The Toronto Star from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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The Toronto Stari

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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TORONTO STAR ED APRIL 9 1980C17 Homes to Rent 225 Homes to Kent 172 Business Opportunities 172 Business Opportunities 472 Business Opportunities 1 172 Business Opportunities ranchises DON'T MISS IT! main now open Village in' the Grange CALL 1 341 lexible leases provide for all business amenities 172 Business Opportunities 1 176 Machinery Atfroar mcephon oa ParMoatad ldphon onawanng 172 Business Opportunities 186 Professional Cards Homes ZZO to Rent 823 7940 $599 PER MO 277 0360 4W A Office Business I Storage Space Halls ranchises Distributorships and Vending Machim runy etr conq unuei parking Muted cxdo PORT Union Rd 401 10 rooms 2 AT Royal York Queenswav 3500 sqft office divided 259 2123 after 4 as 178 Tenders 4 BDRM NEW TOWNHOMES On 474 Office Equipment 1 I Supplies REERENCE NO MPT 4880 BIRCHMOUNT kennedy 4 oarm BLWM VSSKWOn WOW9T mo det 7 rms garage 535 8505 176 Machinery 4QA Accounting 104 Bookkeeping iJ A he Buying 368 3611 IWaaellaanr candihonW 0737 or 270 1279 OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS EXPO AN AG0KY Of THE reOVUKE Of OHTAW Business Opportunities and Contracts Wanted TENDERS will be received for the above until 11:00 an Local Time Tuesday April22nd 1980 by The General Manager co The Corporate Secretary Ontario A arge selection of good used fort trft trucks for sate ase or rent We service and nave a compete parts in Pock Ca 779 5370 isl EGUNTON Wxden ooo Sears 570 750 so ft quality space Park near bus subway 364 9339 A $1000 NOH REUNDABLE DEPOSIT tS REQUIRED OR THtS TENDER DOCUMENT AIR Compressors new used Buv sell service epair 743 6299 Al pallet racking ana metel shelving Call 364 0909 Bay Centre 2 Bloor St 964 2612 SHOE store wefl evaofoned and bukdfog for sate 130300 grossed 3 apt upstairs Mississauga VW 274 1376 VARIETY Store in plaza wktv $3000 562 Sheppard Ave GERRARD Sa 6 rm 2 baths paint ed Ax 15 $500 Ed 694 5749 MODERN downtown real estate of fice for sale over 3000 so' am 5 Closing rms lease $3 per sa' many other uses 534 9251 NT with option to buy Spa ns 3 bdrm home master with 4 pee en suite fire re in livingroom attached gar close to schools shopping i transportation ST Clair Oakwood 400 so ft store or office 654 0071 inventory Bulk Sales and Equipment ACCOUNTING bookkeeping tax returns etc 698 3606 226 092 Dm MANY local and national compa nies witn a variety of Business opportunities wiH be on display for those of you seeking to your own business There win be both fufl and pan time opportunities investments ranging from $500 Io $100000 Open to me public AIR compressors all sizes heavy outy for hobby industries New used Best prices 298 0898 WESTON Pl Sntppard iwx pariurg equipped 743 7717 stadfcd tewnheumZvndei munaqraoimg crave PERSONS wishing to browse and obtain REE literature on going into business may attend ANY TIME between 12 noon 7 pm and Sunday Inventory Bulk Sales and Equipment TAXATION accounting boon keeping 534 2888 534 2010 KEELE Sheppard 3 bedroom townhome fmrted bsmt a ac pfi ances $400 mo 630 906 TAX returns done in vour home or mine Dy experienced accountant 781 O3o1 MONEY MAKBtS WEST end $4000 wkly turnover excellent lease in new Wdg $50 000 down CENTRAL $3500 potential wkly readv io open 20 yr lease asking $60000 CALL Mr Chin SILO cement 35 Ion capacity 881 2981 ST ar Bathurst busy area ap xcx 700 sqft 223 2738 ACCOUNTING pcco eec a1 taxation Call 763 1 14 1 Pare HIGH PK RESTAURANT TREMENDOUS potential 84 seats fully equipped newly deco rated Call Mr Kowalsky or Mr Ptuwak $125 MONTHLY UP DANORTH Woodbine modem office space Air cond parti tioned to suit Short or lease Wm McBrian Ltd Rhr 789 7621 LUXURY TOWNHOUSE 700 sq ft Yonge Egiinton 3 Kjrm den rec rm walkout toatio air cond broadioom frost ree fridge self cleaning oven lisnwasher washer dryer in foot pool sauna gym squash ennis $1277 mo 486 7900 AT EGUNTON YONGE ROM 300 sq fl Io 2130 ft of offices Broadloom partitions Ind very attractive rates Prestige bldg 445 5990 9 5 PM ROYAL YORK DUNDAS GROUND floor air cond ree parking partitions broadloom rom 600 sq ft 449 5990 9 5 pm TRI LEVEL TOWNHOMES WITH 3 BEDROOMS: iSISSAUGA beautiful new semi scried proadioomed 2 powder 2 full baths fireplace immed DRIVE RBTAURANT ORT Erie ully equipped readv to open on main street 15 yr lease excellent opportunity Call Mr Carson or Mr Peirocou los COMPUTERIZED auto search co computer A contracts 964 3799 ATTRACTIVE 4 BDRM DETACHED Ige lot Lawrence Jane rec rm Ito baths May 1st $575evgs 421 7517 BUSINESS CHALLENGE PROVE your expertise by taking over this fashionable ladies bou tique in Willowdale location $10 900 Cail Don Cymbalux or Kay Oldridge 485 6565 Snelgrove Co Ltd Realtor WE went back to basics made accounting stmpfe Manual Accounting System 491 7116 BROADLOOM STORE PRIME location illness forces sale 690 7191 after 6694 3084 APRt 124 13 SKYUNEHOTa 655 DIXON RD REXDALE ANNEX cosy 3 bdrm semi new broadloom garage $575 534 3945 BOOKKEEPER flexible cas hrs up to met tr balance excellent 'eterences 783 3716 MISSISSAUGA TOWNHOMENLY $450 mo features incl 3 drms broadloom immed occu TON 3 bdrm parking rented I apt 678 2386 after 430 SITE IMPROVEMENTS 1NCHBRAHMS OH 105 METRO TORONTO 74 Cat 950 Loader new tires Al cood best etter 445 26 1 5 BRAMPTON beenoid townhouse 3 barms Ito oaths garage Juty 1 457 0407 TYPBETTWG BUSINESS OR SALE LYNDA BATES 482 9302 AISSISSAUGA Garoen Crt homes bdrms no dogs 625 4686 BRASS 8 copper bus with great potential located In Yorkville re cently opened 968 0543 BUNKING BAKERIES NOW franchising or informa tion call 277 1984 "AIR Compressor" heavy dutv 5 HP $695 vew 5 HP 3 Phase mo tor $49? seN for $198 CSA ap proved Days 1 335 2678 evgs 1 523 4315 ATLAS SI Clair area 8 rooms responsible people 921 5252 RESTAURANT deli closed equip good reasonable 465 4752 3 4 BEDROOMS 625 0960 HIGH Pk 115 Parkside Dr newiy Kirn bach apt 536 3790 JWAN mch 3 bdrm lown min to 401 292 5937 4 CO Stores for Sate IOO ami Wanted A BARG AM WEST end location In a very busy indoor maH Children's shoes and dance supplies selling over $2000 