1.2 Augmentation
    • 1.3 Encumbrance
    • 1.4 Generation
    • 1.5 Stat comparison
  • 2 Tier-1
    • 2.1 Worn shortsword
    • 2.2 Dagger
    • 2.3 Studded gloves
    • 2.4 Rapier
    • 2.5 Mage's staff
  • 3 Tier-2
    • 3.1 Shortsword
    • 3.2 Hand axe
    • 3.3 Spear
    • 3.4 Dirk
    • 3.5 Quarterstaff
    • 3.6 Sickle
    • 3.7 Pickaxe
  • 4 Tier 3
    • 4.1 Sword
    • 4.2 Mace
    • 4.3 Scimitar
    • 4.4 Sai
    • 4.5 Round shield
    • 4.6 Whip
  • 5 Tier-4
    • 5.1 Longsword
    • 5.2 Battle axe
    • 5.3 Flail
    • 5.4 Assassin's blade
    • 5.5 Runic blade
    • 5.6 Crossbow
    • 5.7 Katana
  • 6 Tier-5
    • 6.1 Greatsword
    • 6.2 War hammer
    • 6.3 Glaive
    • 6.4 Greataxe
    • 6.5 Greatshield
    • 6.6 Stone gauntlet
    • 6.7 War Scythe
  • 7 Related badges
  • 8 History


Weapons are an essential part of Pixel Dungeon; without one, you will become easy prey for even the weakest of monsters you encounter. Try to make sure you equip weapons that are at your strength level. Equipping too light a weapon may mean you won't be able to deal enough damage to enemies in later stages, while too heavy weapons will cause the hero to suffer massive combat penalties. If a weapon is too heavy, its strength requirement can be brought down using scrolls of upgrade. Weapons can be identified either by a scroll of identify, Well of Awareness, or by getting familiar enough with it by gaining enough EXP while using it. Damage is computed the same way as in vanilla.


Weapons can be upgraded using a Scrolls of Upgrade or Curse Infusion or by reforging it at the Blacksmith. This increases, minimum damage by 1 and maximum damage typically by tier + 1 and reduces the strength requirement by 1 at levels +1, +3, +6, +10, +15 and +21.Other weapon stats are uneffected with the exception of damage reduction provided by shields, which gets increased by upgrades too.

Using a scroll of upgrade on a weapon also uncurses it and has a chance to remove any enchantment (scaling with weapon level starting at +4) or curse enchantment (33% regardless of weapon level).


Any weapon can be augmented by using a Stone of Augmentation on it increasing either its attack speed or damage at the cost of the other.

  • Augmenting for speed decreases damage of a weapon to 70% and decreases attack delay to 66.67%.
  • Augmenting for damage increases damage of a weapon to 150% and increases attack delay to 166.67%.

It's worth noting that while augmenting for speed should increase your damage per turn and damage augmentation should decrease it, in reality it's often the opposite as lower damage per hit means a larger portion of damage is absorbed by enemy armor.

Damage augmentation works best for high damage weapons with the kinetic enchantment as it helps you deal enough damage to kill an enemy in one hit.Meanwhile, speed augmentation makes on-hit effect trigger more frequently making it a good choice for weapons with blazing, chilling, blocking, grim or unstable enchantment (and elastic enchantment if you are trying to keep enemies away from you) and Gladiator or Battlemage subclass.


Equipping weapons that are too heavy will cause rather severe penalties to be imposed upon the user.

If the weapon blocks damage, it will block two less damage per point of encumbrance, but never less than 0. This is identical to the behavior of armor that is too heavy.

Encumbrance can be utilized to determine the potential upgrade level of weapons and armor before they are identified.

Strength Deficit123456N
Attack Speed56~69%~58%48%40%33.5%56N
Turns per Attack1.2~1.45~1.72~2.08~2.5~2.98100%/(Attack Speed%)
Wheel Change

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (1)

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Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (3)

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Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (5)

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (6)

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (7)

**Wheel Change represents the position of the Turn Wheel after going up/down floors, and then on a fresh turn, attacking with an over encumbered weapon. As long as the circle is completely black/invisible before attacking, this is pretty much a universal way of determining the strength deficit, and ultimately upgrade level of all weapons with an attack speed of 1 (SPD. mod) before they are identified.

  1. Notice how the decimal place in "Turns Per Attack" Correlates to how much of the Wheel is black.

Determining Upgrade Level Without Identifying.**Note: Ring of Furor, Being Chilled, and if you happened to use a stone of augmentation beforehand on the weapon being tested are all things that will affect a weapon's speed and mess up your findings.

  1. Equip weapon that is above your current strength level.
  2. Note where your character is in the Turn Wheel (if not starting freshly reset)
    1. The Turn Wheel is located in the top left of the screen, underneath the character, shown in the picture to the right. This specific turn wheel is at the halfway point.
    2. At the beginning of a turn, the Turn Wheel would not be visible.
  3. Find a weak enemy that can't kill you after a few hits.
    1. It is preferable that you reset your Turn Wheel after equipping your weapon by going up/down steps before attacking an enemy. Although not necessary, this makes it much easier to utilize "Wheel Change" in the table above.
      1. **Wheel Change demonstrates how the Turn Wheel would look visually different IF you were to attack at the very beginning of a turn when no part of the wheel is visible.
  4. Attack enemy, and see how many times the Turn Circle spun, and where it ended up.
    1. This is your Turns Per Attack
    2. If utilizing wheel change correctly, your wheel should match one of the images above.
  5. Reference Table above
    1. Look at which Turns per Attack or Wheel Change has a matching Strength Deficit in its column.
      1. Example below for figuring out Turns per Attack without resetting turn wheel before hand.
        1. Character has 10 Strength, wanting to use Whip (14 strength).
        2. In this example turn cycle starts at "a." (picture below).
        3. Attack enemy, and note how many times the circle spun "b.", and where it ended up "c."
          1. In "b." Circle appears to have spun ~2.1 times (2 whole circles, and a fraction of a circle). This is the Turns per attack
          2. If I look at the above table 2.1 Turns Per Attack means that there is a Strength Deficit of 4.
            1. This means that the whip is not upgraded. Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (8)
    2. Understand how upgrade level can influence Strength Requirement
      1. Upgrading reduces the strength requirement by 1 at levels +1, +3, +6, +10, +15 and +2
        1. If a weapon requires 16 strength, such as a Battle axe, and you have 14 strength, but it only takes 1.2 Turns per Attack, you can assume that this weapon is either +1 or +2, because this indicates a Strength Deficit of only 1.
  6. **Note Certain Weapons Have different attack speeds than usual. You can use this equation for Calculating Str. Deficits Past 2.
    1. "(1/SPD Mod.) * Turns Per Attack = Found Turns Per Attack" - Pick a Turns Per Attack from the table above, plug it into the equation, and if the output matches the turns you were getting from observing the Wheel ("Found Turns Per Attack"), then that correlates to the same strength deficit found within the table.
Strength Deficits of Weapons with Unique Attack Speeds
WeaponsSPD. ModStrength Deficit of 1Strength Deficit of 2
Stone Gauntlet + Studded Gloves + Sai2~0.6 Turns Per Attack0.73 Turns Per Attack
Scimitar1.25~0.96 Turns Per Attack1.16 Turns Per Attack
Spear + Glaive0.67~1.8 Turns Per Attack2.2 Turns Per Attack


Weapons are the most common type of equipment; they make up 2 in every 35 random items and are also found in many special rooms.Furthermore, weapons are dropped by Slimes, Skeletons, DM-200s and Golems, given as a reward by Sad Ghost and one always appears in the shop.They are almost always unidentified and can be randomly enchanted, upgraded and cursed. but +3 weapons can be found rarely from certain sources.

Whem generating a weapon, the game first chooses the tier, usually using standard tier distribution, then one weapon of that tier is randomly selected.All weapons of a given tier start with the same weight of 4, but each time a weapon is generated, its weight is reduced for that run to increase the variety of dropped weapons.

Random item83.314.81.90.010%30%Never
Locked chest57.730.811.50.010%30%Never
Golden mimic~33~59~8010%NeverNever
Statue drop75.
Guardian drop100000NeverNeverAlways
Ghost reward50.
Sacrificial altar22.558.515.53.510%AlwaysNever
Potion puzzle, maze50.038.310.01.710%NeverNever
Other sources75.

With the exception of weapons from sacrificial altar, enchantments and curses are always mutually exclusive, as an enchantment is always visible, it tells you that a weapon is safe to equip. Consequently an unenchanted weapon has a 33.3% chance to be cursed, not 30%.