per wk or more information can Giovanni Mastromattel 678 2310 Johnson Carney Ltd Ritr AVENUE RD 40 1 OICE space approx 2500 sq ft will divide to: 1000 sq ft 1200 sq fl or 1500 sq ft tor suitable tenant Call 485 1193 NO RISK BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PART Of ULL TIME WE will guide you step by step into your own thriving business Intensive training backed by exper management team constant on the iob counseling trained personnel supplied to guarantee your income low Investment Simple Simon Protective Coatings Inc 638 4740 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PURE COLD JUICES ULTRA MODERN EQUIPMENT RECKS8ON PROO BUS $700 WS( RNCH LESUE $506 COMORTABLE 3 bdrm lown nome with den garage fenced garden large kitchen in nice loca lion 494 3134494 3377 TV SERVICE NORTH Toronto business est 25 yrs $17500 IncL stock equip 2 vehicles Good lease Bruce Crowder 221 5515 A LePage (Ont) Ltd Realtor BATHURST INCH TORONTO 32 mi 5 bdrm $389 mo rent bur 495 9699 249 5051 Ciair Jane plaza 1000 sa plus bsmt Best area for bakery or othe business 2500 sa ft bsmt tor storage DiMonoo 782 4431 $4 LAWR04CE WEST 2500 sq ft modern air cond par titions will divide 449 5990 401 K)PUNG $6 MODERN air cond broadloom partitions ree parking will di vide 449 5990 9 5 PM INCH Duerin new modern of hce bldg 400 600 800 1000 4000 sq ft of ground floor space INCH 400 240 81000 sq ft from $140 Call 633 9911 OSHAWACB4TRE MONEY making Chinese Cana dian Restaurant large volume long lease tow rent 40 people ca pacity All new equipment Asking $59500 Call for more details Dean Bhanii 267 4607 GUARANTY TRUST REALTOR TORONTO 32 mL 5 bdrm $389 mo rant or buy 495 9699 249 5051 SCARBORO LAWRENCE Ma'kham Road Limited space for pizza Chinese food hardware iades wear etc owner 485 1113 TAVERNS TORONTO 3X000 gallons 1 bar rooms 44000 gallons rooms parking 50000 gallons living quarters 65000 gallons 1 bar 380 seals 75000 gallons no mtge park CALL Mr Kushpeta SUB SHOP $2X100 plus wkly 9 yr lease busy area Mr Carson or Mr Petro ooulos A $1000 MTHLY BRAND new 4 barm home Scarooro location Convenient to GO station Avail immed Village Really 284 8817 evgs 223 6600 NEW DETACHED HOME MISSISSAUGA MUST sau MODERN donut shop metro north Pay tor fixtures and set up only Mr Proud 884 8106 Centu ry 21 Armour Inc Member Broker RICE LAKE MARINA gas statton gro ceries live bat 3 bedroom home pnry $129000 TOURIST Camp 12 units store house boat rentals only $139500 TRAILER Park cottages home and marina 500 ft of sandy beacn $178000 MARINA 6 cottages smaR motor repair shoo spacious home town locaiton $108000 ROADSIDE Market bungatow CobOurg area $83000 Lauesen Ltd Realtor call collect 416 352 2265 Open all weekend Tor 266 7005 Private fully serviced EXECUTIVEOICES 4 9 A Business 1 1 Opportunities RBTAURANT $4500 WK LICENSED tow rent good tease $135000 uK Call Peter Stegy CARLTON YONGE "SWIM AT LUNCH" 1200 ft of prime office space $9 per sq ft Generous partition allowance smaller areas avail able Lunch hour use of facilities of ''The Maples" including sauna 8 pool Call Marcus 59 5 1771 Brokers prelected Established Businesses for Sale RESTAURANT cotfaoes on 5 acres Hwy 11 5 Gravenfturst ter rific business Mrs Pestl 447 3952 Catoeco Realty be Rltr 52 8810 Ministry Ontario of Housing Housing Corporation Established Businesses for Rent YONGE DUNDAS iXtoO so' per 2nd 4 0 noor can be rented separately dsco tneqe restaurant rntni tneabe etc 12 emraixe on Yonge St Ca 1 onreai 5'4 861 6911 CASH reg'Sters $50 up used butcher eauip scales $toe fix tures reh geraKn 755 9986 AUCTION SALE good used machinery Thurs April 10 1980 7 Dm St JacoOS Ontario (3 mi North of Kitchener Waterloo Hwy 85) Lahes mills small toolings etc 519 886 9660 UMQUEORa LEADING Canadian Corp is con tinuing lo expand This creates an exciting exclusive opport in a exceptionally lucrative non com petitive bus Investment $15000 Intercheck Corp Box 368 Star BLOOR Yonge offices air cond HOCtotSW C75 Wi 7806 OUR Company win tram vour sec staff design better procedures for your particular i company set up an accounting system suitable to your neeas Wrne: Bonne's Consulting Servc i es XSA Eghntpn Ave MSN 1a7 AT Cawthra Bumhamthorpe: 2 bedroom luxury townhome 2 baths 4 appliances finished rec room steps to ail conveniences form $390 mo 71 2252 evgs 279 8595 A Dtok 360 A Dck 385 3M412 Camera Bruning 805 Etect rostatic plate mker vertical cam era 18x22 plate burner Pitney Bcwes tower A 10 cofiator with stapler composer varityper 720 heavy Certux punch CaB 690 488 2330 BEAR mxe 30 a most re $2695 741 ttM BStKELSUCa MODEL ne J1J50 or besiot'erjil lUt Established Businesses for Sale BLOOR AVENUE RD 593 Sq unfurnished executive aass offices $510 per mo availa ble immed call Joyce Sparks 961 1 474 BRAMALEA 3 bdrm def broa toom 4 appliances fenced yard $425 4 utililies 791 2109 AIR compressors spray booths dust collectors all sizes new used OMP compressors 95 0174 AI5SIS5AUGA Rd 401 suoiel 3drm townhouse end unit fully iroadtoomed 2 full baths 2aths fireplace very spacious valk tq everything $495mo jtilities avail immed 842 4086 BRACKEN8ERRYS RUIT AND NUTS INC HIGH volume cash business En closed mall locations avail throughout Ont Some avail shortly Ajax Niagara aits Mid land Kitchener Parry Sound Sudbury Smith alls Chatham many more Phone for an area near you Selected applicants only Minimum investment $4000 Col lect 4 16 884 8880 REAL BARGAIN BEAUTY salon Unisex prime location on Dufferin Si well es tablished has to be sold as is with clientele i staff best offer or appointment call George 924 0763 or 439 6592 SCARBORO INCH McCowan 575 to 725 sq ft business professional offices in an attractive plaza Excellent parking Competitive rates Lease Hold improvements negotiable Brokers inquiries welcome Call lood 638 7123 9 to 5 pm or 636 4125 after 5 Pm wkends AT Lakeshore Hwy 10 New lux ury 3 bdrm apt 1400 sq fl 2 baths dishwasher air broadioom immed $580 mo ind heat hydro Walk to GO tram shoos lae 278 2262 afternoon cr 791 7474 iiponoviO ASSORTED ectrk gas wincnes varies from 3000 lbs to 12000 lbs All in excellent cond 884 6683 A new professional bktg adiacent to large residential area west end all amenities from $6 offering Physi cians Dentists 6 mos free rent partition lo suit 762 