Stat comparison[]

WeaponRequired STRDamage (avg.)Scaling (avg.)ACC mod.SPD mod.Reach
Worn shortsword105.51.5111
Studded gloves1031121
Mage's staff103.51.5111
Round shield147.51.5111
Long Sword1614.53111
Battle axe161231.2411
Assassin's blade16123111
Runic blade16123.5111
War Hammer1814.53.51.211
War Scythe1822.53.50.811
Stone gauntlet18102121


Tier-1 weapons do the least amount of damage but are the lightest weapons. They usually gain +1/+2 damage upon being upgraded, making them unsuitable for combat past the Sewers. They do not drop naturally, so the only tier-1 weapon the player will have all game is the one they start with.

Worn shortsword[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (9)

Worn Shortsword
A quite short sword, worn down trough heavy use. It is both weaker and a bit lighter than a shortsword in better condition.
Typically this tier-1 melee weapon deals 1-10 damage and requires 10 strength to use properly.

Deals the same damage as the vanilla shortsword, but cannot be reforged.

This weapon is the standard starting weapon for the Warrior.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (10)

A simple iron dagger with a worn wooden handle.
Typically this tier-1 melee weapon deals 1-8 damage and requires 10 strength to use properly.
This weapon is stronger against unaware enemies.

When surprise attacks, damage is boosted to 6*-8 damage before augment multipliers and strength, scaling by +1.75/+2 with upgrades.

This weapon is the standard starting weapon for the Rogue.

Studded gloves[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (11)

Studded Gloves
These studded gloves don't provide any real protection, but they act as a serviceable weapon while keeping the hands free.
Typically this tier-1 melee weapon deals 1-5 damage and requires 10 strength to use properly.
This is a very fast weapon.

This weapon attacks twice per turn at the cost of having halved damage scaling, putting it in the unfortunate position of having only +1/+1 damage scaling. It is very ineffective against anything more advanced than a Gnoll Scout unless upgraded.

This weapon is the standard starting melee weapon for the Huntress.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (12)

A slim straight sword that offers some protection for less slashing power.
Typically this tier-1 melee weapon deals 1-8 damage and requires 10 strength to use properly.
This weapon blocks 0-1 damage.
The Duelist can lunge with a rapier at an enemy 1 tile away. This moves towards the enemy, deals +67% damage, and is guaranteed to hit.

The Rapier has a decent damage, and provides blocking, which can improve survivability in the Sewers. Its main strength, however, is the active ability the Duelist can perform with it.

This weapon is the standard starting weapon for the Duelist.

Mage's staff[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (13)

Mage's Staff
Crafted by the mage himself, this staff is a unique magical weapon. Rather than having innate magical power, this staff is instead imbued with magical energy from a wand.
Typically this tier-1 melee weapon deals 1-6 damage and requires 10 strength to use properly.

When imbuing the staff with a wand, the staff will take the properties of the wand. The staff recharges twice as fast as wands and can hold one additional charge. If the wand being imbued is the same level or higher as the staff, the staff will take the level of the wand and carry over one of its own upgrades, if it has any.

This weapon is the standard starting weapon for the Mage, and starts as being imbued with a wand of magic missile. It cannot be transmuted into, and if it is transmuted using a Scroll of Transmutation, the wand it is imbued with will change, rather than the weapon itself.


Tier-2 weapons do around 2-15 damage at +0 and typically require 12 strength to use properly. They typically gain +1/+3 damage upon being upgraded.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (14)

A quite short sword, only a few inches longer than a dagger.
Typically this tier-2 melee weapon deals 2-15 damage and requires 12 strength to use properly.

Hand axe[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (15)

Hand Axe
A light axe, most commonly used for felling trees. The wide blade works well against foes as well.
Typically this tier-2 melee weapon deals 2-12 damage and requires 12 strength to use properly.
This is a rather accurate weapon.

This weapon boosts the wielder's accuracy by 32%, making the Hero suffer an effective 12% penalty to their accuracy if equipped while being one point of strength shy of the requirement rather than the standard 33%; this makes wielding a hand axe with insufficient strength much more viable than it would be for other weapons.

Despite its accuracy bonus, this weapon's lackluster damage output and scaling make it a subpar choice for a Gladiator, especially later in the game.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (16)

A slender wooden rod tipped with sharpened iron.
Typically this tier-2 melee weapon deals 2-20 damage and requires 12 strength to use properly.
This is a rather slow weapon.
This weapon has extra reach.