2800 AN attractive 3 bedroom nouse fireplace garage 4 appliances broadloom waix out large master bedroom with walk in $525 per mo incn McCowan Immediate 298 7723 parking run use or conoo swimming pool and rec facilities rtoge oven range washer dryer ind 1 vr lease $600 per mo 887 5584 5 Appliances ROM $595 MO 633 2500 2 NEW STORES! A thriving West Toronto high density area witn 300 other suc cessful merchants convenient parking public transit highway access This new building with 4 rented apartments (income $20 000 plus) with fireplaces is also for sale! Rudy Longboat 239 3121 621 9272 GIBSON LTD RLTR ADOWVALE 4 bdrm lown use $425 utilities references I 1 06 OPRORTUNTTY OR GROWTH ENTER and expand with us In a highly profitable rapdfy expand ing sign business Unique new product required bv refaters aN over Toronto Investment $10000 Cal afternoons 489 2605 TRAALGAR RD EW R04T A BRAND NEW HOME! SINGLES semis on gorgeous ravine 3 2 eat in kitcren witn appliances ireoace Droadtoom attached oarage paved dri Just steps to senoots to buy sate pr toes' Open 1 8 wkdys 12 6 wkndi McCraney St OakviSe 844 2964 Rjky Ying Ltd RHr ABDI ITAAiTt tn xtart work soon as possible Company fur nishes professional selected loca tion finest dispensing equipment for pure cold juices A wholesale supply 100 return money back guarantee APPLICANTS must furn char acter references desire to oper ate their own business APPLICANTS must have ade quate working capital MR ROSS 661 4856 air condiuoning 5 appliance private pal io individual uritv swem 1 ll VI I 2 OR 3 Bt DROOM APARI MEMS LO AVMLXBLE BLOOR Avenue Rd area new 900 2 sixey office proadtoom park Ing $600 924 5588 Now EXECUSUITE offers tastefully urnished Offices in Downtown Toronto cotninunii pat kitiy stHial Club health Lk iln it MISSISSAUGA Vailey Bloor 3 bdrm bungalow $550 monlh Re ferences Call after 5 pm 279 9148 RESTAURANT short 5 dav wk doing $1 600 only $27 000 366 3641 evgs 752 6852 Sew'd def 4 edrm bung finished ga age 2 apo ances $600 mg 787 2772 BSOCX RD PKXBUNG Big 3 4 4 bedroom fown Itomes baths garages stove fridge immediate possession ViBage Realty 683 0661 evgs 223 6600 AT Queen Soadina toveiy detached 4 bedroom house 2 baths parking lease $700 368 8832 EXCH104T OPPORTUNITY WELL established retail flower shoo in Bruce Peninsula Central ly located on main street good walk in trade flourishing busi ness with fufl TD i USC mem bership bldg has shop Rvlng quarters offer incl inventory equipment delivery van or more info caB 1 519 534 1283 PARTT1MI TURN your spare time Into cash by becoming a oari of the tost food industry As tow as $3000 nriwAn business or further information call Millard Restaurant Equip ment Ltd ask tor Mr Afwel 247 6211 WANTABU9NESS DO it part fime from your home no capital needed good market ing tan phone Henry 231 3934 TWO BAY GARAGE OR rent to class A licenced me chanic ullv equipped with 2 hoists scope drum machine etc on busv corner location Excellent opportunity for right person Call Gord or Walter 762 7587 DELICATESSEN EUROPEAN style downtown lo calion excellent low rent long lease Steady customers A place for butcher shop Call Halas Rltv Ltd Realtor 925 1121 or 783 1793 The following symbols are available for vour next ad LESUE Sheppard bdrm town house 3 baths 3 appliances broad loom $550 mo 481 57W S5ISSAUGA Rd 401 3 bdrm ni with garage immediate occu py $575 References Phil Ricx 129 7800 WANTED young aggressive working partner with $25000 lo in vest in sure investment Musi have previous sales experience selling to large department chain stxes elc Recouoe investment first year sell ing 1 of a kind item No competition in Canada Work 8 mos a year and make "big big" dollars or more Information write to Box 4290 Star 1 Stores for Rent 4 Wanted 17D Office Business 170 Office Business I Storage Space Halts I Established Businesses I Established Bus for Sale lor sale PRES I TOWN HOM ES AD APARTMENTS IN DOWN! OWN TORONTO SANDBLAST cabinet with cyoone separater i dust collector as new value $5400 sell $4200 822 1293 JANE flNCH 3 4 bdrm town homes from $410 2 wash rooms 4 appliances parking avail immed Vy 1 663 8213 EXECUSUITE Continental Bank Building 130 Adelaide St 362 4783 MISSISSAUGA suWel 3 Wm townhouse 5 appliances broad loom etc $65 677 1598275 1950 BRAMALEA 3 bdrm end towm house broactoomed near school pa Pteza $420mo 421 2688 ROM $375 Townhomes in Mississauga ROLLER I ion with trailer oood ANNEX new 4 full floors air cond SIOW 845 9l69or 537 8994 i brqa jKjom3 Ort skrliotit parkrns 5hurry JlGOINGAST' ornoNEQBdt ALUMINUM DOORSWINDOWS Successful otonwnum doorwin dow mfg esf over 20 yrs ex celent reputation soles in Ont other provinces immed growth pofentid located within 30 mi from Toronto Principal only Reply Box 4276 Star AUTO body shop with complete tooling convenient location 531 7513 afrer 6 pm TORONTO'S largest Pizza chain is locking for individuals who are interested ic becoming successful ranchisees Prime tocattors are now available in and around Toronto i $30300 exclusive of financing ts required) tf you nave the drive and ambitton lo become vour own boss: ST Clair Vajgnan 6 rm house no pels 651 6479 STEELES 'enmount new 3 bdrm oetachea house 242 3962 Housing Corporation 14th floor ogm 101 Bloor Streel West Tororro 198 3350 Ontario M5S 1P8 Details BLOOR Osstogton subway $450 spectncahons may oe ooTameo from the Senior Purchasing Offi cer 9tn floor or telephone 965 3973 auofing reference number as above Tne lowest any len oer not necessarily accepted INTRODOONG THE NEW CONCHT MANUAL ACCOSTING $695 Bxrt Bvtord 9 Rral 3 4444 LESLIE incn 3 bdrm owi RBTAURANT BEST location in Niagara tor local or tourist trade Excellent gross financing and terms Lots of park ing MR SUBMARX CITY centre location in Niagara's tourist ea Buy the business or the building Vendor will hold mtge to qualified purchaser CaB 416 358 7171 GUARANTY TRUST REALTOR Owner Store Good Profit $1334)00 plus slock Extra good 3 bedroom attached home 334 acre tot excellent terms 14 miles north of Port Hope million gross sales yearly Call Mel Mer rill direct Tor line 368 9298 IRWIN Sargent Lowes Ltd Rltr COURIER business for sale 884 4144 LAim fcrKnnl At ltd wvfh tf 5450MOfrlTH 5 Herrt A CAU 2644500 TOO AY BEACHES area dean nxne oppo site park avail May 1 $625 utili ties 698 6986 469 4216 BIRCHMOUNT mcn 3 bdrm executive 2 storey $800 mo avail immed 496 0911 MISSISSAUGA BEAUTIULLY decorated 4 bdrm townhouse I1? baths 4 appliances fenced in yard pool playground steps to shopping schools bus directly to subwav June 1 Days 363 5885 evgs 275 8971 MISSISSAUGA Valiev Blvd 3 bdrm townhouse garage 4 appli ances $450 827 8X36 INCH Bavview 3 bdrm den family rm dining rm fge kitchen garage avail JuneS $575 225 5632 INCH Keete 4 bdrm townhouse ully air cond 1 underground AST OOD OR RESTAURANT A TAVBtN MANY locations to choose or more informatton call Danny or Vicky Givalas at 465 1177 465 3551 or 438 2702 Johnny Longo RE Ltd BaON ALLS RESORT $139 UW Sturgeon Lake 10 cottages 5 winterized and rented 4 year old bungalow large storage building would make excellent marine sales Try $50000 down Can Jack McDonald direct Toronto line 3o8 9298 IRWIN Sargent Lowes Ltd Rltr LORIDA'S finest coitectxs Gal lery featuring Bcenm Pxceiain Roval Doulton Burgues Lladro Hummel Hibef art etc in the finest lorida location Inquire after 7 pur 305 482 9055 MAC TOOL DEAiaSHIP OR Toronto and other Ontario areas Proven mobile distributor ship program establishes you as an independent business person with excellent financial potential Mechanical sales background an asset Phone toll free 1 800 265 82U ORMER AMWAY DIRECT SEEKS other former Amway dis tributors Objective: Highest pav ing marketing system in Canada Call 483 1057 or write VPA 191 Gerrard St Tor M5A 2E5 Alt Enquiries kept confidential ADJUSTABLE used shelving paBett racks all sizes 364 7842 CHUBB Sate for sate 6 mos old Class 2 burgiary $1500 663 8113 COPIER Nashua 1220 Harker A Company Baiiff 532 1121 MARINA LARGE marina dockage stor age selling well below market value $90000 with terms Call Roger Kolbuc Carl ox Ltd Realtx 630 3020 MARINEcomplex A favern with stxe A cottages Year round busi ness Box 3251 GOL cart electric 4 wheel for golf factory use like new $2200 3M 8800 705 324 3709 HORIZONTAL boring mill union excellent cond '64 model 3to" Lucas Horizontal boring mill Cincinnati open end planer 18" 48" 4' radial arm drill! 150 ton hy draulic press Call between 1 A 4 1 335 9777 RESORT main building 22 rooms 2 A 3 bedroom cottages on beautiful lake ail modern facilities year round business potential reasona bie 705 448 2001 TAXI cab business for rent plate A car weekly rate 763 1840 Monoging Partner Wanted ESTABLISHED Toronto based food retailer requires managing partners in Ottawa Northern On tario A Western Ontario Moder ale capital investment required Previous related experience is helpful but not essential Reply giving full details of back ground A experience lo Box 4326 Star REAL Estate Broker seeks partner arrangement vour cash my cense Box 172 Etobicoke BEAUTY Salon owner retiring can a fix 7 pm 630 6382 BEAUTY Salon with luxury 4 bed room apartment Call 633 5412 CIGARETTE vending business work part time $2400 excellent in come 636 5376 after 5 DISTRIBUTORS wanted for Quality bakery products in the Toronto area Designated areas given A some stxes supplted Commission basis appt can Burlington 416 639 7045 DISTRIBUTORS WANTED to seH sltofcers aibums to variety stores In Hamilton Niagara area Kitchene' Water too area and Eastern Ontario Ca pital required to start $1000 416 663 9853 BATHURST Davenpod 6 rm jnewty renovated 2 baths 783 2315 BAYVIEW York Mills townhouse 4 bedrooms $747 month available I June I phone 449 9104 evgs wMUcn u'i iww uu semi $525 mo Normgate Pehr Lid 491 9868 WEST HR tewmowe 3 odrm Ito bams excefter xea near GO trat K3eeitocator $500 261 7481 SPICTACULAR CABBAGETOWN II Newly renovated New York style stud'O soace for graphic arts 18' ceil ings 14' windows $300 $600 690 4427 DANORTW Paoe? offices doc tors etc Busy tocato" 461 0391 401 McCowan 1800 10000 sq fl loading docks new building reasonable rale 291 1955 1200 sq Ideal office studio showroom etc Kino St Close lo Royal Atex $490 mo 598 0222 New ton Associates Rltr JEWELRY and gift store this busi ness established in Mississauga tor over 25 yrs Owner retiring Pur chase indudes fixtures and good will avxabte tease Truly a real opportunity to succeed Immediate possession Box 4341 Star LADIESWEAR boutique Yonge SI Ciair $8Z000 slock 50 down owner finance balance Call 366 1024 MACHINE shop est 14 yrs good ma chinerv A customers Box 3406 Star MANUACTURING A distributing bus Present volume $100000 an num Owner cannot attend Excel lent opportunity for aggressive indi vldual 491 6999 INCH Leslie 4 bdrm townhome den caroef 494 3134 494 3377 INCH Woodbine semi 4 bdrm 2 storey broactoom fto baths out family room garage June 1st $550 mo CaM collecl (613) 521 7073 evgs LORIDA lndlan Rocks Beach 3 barm sandy beach all convent ences 663 1675 LOWER Shop established 5 years Downsview area 630 8839 RESH fish market business A equipment only good location Ask $18500 Call Matteis Reo Slater LIO (Guetoh) 519 K6 6151 GLASS shoo in plaza complete stock 279 6950 279 2472 evgs HEALTH oods store for $ae indoor shopping maP 282 4447 UPPER Beaches 2 bdrm house uu oead end vr Lovety vxd wirn deck $425 mo Reterences 694 12 WALK to Go LMesXfE Cerksoe targe ctean 3 823 1U7 Jim Blate CENTUP 21 Scnunnga Ito WARDEN Dan'orth McDona Ave subway 3 bdrm aa Mar $2 6 4712 Adm $300 CMtHn RH By MLM (215) 265 7230 GARDEN CHTRE MISSISSAUGA LONG ESTABLISHED ASKING $275000 ART WHHLIR 862 0611 AE LePage Ontario Ltd GtfT 8 VARIETY STORE MISSISSAUGA Suber family operation $3500 week Mr Batova 698 7100 Safeguard RX Ltd Realtor LESLIE Steeies 3 barm backSPlil det appliances broadioom gar age June 225 1775 LUXURY townnouse Etobicoke' Mississauga 5 aoouances loomed finished rec rm 3 borm washrooms walkout living rm with fireplace A balcony $575 mo 624 5807 ACCOUNTING A Tar Penner Chartered Accounted 7 0060 ACCOUNTING A tax ov xofessen 690 757 8239 Dffi 11W 1ST $4000 down Queen Broadview 2000 ft 4 apt above 924 8771 UNISEX boutique Jane A Wilson man Best oHer 244 6301 AUTOBODY shoo Hwy 7 A 48 area well equipped $19x000 294 3492 BATHURST A BtoOf asking $14900 Gih shop business near subway parking good income Wai 869 1650 Steve Wong RE Realty GROCERY A fresh meat Owner retiring Ideal variety stxe and re sidence Good income Vendor will carry mortgage at 12 Thoroid Ontario $70000 CaB Mr Kennedy 416 549 