This weapon attacks 33% slower (1.5 turns per attack), but can reach an enemy an extra tile away and gets a boosted +1/+4 damage per upgrade. This damage output makes it surprisingly effective in the Sewers, and it should not be underrated. If one decides to fight the Goo with this, make sure the player can quickly get out of the Goo's sight via patches of tall grass, doors, artifacts or other speed sources.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (17)

A longer thrusting dagger, gives a bit more steel to plunge into foes.
Typically this tier-2 melee weapon deals 2-12 damage and requires 12 strength to use properly.
This weapon is stronger against unaware enemies.

When landing a surprise attack, damage is boosted to 9*–12 damage (scaling by +2.34/+3 with upgrades) before augment multipliers and strength. This makes it a preferred weapon for the Rogue in the early stages of the game, being a direct upgrade from the dagger.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (18)

A staff of hardwood, its ends are shod with iron.
Typically this tier-2 melee weapon deals 2-12 damage and requires 12 strength to use properly.
This weapon blocks 0-2 damage.

This weapon blocks up to 2 damage, making it a decent weapon for Heroes that are having a hard time finding good armor in the Sewers.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (19)

A handheld farming tool that can double as a strong but unwieldy weapon.
Typically this tier-2 melee weapon deals 2-20 damage and requires 12 strength to use properly.
This is a rather inaccurate weapon.

This weapon deals greater base damage than the Shortsword, but at the cost of lower accuracy. This makes it quite powerful if you frequently use surprise attacks. The accuracy penalty can also be countered with a Ring of Accuracy.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (20)

This is a sturdy and heavy tool for breaking rocks. It can probably be used as a weapon in a pinch.
Typically this tier-2 melee weapon deals 2-15 damage and requires 14 strength to use properly.

This weapon has the same damage and scaling as the Shortsword, but it requires 14 strength instead of 12. It is given to you by the Blacksmith as part of his quest and it cannot be obtained by other means. It has little use outside of the quest, as it is even worse than an average tier 2 weapon due to higher strength requirement. It can be somewhat useful for the Duelist though, for its unique ability.

Tier 3[]

Tier-3 weapons typically deal around 3–20 damage at +0, require 14 strength to use properly, and gain +1/+4 damage per upgrade.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (21)

A nicely balanced sword. Not too large, but still notably longer than a shortsword.
Typically this tier-3 melee weapon deals 3-20 damage and requires 14 strength to use properly.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (22)

The large iron head of this weapon inflicts substantial damage.
Typically this tier-3 weapon deals 3-16 damage and requires 14 strength to use properly.
This is a rather accurate weapon.

This weapon boosts the wielder's accuracy by 28%, making it a workable option for mid-game Gladiators that do not have access to a Ring of Accuracy. However, while it can certainly also work as an end-game weapon for that subclass, the increased damage and scaling of battle axes and war hammers usually make them better for serving this purpose.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (23)

A thick curved blade. Its shape allows for faster, yet less powerful attacks.
Typically this tier-3 melee weapon deals 3-16 damage and requires 14 strength to use properly.
This is a rather fast weapon.

This weapon attacks 25% faster than other weapons, making it attack an extra time every 4 turns under normal conditions. This speed makes it a very versatile weapon, especially when considering that its damage is not reduced to the same degree as other speedy weapons, and it also means that enchantments are slightly more effective on it.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (24)

Two thin blades meant to be wielded in one hand each. Excellent for parrying and swift cuts alike.
Typically this tier-3 melee weapon deals 3-10 damage and requires 14 strength to use properly.
This is a very fast weapon.

This weapon attacks twice per turn under normal conditions, but only gains +1/+2 damage per level and has half the base maximum damage of its tier. This speed makes it a great choice for newly sub-classed Gladiators that have access to a Ring of Accuracy, allowing them to achieve high combos very quickly. In addition, many enchantments are much more effective on it than they would be for other weapons.

Something to note is that it's true damage output can be determined by simply doubling its stats, but only as long as you consider armor to be 2x effective. Because of this, it becomes clear that armored enemies such as prison guards and Gnoll Brutes will often take negligible damage from the Sai especially at low upgrade levels. In addition, due to its intended nature of attacking twice, the Gladiator's combo finishers will often fall short of what one may expect from them unless he is using Slam.

Round shield[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (25)

Round Shield
This large shield effectively blocks attacks and makes a decent weapon in a pinch.
Typically this tier-3 melee weapon deals 3-12 damage and requires 14 strength to use properly.
Typically this weapon blocks 0-4 damage. This blocking scales with upgrades.