4111x416 562 5266 HAIRDRESSING shop for sate Is lington Millwick area 6 styling chairs lint room facial room fx information call 749 5154 after 8pm ask for Josie HARDWARE A gift business fx sate $3500 plus stock 646 College St 536 0847 HIGHLANDS HAUBURTON $21500 Excellent opportunity 20 cabins 19 rm lodge American plan Owner will hold mtge al 10 Mrs Banville 298 2828 AE LePage (Ont) Ltd HIGHLY profitable ooeratix open kitchen tow rent includes heating 6 day week mxe than iust buying a fob (Al) Mun Diang 298 2828 A LePage (Ont) Ltd Realty JANITORIAL business 5 hrs wkly Scarbxo area owner mov ing 22 0635 after 6 JANTIORAL business for sate ideal for fun pari lime call any time Korths loor Cleaning Lid 654 6145 SUCCESSUL JEWB1ERY BUSINBS OR SA1E BUSY downtown location well established dientelte 364 4240 RANCHISE CONSULTANTS CES Consolidated Expansion Systems Inc Consultants to ran chise Marketing Management 656 7111 URNITURE A carpet cleaning dealerships Start at $8995 gross $30hr 1 416 272 0202 Proclean Inc 720 Bumhamthorpe Rd Ste 14 Mississauga Ont L5C 3G I ISLINGTON inch sy ocatx fx oefi ewer 622 9079 O'CONNOR DR VICTORIA PK NEW pteza opening May 1980 Soace avail for: RUNNYMEDE Dundas office space fx rent 762 776 SCARBORO office space fx rent various locattons 751 8G38 MISSISSAUGA 4 bdrm town house Hurontario Dundas 2 lull batnst no bsmt Transportation al dr $400 mo 1 yr lease 274 0402 MISSISSAUGA 3 bdrm townhouse Collect evgs A wkends 1 594 4500 MISSISSAUGA 3 bdrm townhouse with gaiaoe sublet fullv broad loomed drapes fridge stove washer dryer incl $450 mo 16 mos tease 83 3049 after 6 MISSISSAUGA 3 bdrm townhouse pool immediate possession All con ven lences 625 5379 MISSISSAUGA 1755 Ratoburn Rd 3 bdrm townhouse fireplace 5 appli ances $540 mo ulililies 663 7426 Mon ri9 5 After 6 493 1881 BEAUTY saton dean shopjge in plaza well established 247 3938 BEAUTY salx High Pk area with 2 bdrm apt eH esl long tease excellent opportunity 533 4731 S21JXI0 all inclusive Excellent in come variety store in apt bldg $49500 exclusive Orchid shoo Yonge Rosedate area A As sociates Realty Ltd 406 1666 79 Cadillac Umousine with lease fx sate $12500 261 5936 AT Yxge Dundas unusual dining cabaret opportunity Seats 300 ul ly equipped A licensed 977 1 1 57 GENERAL store fx tease (Catedx Hills) over 2000 sa ft fully equip ped 3 bdrm home attached Call 1 fa 2242 THORNHRI BEAUTY $1400 mo 5 bedroom studio on to acre avail Carol Kales Rothman RE 789 2812 YONGE YORK MILLS EXECUTIVE townhouse 3 bdrm 2to baths centra! air fire 221 2101 VARIETY milk stxe weekly turn over $2500 Asking $15000 stock 1823 Lawrence Ave Scarbxo VARIETY stxe grossing $220000 yearly excellent Scarbxo tocatix immediate possessix 261 5475 Rl Lambert RE Ltd AURORA exec 7 rm bung $455 mo 222 4296 BARRIE erris Park 3 bdrm 159 Daphne ires $350 533 1679 BSJSTEAD RACKS 6 ft lotto bv 4 ft wide approx 3000 lb capacity call 274 2561 CASE 5BOB wnee loader BH Toian 4 WDbader 705 835 2531 AIR COND ORCE SPACE NEW modern snooping centre opposite Etobicoke General Hos pital in northwest Metro up lo 8000 sq ft avail or info please call owner 485 1113 AT Dufterin inch office ar cond ianitx $150 368 2925 USED RENT A CAR BUSY Metro tocatix fantastic return $35000 Cash complete health reasons Box 4343 Star CARPET cleaning bus equipment clients $2500 746 1520 after 6 ADJUSTABLE used sneving A panett racks al size 364 7842 ALL Ktoft cooers freezes res taxaeoufo 751 3480 plan aopfences yard 657 129 KINGSTON Roao La fence X'v one eft new townhouse 3 bed 'oxn Ito oafn xoatfoom 4 new appfiancev $450 twW Oose to exceranl and tx Ptease phone 2t) S4l6 for mote informahon KIHGSWAY 2 bom kcvck Marl $475 UfAtOl 769 5643 acres Newly renovated broad loomed 2 baths kitchens Suit home A business $800 532 2833 PRESTIGIOUS house in ga area 273 3271 ask for ken REXDALE A Indian Line 3 bdrm parking $380 inished bsmt 2 washrooms fenced yard no doos Immediate 459 1180 evgs 677 0019 WESTON Wihon 3 pynt garage te'ge tot $42S 241 4522 WILLOWDALE BeaufW 3 bxm townhome Ito bam bring oom firved rox" wa out rage 4 aooL $570 May 1 491 570 WOODBINE O'Connor 3 torm semt mutual drive va4 mid Mar Exce ent restoentji a'ea $458 ro 423 0513 after 5 AT 239 Sheooard 1560 Bayview 6030A Yonge St 600 1200 ft of fice 1 mo free 223 1606 evgs 483 1240 AVAILABLE BtoX turn office space share with firm of architects Receptionist typing copying avail Up to 1500 $0 ft 961 5500 AVAILABLE NOW Yonge DavisvlHe turn offfices Complete services Reception Pnone an swering Word xocessing Secre tarial Tetex lexible terms SOS LIMITS) 1867 Yonge 481 5144 Trubkm Chartered Accountant Davs 630 1370 evgs 226 5866 SIDNEY cx Chartered Account ant days 781 3555 evgs 633 73C5 INT'L CBffltE 6 months free rent New prestige medial building with all facilities on premises Bathurst College area Mr Beckerman 762 3226 days 223 6186 evgs BATHURST St Clair 800 so 654 7315 651 6542 evgs MISSISSAUGA A 3 bdrm townhome 2 air cond broadloom 4 appli ances 2 car indoor parking near everything $450 mo 822 5514 A 10 room 2 bath garage Oak wood St Clair 781 3965 656 5041 ABSOLUTELY 2 bdrm house over looking park Garage broadloom 10 min from downtown Greenwood Gerrard M25 Call 691 4212 AGINCOURT 3 bdrm Ito baths fully broadtoxned finished bsmt garage no maintenance $525 mo a a it June Isl 494 5534 7 9 pm 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE ISLINGTON Albion nice walk out to your own backyard next to park A school $36040 heated cable 749 8817 746 0238 ALBION Silverstone 3 bdrm house AAay 1st call 741 8468 RICHMOND HiH area 3 bdrm bun gatow avail July 1st Z49 4O85 RICHMOND Hill 3 bdrm luxury house 2to baths 3 appliances avail Mar $'95 884 5201 aftx 4 TYPE $90tb everything for com posing room proot press 636 1599 TYPESETTER Comp I with spare Parts A processor 32' Cxsotidated hxizxtai process camera PMT processor Vertyper 720 Headliner 800 table top folder 25'x38' Baum folder new Nu Arc plaf emaker MAM screen printing press 705 748 6222 V30 ditch witch trencher complete with Davis 100 hoe Excellent cond $4500 or best offer 705 429 4897 ANNETTE RUNNY MH 1300 sq ft modern stxe with two 2 bedroom apts 11 mtge Rea sonable down payment Owner 485 1113 AT THE BEACH STORE APARTMH4TS TWO of the best in the right loca tion Possession of both de tails 691 7099 John Rea RE Brkr BOUTIQUE High ashion small excellent clientele 30 stxe indoor mall location North eastern Ontario 85000 area population 705 647 7077 CHURCH small complete with pews dias leaded winoows 2 washrooms small act $59000 Bloor St Oshawa 1 728 335 OLD pallets A skids picked up any time No charge 925 4614 PHOTOTYPESETTING EQUIP PHOTON MARK I 5 48 POINT 12 TYPE ACE VARtSYSTEM 3208 KEYBOARD JIM 491 9918x598 4542 REBUILT 350 A Dick offset press 910 Itek Platemakx Call Mobbs 925 4338 between 10 am 2 OICE space centrally air cond Queen St near University Up to 3000 sq ft partitioned 598 3456 OICE space fx rent 320 so ft in Mallx ind washroom 678 7633 OICE Space tn the shadow of the CN Towx for sate rent Space fx office artists small business 1794 Sa Phone 366 3763 OICES fx rent SI Clair Avenue Rd area Suitable for doctors law yers architects accountants Avail able July CaM Gall 962 5767 9 SCARBORO Marxham Lawrence 1200 so ft stxe 751 8038 SCARBORO plaza 2000 so ft air toeai for any stxe office 487 5377 Eisner Levin Ritr ANNEX 2 family immac 3 storey 8 rms Ige kit garage near subwav $795 486 9687 488 0228 AT EGUNTON MT PLEASANT CHARMING bright detached 3 bdrm facing park updated $650 mo April 15 792 4942 reterii outiett SPECIAL a owances for early possession ood ail teas ed Mr vssm 366 9654 PARUAMENT Weitesjev renovat eo $800 690 4427 QUEEN St at Spadlna approx 1500 sq ft nebtog 977 2914 RONCESVALLES No 121 to proi ft 536 6119 MARKHAM AM1Y OPPORWMTY 7400 ft restaurant Super mark et licensed Doing a good busi ness in all departments Call Doug Meharg 297 2533 CENTURY 21 Armour RE Inc Member Bkr MEAT Processing well known whotesalerefait delicatessen and catering operatton in Petertxxough Ideal family operation Living quar ters available 3 years free rent Bu siness A equipment for $119000 Call Bruce Waidrx 364 7471 or 705 748 3194 Bowes 8 Cocks Ltd Rltr MEN'S Wear esl 35 yrs retiring 445 5045 MOTEL 7 rooms owner's ac commodatix on 7 acres of land in Cochrane area Call after 6 705 272 4004 MOTELS motels motets Marsh Brkr Tx 881 3411 WANTED forklift pneumatic tires 12 OuO lb capacity 6' forks 625 5104 WANTED: Wooden pallets Cail 270 7901 WELDER MIG A10 160K A 550 3 Phase complete with Bernard gun and line 669 4880 WINCHES pipe thready wetoer pumps sxay paint equipment fansxd Machinery Supply 169 King YALE Pallet truck $1800 firm 661 8487 YARD TRUCKS 72 Pettibone Mercury with 14 foot lift 12500 pound capacity asking $12500 Call 279 5370 EGLINTON Oakwood 3 bd'ms A sunroom garage $450 482 4070 EGLINTON Yonge attractive 3 bdrm semi separate dining rm 2 appliances garden driveway $625 Mav 1483 5973 ETOBICOKE North 3 bdrm town house den near all cxveniences TTC cable fridge A stove $485 mo Call 621 8046 after 6 pm ETOBICOKE 6 room bungalow 12 Hargrove Lane $475mo 255 43 16 ETOBICOKE 3 bd'm bungalow garage $450 mo 259 8890 ETOBICOKEIarge 7 rm lown nouse large tot A bsmt 626 6198 ARMHOUSE Aurxa 3 bdrm $525mo 789 7711 ext 453 RESTAURANT downtown Mx to rl 730 to 730 $330 Oto sates A dtonbing Excellent poiential tease no competition allowed Sate with substantial cash Evg 226 98G3 783 5001 RESTAURANT fully lie dining bar tounge prime location Long lease bmi ote la na wi HORTON ARMS ORANGEVILLE fsrm on Hwy 10 renovated farm house 3 bdrm 1 baths stone fireplace sunroom vew work shop $450 Lge steel barn A acre age avail 888 1738 ISLINGTON 4 bdrm stoespttt 2 Burnnamtnxpe A East Van $675 mo 622 8832 AST ood in large mail over 100 stxes $81000 1st vr in ooeratix Will train Asking $45000 Gexge days 244 8918 4 1886 AST ood Kiosk excellent loca i fix $28500 857 0855 evg ast ood Oakville NEW equipment ask $28000 Call Peter Chu 461 0225 439 8864 Edward HouRify Ltd ISLINGTON inch 3 bdm semi bungaipw $435mo 249 4348 JANE Einch Townhouse 4 appli ances $450 all tod wxrftes 438 2232 ferry Sherman RE Ld RESTAURANT BLOOR Bav location Licensed 110 seats steady dientete large turnover Long reasonable tease Ca Haias Rtty Lid Realty 925 1121x783 1793 RESTAURANT European stvte fast food Call Boris 868 9425 RESTAURANT Gxspe 3 bdrm aoL besioe busv motet On Hwy 12 Beaverty Bypass 705 426 9421 RESTAURANTS avariaoie newty oeexated A tocatfons AAr Ed 244 6441 PMC Tnnt RESTAURANT Seats 50 people Good tocatton for pizza or fish cteps Pnce $15to Cal aftx 4 653 3S35 RESTAURANT Tavem plaza to ir large city near Txxto seato DO sates $65to wkly2 $504)00 down payment Cal BA zSI 4656 SHOE repair stxe tar sae reasonable price in Wefend Ont 1 732 5792 SCARBORO Kingston Rd Manse Ro oversized townhouse walkout rec rm 3 bdrm 4 appliances gar age cable pod $495 ree to mo reni for moving expenses No dogs ptease Only 5 minutes to GO Sa hx 281 1342 284 2038 SHEPPARD Markham 4 bdrms det house autet st 4 appliances $425mo June 1 663 3493 2 9 Pm SHEPPARD Yonge 2 bdrm avai May 1 $450 881 1815 STORE in piaza good toca Victo ria Pk of Ebesmete Rd 635 1782 STORE 24x70 Coxwefl al OCx rx opposite LC 425 7390 WARDEN EKesmere in shopping plaza store with tow rent good for pizza amoie parking 463 5x31 787 2891 Louis YONGE Eglintx 4000' $20 fl Realty NEWS Rltr 485 9999 CNXK RD EGUNTON OICE space from 930 sq ft 6000 sa ft available immediately draped broadioom air condifion CM Wendy 491 2222 DOWNTOWN office space for ease very tow Tes Cal 533 4157 DOWNTOWN office soace for tease very tow rates Cal 533 4157 DOWNTOWN office 300 800 so fU showroom Wrtmfo exce for movte folks 368 6925 BRAMPTON 3 oorm oe' 4 appli ances $450 per mo Cai oo 275 7545 BRAND new home in xeferred area of VWtiibv 3 3 bath ensuite firepoce ooot sized tot backing onto park nature fta Min to 401 rigge ind $5ifi mo Peter ences 668 0082286 1302 BROADVIEW 8 Gexd townhouse broadtoomed throutP oji fridge A stove $430 immediate Cal to 6 Mon toPri 469 4184 BROADVtEW Cfonforth detached CAT 215 Excavator 250 hour since new best offer 445 2202 COMPUGRAPHfC 7200 Headliner 2961 hmesetter Good cond call Sandy 231 4334 "ELECTRIC Motor" 220 Volt 5 HP cost $598 sell for $298 CSA aoproved Dars 1 335 2678 evgs 1 523 4315 ELECTRIC welders 300 amp D4 bulldozer front end loaoer 884 6683 ARM tractx 235 Massey ergu sx Al cond tow hrs 459 7510 ORD 9N farm tractor 3 pt hitch Al tires $950 MS204 fork lift 21' lift 4000 lbs $7000 Bill Lawtor off ice 495 1 180: after 6 487 4098 ORK Lift Pettibone Mercury