This weapon can block up to 4+2×level damage (block scaling of +0/+1), but only gains +1/+2 damage per level rather than +1/+4.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (26)

While the barbed length of rope at the end of this weapon deals poor damage, its reach cannot be matched.
Typically this tier-3 melee weapon deals 3-15 damage and requires 14 strength to use properly.
This weapon has tremendous reach.

This weapon can attack an enemy that is three tiles away from the Hero, but gains a reduced +1/+3 damage per level. This makes it a great weapon for the Freerunner.


Tier-4 weapons typically deal 4-25 damage and require 16 strength to use properly at +0. They usually gain +1/+5 damage per upgrade.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (27)

This sword's long razor-sharp steel blade shines reassuringly, though its size does make it quite heavy.
Typically this tier-4 melee weapon deals 4-25 damage and requires 16 strength to use properly.

Battle axe[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (28)

Battle Axe
The enormous steel head of this battle axe puts considerable heft behind each wide stroke.
Typically this tier-4 melee weapon deals 4-20 damage and requires 16 strength to use properly.
This is a rather accurate weapon.

This weapon has 1.24x accuracy, making it a good choice for Gladiators that lack a Ring of Accuracy when coupled with its great damage scaling.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (29)

A spiked ball attached to a handle by a length of chain. Very unwieldy, but devastating if it lands a solid hit.
Typically this tier-4 melee weapon deals 4-35 damage and requires 16 strength to use properly.
This is a rather inaccurate weapon.
This weapon cannot surprise attack.

At the cost of imposing a 20% penalty to the wielder's Accuracy, the flail boasts superb damage output, courtesy of its sizable base damage and +1/+8 damage scaling. This massive damage scaling, which is unique to it and the glaive, lets it do tremendous amounts of damage after only a few upgrades, especially when supported by a Ring of Accuracy or by sufficiently upgraded armor. That property also makes it desirable for all those who intend to use their scrolls of upgrade on items other than the melee weapon.

This weapon is not recommended if playing as the Assassin, as it cannot surprise attack, making it harder to make use of the subclass perks. However, its high scaling can find it a place with Berserkers who prefer to invest heavily in their armor; in this case, it is often advantageous to augment the flail for damage.

Assassin's blade[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (30)

Assassin's Blade
A small wavy blade made of obsidian, difficult to use despite being lightweight, but deadly if it finds the right mark.
Typically this tier-4 melee weapon deals 4-20 damage and requires 16 strength to use properly.
This weapon is stronger against unaware enemies.

When surprise attacking, deals 12–20 damage (scaling by +3/+5 with upgrades). Augmentation affects this, so augmenting for damage will increase this to 18–30 damage with +4.5/+7.5 scaling. This makes it an excellent end-game weapon for the Assassin, especially when augmented for damage.

Runic blade[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (31)

Runic Blade
A mysterious weapon from a distant land, with a bright blue blade.
Typically this tier-4 melee weapon deals 4-20 damage and requires 16 strength to use properly.
This weapon benefits more from upgrades.

This weapon has tier-5 damage scaling. This means that it will out-damage an equivalently-upgraded longsword at +5 and approach, but never surpass, the damage of an equivalently-upgraded greatsword.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (32)

A fairly intricate weapon which shoots bolts at exceptional speeds. While it isn't designed for it, this crossbow's heft and sturdy construction make it a decent melee weapon as well.
Typically this tier-4 weapon deals 4-20 damage and requires 16 strength to use properly.
This weapon enhances the damage of thrown darts when equipped, and will even grant its enchantment to them.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (33)

These simple shafts of spike-tipped wood are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.
Typically this tier-1 missile weapon deals 4-12 damage and requires 9 strength to use properly.
This weapon is designed to be used at a distance, it is much less accurate at melee range.
Due to their size and simple construction, darts will never break from use. However specially tipped darts will lose their effect after one use.

In exchange for causing all thrown darts to deal 4–12 damage, scaling by +1/+3 as the crossbow is upgraded, the crossbow has a reduced scaling of +1/+4, making it effectively a tier-3 weapon with a tier-4 strength requirement (this phenomenon is similar to that of the pickaxe, which has a tier-3 strength requirement, but tier-2 stats). Any enchantment on this weapon will apply to all thrown darts, making it possible to trigger 2 effects at once.

When used right, the crossbow can become really powerful, as it offers theoretically infinite attack distance, limited only by the view distance, dungeon walls and ammunition count. In order to unlock this power however, a decent amount of darts must be bought first; two darts can be bought at each shop.

It is worth noting that the Stone of Augmentation only applies to the weapon itself; however, the throwing speed of the darts can still be affected by the Ring of Furor.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (34)

A slender sword with a large metal guard above the handle.
Typically this tier-4 melee weapon deals 4-20 damage and requires 16 strength to use properly.
This weapon blocks 0-3 damage.

The Katana is essentialy a more powerful version of the Rapier, trading a bit of base damage for protection. The damage reduction makes it a decent choice for Heroes with an inadequate armor.


Tier-5 weapons usually deal somewhere around 5–30 damage and are the heaviest weapons, requiring 18 strength to use. They typically gain +1/+6 damage per level.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (35)

This towering blade inflicts heavy damage by investing its heft into every swing.
Typically this tier-5 melee weapon deals 5-30 damage and requires 18 strength to use properly.

The classic tier-5 weapon. Nothing special about it, aside from the fact it does heavy damage, much like the rest of the tier-5 weapons.

War hammer[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (36)

War Hammer
Few creatures can withstand the crushing blow of this towering mass of lead and steel, but it takes great strength to use effectively.
Typically this tier-5 melee weapon deals 5-24 damage and requires 18 strength to use properly.
This is a rather accurate weapon.

This weapon boosts accuracy by 20%, allowing the wielder to choose to suffer a noticeably reduced 20% penalty to accuracy when equipped while being 1 point of strength shy of its requirement (compared to a 33% penalty).


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (37)

A massive polearm consisting of a sword blade on the end of a pole.
Typically this tier-5 melee weapon deals 5-40 damage and requires 18 strength to use properly.
This is a rather slow weapon.
This weapon has extra reach.

A spear on steroids, the glaive attacks 33% slower (1.5 turns per attack), but gains +1/+8 damage per level rather than the +1/+6 tier-5 weapons normally get and can attack enemies that are two tiles away from the Hero. This scaling means that it gets the highest damage scaling in the game, something that only it and the flail can boast about; beginning at +3, it will have the highest raw damage in the game for its upgrade level, passing the greataxe.

Because of these attributes, the Assassin loves this weapon, and augmenting for damage will make its damage mind-boggling, with the potential to one-shot many bosses; however, one thing to note is that Preparation does not take its increased range into account when checking if it is possible to blink to an opponent.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (38)

Meant to be wielded over the shoulder, this titanic axe is as powerful as it is heavy.
Typically this tier-5 melee weapon deals 5-45 damage and requires 20 strength to use properly.
This weapon is incredibly heavy.

A direct improvement on the greatsword stat-wise, this weapon does massive damage and has an amazing base damage output at the cost of requiring 20 strength to use properly. However, its damage scaling is not adjusted for its strength requirement, so it still scales by +1/+6 rather than the expected +1/+7 befitting a seemingly tier-6 weapon. While this discrepancy may mean that the greataxe may not do as much damage as one may think it could, its damage output is nothing short of amazing compared with almost any other weapon in the game courtesy of its tremendous base damage, which adeptly compensates for this issue. In fact, the greataxe holds the distinction of having highest raw damage of all +0, +1, and +2 weapons. It is only surpassed by the glaive at +3 and the flail at +8 due to their higher scaling, but these weapons have their own respective drawbacks. In contrast, the greataxe has none, aside from requiring 20 strength.

To deal with this thing's massive strength requirement, the hero needs to either:

• Drink every potion of strength in the game (at which point the game is practically already over)

• Use a potion of mastery to decrease the strength requirement

• Upgrade the greataxe so that it can be used earlier


Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (39)

More like a mobile wall than a shield, this gigantic mass of metal aids defense, but doesn't leave much room for attacking.
Typically this tier-5 melee weapon deals 5-18 damage and requires 18 strength to use properly.
Typically this weapon blocks 0-6 damage. This blocking scales with upgrades.

This weapon can block up to 6+3×level damage (block scaling of +0/+2), but its damage only increases by +1/+3 per level instead of +1/+6. This damage blocking can make it an invaluable end-game weapon for the Berserker.

Stone gauntlet[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (40)

Stone Gauntlet
This massive gauntlet is made of crimson fabric with heavy magical stone layered on top. The fabric tightens around you, making the thick stone plates almost like a second skin. Swinging such a heavy weapon requires strength, but adds tremendous force to your blows.
Typically this tier-5 melee weapon deals 5-15 damage and requires 18 strength to use properly.
This is a very fast weapon.