model G30H gas driven Pneumat ic tires 42" forks approx 14' ex i tended mast 651 6365 evgs I ORK lift 6 cvl gas Chamo 5000 lb drive train rebuilt $6900 294 9021 ORKLIT construction gas 4000 fbs21'lift 769 1141 ORKLIT xd mast Good cond $11700 1 878 4546 GARAGE equipment 50 tx xess hydraulic lack air tools steam len nysfork lift 25 1386 Wknos 12 4 info cal after 8 pm 494 1373 BROADVIEWHXrtoas ccauftftJ 3 vzrrr townnouse sxx fvingrrn private patio sutnet May 1 $450 466 3o83 CABBAGETOWN 2 perm $XJ 2 fireplaces air cond $8jQ John Barr 461 0925 CABBAGETOWN 2 2 OXtto fireplace paruxto $450 Cali 925 7254 after 6 MONO MUIS HWY9 Airport Rd 3 bdrm 2 stxev familyrm A fireplace 4 appliances curtains broadioom double garage to acre tot $600 mo utilities days 677 5050 ext 269 evgs S19 941 7104 MT Pleasanl Eglinton 3 bdrm house May 1488 5149 OAKVILLE 3 bdrm townhouse broadioom 2 appliances garage fenced yard $425 Evgs 844 6430 OSHAWA 3 bdrm semi Ito baths fimhsed bsmt May 1 293 0100 PAPE Queen 3 bdrm utilities paid suit professixal wxking cou pie $435 mo 461 8640 after 5 PARKVIEW Hilt 3 bdrm bsmt comptetea broadioom all over equipment May 1 $700 757 7123 PHARMACY EHesmere $550 mo ranch bungalow attached garage finished rec room May 31 posses Six 444 9815 DONUT shop franchise fx sate low down payment Danforth Greenwood area Call 923 2828 DOWNTOWN central tocatix hair styling saton fully equip top condi tion long term tease enquiry 977 9570 Coffee Shop take out sidewalk cafe $2000 wk gross 5 day regular hours 465 2119 DRIVE IN BURGS CORNB BUILDING business Pan Na tional 461 1114 YONGE Sfeeies subway line retail office 800 sa ft ample parking 226 5363 Ladibx RE Ltd YONGE Wenestev sublease 2000 sa ft approx $10 per ft Mr Dean 597 0151 ABOUT to sell your business? Cali the professionals Wm MtBrien Ltd Rftr 789 7621 ATTB4TION MANUACTURES (EXPORT TO THE US) ALPHA Sales Inc has successful ly marketed products in the US for a number of Canadian compa nies We are currently represent ing manufacturers as consultants in several US marketing areas We provide a full compliment of services including marketing sa les finance billing and invoicing WE have a complete network of food and general merchanise brokers throughout the US lo fi nally pinpoint your requirements If vour desire is to successfully market vour products welher branded or private label please respond in writing with product information and a brief summary of vour abtectives to: Alpha Sales Inc 388 Evans St Williamsville NY 14221 Attn Ed Daniels All information will remain confiden tial HAVE a business to sen? Cali 222 2525 for expert service Tula RHy Ltd Rltr METRO Taxi license wanted to tease bv reliable operaix 743 7965 METRO taxi plate wanted to tease best rates 423 0901 PCV Licenses wanted with or without contracts Must be reasona bie 429 6693 (9 5 Pm) SMALL wxdwxxing A finishing shop requires extracts 663 9569 TAXI Metro plate wanted to tease 625 Queen St 463 9917 TAXIS metro wanted to rent by exper operatx 461 0393 782 3401 TOOL Room specializing in infec tion moulds dyes and machine wxk see extract MX Univer sal Tool 877 8105 WANTED late model taxi for weekly deal 531 3473 rank WANTED lo buy mature manufac turing company est market sates in excess of $to location im material reply Box 4193 Star ST Clair Cnristte Ige 9 rm de tached fireplaces suit 2 families or snarng 651 5513 ST Clair Dufferin clean burg msuiated gas A eteefrk rec rm avail Ax XS4G0 224 083 ST Ciair Oawood 7 rooms stove garage Call 654 5589 ST Ciair Ota Rd working Chrisftans $450 656 1732 INCH Kennedv luxury office space 226 3443 KEEP overhead down private off ice for sublet utilities A services shared Eglintx 964 2401 KING Yonge studio office 3rd ftox walk up Unique top ftox space ap prox 1550 sq ft Several rms ind fireplace A kilchetv $575 ma 469 3040 STORHRONT OfflOES EXCELLENT fx Doctxs Den tists Lawyers etc Office space available in commercial plazas on ground flox tremendous ex posure Yonge inch Midland Sheppard Please caH 366 9654 or 598 0222 SPECIAL OR APRl BATHURST Eglinton Modern air cond space al a bargain price 781 9314 SUBLET 6600 inch 400 ilz gerald Realtor 624 9311 THEATRE fx rent day wk mxth 350 seats phone 690 0667 THORNHILL altractive air cond office 1000' divided private washrms parking economical rent 889 602 881 1689 WESTON STEELES NEW office Wdg excellent loca tion Air cond carpeted 400 lo 6000 sqft 749 5131 WILLOWDALE Ave above Shep pard small large offices aval call Mr Sobie at 224 2526 YONGE A Gloucester office suite 800 sq ft carpeted air cond fur nished A dean Avail monthly or long term basis Please call 968 3320 968 3266 YONGE Bloor 840 sq' air car peted 4 yr bldg $7sq 964 8803 YONGE SHffP ARD 1400 sq ft at subwav location inished to vour requirements HtQ PARKING 449 5990 9 5 PM 532 4404 TULA BUSINESS LOCATORS CAIL 222 2525 SUBAURtK RESTAURANT $358 rent $1500 wk $35000 full Scar Mr Bittar AST OOD WTTH BLDG $3000 wk guaranteed two 2 bdrm apts Miss Plaza $255X100 Mr BoNa DHJ RESTAURANT $200 wk guaranteed Yonge St beer wine license Mr Sotos DO NUT SHOP PLAZA $7000 wk gross $100000 dn Marina CONVWe STORE $3000 sates modem btag $500 rent Mr BoAa BEAUTY SALON DOWNTOWN maH cal Marina RJRNmjREMG CO 50 return satary Ask $44000 Mr Bawden DRY OJEANBB $1200 WK CASH A cary witn without btogAAr Sotos WTHtS $250000 GROSS ASK $75 000 offset letterpress Mr Sotos LADCS WEAR BOUTIQUE ST dar Yonge I vr ease ask $6J)0C stock Mrs Sver TULA RLTY LTD RLTR 222 2525 PIZZA Restaurant A tavern 13 vr tease low rent mtge 11 Excel fent opportunity 489 1111 PIZZA taxe A delivery in Scar bxo area After 4 752 7391 PIZZERIA and ast ood restau rant Yonge St Aurora Ont gross sates $80XX nets approx $40000 per year established 8 yrs excellent opportunity in growing area $26500 Including all equip ment 421 4145 PUMPS A electric motxs Estab lished business for sate with or with out Ndg Sates service A repairs to service vehicles complete machine shop and electric motors rewinding facilities Ideal for 2 partners Txxto location a main street Box 4377 Star RESTAURANT TAVSN SEATS 96 in busy plaza east of Txxto 15 vr lease Liquor li cense $225000 with terms Call Don McQuay McQuay Realtor Whitby 668 5868 res 668 6743 RESTAURANT A tavern fully equipped immediate sale neces sary $40000 cash takes