Much of what was written about the sai applies to this weapon, too; the stone gauntlet can attack two times per turn, but only gains +1/+3 damage per level and has half the base maximum damage of its tier. This is an amazing choice for a Gladiator with a Ring of Accuracy, for it will allow him to easily achieve high combos while doing much more damage than the Sai, and the ring will allow it to be equipped early with negligible penalty. Due to its speed, enchantments tend to be more effective for it than most other weapons, especially the grim, blazing, unstable and chilling enchantments.

It still shares the same issues as the Sai, though its increased tier makes upgrading it solve most of its armor-related problems.

War Scythe[]

Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (41)

War Scythe
This large and unwieldy tool has been reinforced to make it better at cutting foes than crops..
Typically this tier-5 melee weapon deals 5-40 damage and requires 18 strength to use properly.
This is a rather inaccurate weapon.

This weapon is a stronger version of the Sickle, trading accuracy for base damage.

Related badges[]


Weapon researcherIdentify all weapons in your journalGold

Master researcherIdentify all items in your journalPlatinum


  • Weapon balancing with weightstone
    • Unlike in vanilla you can increase either damage or speed at the cost of the other stat
  • Mage's staff (new statring weapon for Mage instead of knuckledusters)
  • Mage's staff now deals 1-6 dmg up from 1-5
  • Short sword now deals 1-10 dmg (down from 1-12) and can't be reforged
  • Spear can now reach enemies an extra tile away
  • Shortsword (common T2 weapon)
  • Hand axe (uncommon T2 weapon)
  • Dirk (rare T2 weapon)
  • Scimitar (uncommon T3 weapon)
  • Sai (rare T3 weapon)
  • Round shield (rare T3 weapon)
  • Whip (rare T3 weapon)
  • Flail (uncommon T4 weapon)
  • Runic blade (rare T4 weapon)
  • Assassint's blade (rare T4 weapon)
  • Greatsword (common T5 weapon)
  • Greataxe (rare T5 weapon)
  • Greatshield (rare T5 weapon)


  • Most weapons damage scaling increased to + 1/+ tier + 1 from + 1/+ tier
  • Short sword renamed to worn shortsword
  • Quarterstaff now uncommon, blocks 0-3 damage
  • Sword base damage increased to 3-20 from 3-16
  • Mace base damage increased to 3-16 from 3-12, now has 20% accuracy bonus, speed bonus removed
  • Longsword base damage increased to 4-25 from 4-22
  • Battle axe base damage increased 4-20 dmg from 4-18
  • Glaive now uncommon, can reach enemies an extra tile away and has 1.5 turn attack delay
  • Glaive damage increased to 5-40 from 5-30, damage scaling to + 2/+ 8 from + 1/+ 5
  • War hammer accuracy bonus decreased to 15% from 20%
  • Glaive damage scaling reduced to + 1/+ 8 from + 2/+ 8
  • Spear damage scaling reduced to + 1/+ 4 from + 2/+ 4
  • Flail base damage increased to 4-35 from 4-32, damage scaling tweaked to + 1/+ 8 from + 2/+ 6.67
  • Improved visuals for mage's staff
  • Quarterstaff blocking increased to 0-3 from 0-2
  • Greataxe base damage increased to 5-50 from 5-40
  • Greatshield base damage increased to 5-15 from 5-12
  • Flail now has 20% accuracy penalty, speed penalty removed
  • Dagger sneak attack minimum damage increased to 0.75 * (min - max) / 2 from 0.5 * (min - max) / 2
  • Dirk sneak attack minimum damage increased to 0.67 * (min - max) / 2 from 0.5 * (min - max) / 2
  • Flail accuracy penalty reduced to 10% from 20%
  • Handaxe accuracy bonus increased to 32% from 22.5%
  • Mace accuracy bonus increased to 20% from 20%
  • Battleaxe accuracy bonus increased to 24% from 17.5%
  • War hammer accuracy bonus accuracy increased to 20% from 15%
  • Knuckleduster dbase amage reduced to 1–5 dmg from 1–6
  • Crossbow (rare T4 weapon)
  • Gauntlet added (rare T5 weapon)
  • Weapon balancing now called augmenting, but otherwise remains similar
  • Weapon description now shows how much damage the weapon blocks
  • Knuckleduster replaced by studded gloves, base damage increased to 1-6 from 1-5
  • Gauntlet blocking reduced to 0-4 from 0-5
  • Sai blocking reduced to 0-2 from 0-3
  • New sound effects for weapons


  • Greataxe max damage reduced to 45 from 50
  • Sai and Stone Gauntlet blocking removed
  • Round Shield base damage reduced to 3-10 from 3-12, base blocking reduced to 0-4 from 0-5
  • Greatshield base blocking reduced to 0-6 from 10
  • Quarterstaff blocking reduced to 0-2 from 0-3
  • Flail accuracy penalty increased to 20% from 10%
Shattered Pixel Dungeon/Weapons (2024)


What is the best armor in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

The best armor found at a depth is Plate Armor +3 (very rare). Plate armor +2 is a bit more common. Save your scrolls of upgrade for that kind of armor, if you can.

How long to beat Shattered Pixel Dungeon? ›

Main Story120h
Main + Extras265h 17m
All PlayStyles355h 23m

How do you get the Duelist in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

The Duelist is unlocked by equipping a tier 2 weapon with adequate strength. This requires using two Potions of Strength or one potion and one Scroll of Upgrade (assuming the weapon is not upgraded).

How do you get rid of cursed items in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

How to remove the curse. You can use a Scroll of Upgrade, Scroll of Remove Curse, Scroll of Enchantment, or drink from a Well of Health, to lift the curse off weapons, armor, or rings. Keep in mind that, when using a Scroll of Remove Curse, the degradation values (-3, -2, -1) will still be on the weapon/armor/ring.

What is the best weapon for shattered throne dungeon? ›

Sniper rifles are the ultimate choice but might feel like a waste of weapon slot for some, so using a long-range pulse rifle or scout rifle is probably the best, most convenient option. Players feeling a bit adventurous can even go for a linear fusion rifle if they so wish.

What does the chalice of blood do in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

The chalice of blood passively increases natural health regeneration; it does that by reducing the amount of turns it takes for the Hero to regain 1 HP naturally. The effect works as long as the Hero is not starving. A +10 chalice regenerates 1HP every other turn.

What does gold do in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

Gold can be used for purchasing items from Shops at Depths 6, 11, 16, and 21. Large amounts of gold are needed, to buy most items in the Shop, as items in the Shop are usually grossly overpriced.

How do you get a Rotten Duelist Set? ›

More specifically, Tarnished must travel to the Consecrated Snowfield in the north and defeat three Rotten Duelists spread across the map. Each elite enemy will drop a piece of the set, and once players have slain all the duelists, their Rotten Duelist Set will be complete.

How do you beat the great crab in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

Attack it immediately after it enters a door - such attacks count as a surprise hit and always hit the target. The giant crab was added to the game for this very reason - to teach new players about surprise hits. You know the attack was a surprise hit when there is a flash of a yellow exclamation mark over the target.

What happens when you destroy all the cursed symbols? ›

Upon finding 10 Cursed Symbols, you will earn the Dreamcatcher Trophy. Furthermore, finding all 40 Cursed Symbols is a requirement for obtaining the completionist, Platinum Trophy, All the Way.

What does the dried rose do in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

Once the Dried Rose is given to the Sad Ghost, the Hero will be rewarded with the choice of either the Ghost's weapon (melee), or the Ghost's armor.

What does a blessed ankh do in shattered pixel dungeon? ›

The ankh has been blessed and is now much stronger. The Ankh will sacrifice itself to save you in a moment of deadly peril. A blessed ankh will keep all inventory intact and doesn't teleport the Hero nor reset bossfights, but will only resurrect the Hero with about 25% of their max HP and won't restore any satiation.

What is the strongest armor in D&D? ›

Dwarven Plate stands above many other armor types for its sheer toughness. It gives a magical +2 bonus on top of the normal Armor Class of plate armor. A character wearing a Dwarven Plate has an AC of 20 without a shield or any other bonuses. This already makes any character much more survivable.

What is the best armor in high pixel skyblock? ›

Though an option, lapis armor comes more recommended. A Water Hydra Head can bought from the auction house for not a lot in this stage. It is better than the helmet as it provides more health and defense and is a higher rarity. Glacite Armor is much better than Hardened Diamond Armor, especially in mines areas.

Is Diamond armor the best? ›

Diamond armor is the second best armor in the game, and it also absorbs 80% of hit points. Mobs can spawn wearing diamond armor, but it is really unlikely. Diamonds can be found in the lower parts of the map from y8 to y12. Players will need 24 diamonds to make a full set of armor.


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