possession Lease negotiable Prime oowntown Barrie Phone 293 5726 or 444 9738 after 6 pm A cosv horrte witn optix to buv east end 496 0756 A Yonge Lawrence 4 bdrm 2 bath adults no pet $575 449 4532 AIR compressors new A used tohp A up Buv sel repair 495 7070 AIR compressors new A used to rtp A up Buv sell repair 495 7070 HYDRO PLANT 120 240 volts 75 KVA 31 arnps 2 cyl Kohler gas engine used only 20 hrs $2100 or best offer 669 1971 INDUSTRIAL Union Special safely serger $700 Gexge 766 1851 evgs INSULATION blow in machine HD220 volt $1000 291 6819 INTERNAL grinder heaid model 72A 635 1302 226 1173 JOHN Deere 450C crawler loader back hoe 705 835 531 LINOTYPE model 8 with Hydra quadder 50 or best offer Vito 532 6067 LOGAN 10" swing quick chanpe power long A cross feeds Brown A Sharpe surface grinox also Rocxwef surface grin der almost new 694 2697 VARIETY store weekly sales $3600 $35000 1612 Queen St WEED spray service bus for sate Esl Tom or Eric 826 4846 WELDING Shop well equip 162 Parliament selling due to illness WELL establlshed refrigeration business fx sate in Niagara regton or more infxmafix write Box 4137 Star WEST Indian foods A variety busi ness Eglintx A Oakwood fx mxe info call 789 9872 $700000 Burinrai Gran DRINKING dining smorgasbord rms tong lease low rent 6 days open Call Andreas Tsokos RE Broker 275 2323 CLUB tabes chairs sound system fixtures 691 3269 or 291 147 DISPLAY cootefs A compressors cashregister 366 7371 ELECTRIC chip frver etectrlc oonut fryer A large toe cream cooi 368 0522 DESKS files lockers chairs etc Trade ms A White Company 57 Spadina Ave 368 0334 OUVETTI Audit 1513 Posting Ma chine good cond Best oftx 826 0801 Gram Mcater between 9 5 TRS deluxe business system 32K fine xteter 2 disc xives desk A stand $4200 752 074 OUERIH 0I new ar cond $700 mo 789 7311 DUER1N 41 cfice soace ap prpx 350 sq ft 789 2931 EGUNTON East BeautiMv fin ished ar cond offices MN carpet ed immed occupancy ar toys sizes layouts Ca Hazel 964 2401 EGUNTON Bamursf area Office apt 2 661 4143 evga EGUNTON Vtotxte Pk 9000 sa ft to be divided Davs 41 9492 evgs 757 474 Ports avenue stoves 24" Moffat 50 $35 ea offer 482 161Qpager 145921 234 GLASS telephone insulators as color 1500 avail at $1 each 630 4513 evgs A wkenos HARDWARE A gift stxe complete stock Ci 536 0847 646 Cortege St INDUSTRIAL freezer Schaefer large upright excellent condition $1200x best otter 270 5164 PIZZA Oven doubte Btoogeti best Otter Call 961 9232 RECORDS 3000 current rock folk iazz RAB discount wholesale prices Min 25 reexos COD 485 8292 evgs RERIGERATION A fxd store eouio new A used walk in coders reacn in cxiers meal A deli cases stxe shelving slicers etc Layout A design Tommy 743 6124 RERIGERATION air conditioning A slxe equipment bought A sold Surplus Refrigeration 282 4008 SUBLET APPROX 1260 sq ft bright main floor location busv medical bldg on inch close to hwv 400 2 pri vate office storage room ap prox $1000 mo 3 yrs tease 745 8102 BAY RONT 580 sa ft Commerce A transpor tation bldg $890 per sq ft Air cond A janitor service ind small area avail Partition allowance 597 0787 Brokers Protected BIOOR RUNNYMEDE 1700 sq ft air conditioning jan itor service Smaller areas avail Generous partition allowance immed occupancy Cail 597 0787 Brokers protected AT 76J Jane St new office $250 parking 767 5451 781 7105 AT 239 Shepoard 1560 Bayview 6030A Yonoe St 600 1200 sq ft office 1 mo free 223 1606 evgs 483 1240 COIN LAUNDRIES SCARBORO 20 washers 12 dryers 3 yrs dd Gross $22000 Ask $25000 terms Mr Sotos 722 2525 Tula Rltv Ltd Rllr COMPUTER portrait equipment Own your own business $6000 Must sell private 292 7636 SUBMARINE bus $4000 low rent Pape Cosburn 423 4779 663 9436 TAVERN west end busy area weenty turnover $4500 building A business asking $260 000 Cali ex Chu 461 0225 439 8864 Edward Hoj Rity Ltd TAXI Bramptx license for tease wttn car fx sate fullv equipped 78 Checker 457 9441 TAXI Marrham date radio A me ter 4W 2212 TAXI Metro Licensed for sale $42000 226 9796 223 9511 TOWING Company for sale or mxe tetormatix 884 7877 182 Accotmtiiig Bookkeeping ACCOUNTING tax returns 24 1 4095 gfty tom BOOKKEEPER 16 vrs exper sees steaov 1 ca per wx or monthly account te7 COMPUTERIZED receivaes sa ies service 400 use's 252 5778 INCOME Tax Accounted small business A personal 4a6 485o INCOME Tax accounting services Sv professionals fa 4315 67 6867 KEELE WItwn 401 13 rms 3 baths 3 garages huge id 686 2568 KBONGTON MARKET BUSIN I (QgCTOTTUNITY) selling I Vdl In ihr ruiLrv ottering mxlei ground l'l Ml" Wo nil j'l' l'l Spj St 122 St Patrick St Suite 201 By CARLAW Queen completely reno vated 7 rms all broadioomed new ki parxtng 57 4886 CENTRAL Chrisfe Dsvrtport 7 rooms redecorated equipped sunnv yard near TTC parks $525 plus utilities 488 2137 CENTRAL updated 9 rooms 4 adults family fi epiaces broad i loom subwav $650 465 7176 CENTRAL 9 rms suitable as 3 se i parafe units 5 bdrms $580 after 5656 2754 I COUNTRY home 20 mtns NE of I Txonto sublet 3 0drm immed possessix references $395 utilt ties 640 4709 COXWELL Duncas 2 bdrm reno vated nice garden near TTC $350 Mr Beef 962 4492 DANORTH Broadview 3 bdrm sunrm garden ail aodiances AAav 1S575 967 5621593 4811 DAVENPORT A Uxbridge 3 bdrm near schools 656 4040 DAVENPORT Rd steps from Casa I Loma 3 bdrm semi underhouse garage Immed Evg 6 9 621 6522 DON Mills A Lawrence luxury I townhouse 3 bdrms 2 bathrooms family room fireDiace attached ga rage 5 appliances Central air Mav 1 $725 Cail 481 5661 weekdays DON Mills A Steeles townhouses 3 bdrms 2to balhrnu family rm A fireplace A walkout ga rage May please call 481 5662 DON Mills inch del 4 bdrm sin gle garage family room with fire pteceMOOmoffl DON Mills Shepoard 3 W'T townhouse 3 appliances bsmt I sublet $416 493 3516 evg DON MILLS Yxk Mills 3 bdrm townhouse May 1441 2126 DON Valtey Pkwy 401 sublet lux i ury townhouse $595 mo air cxd fireplace Aug 1 possession 2 mos 1 teflon tease 494 6440 DON Valley Pkwy Egiinton 3 bdrm condo home broadioom crapes air immed I to baths 1 $500 mo 752 3545 evgs 445 6388 DOWNTOWN Colleoe CHntx 1 mi west of of 3 4 bdrm 1 townhouse parking space $665 mo utilities ind Avail June 1 for 3 12 mos Call 534 5369 DOWNTOWN new 3 bdrm town house Call 247 3917 DOWNTOWN 3 A 4 BHROOM EXECUTIVE townhomes in new apt A townhome complex 598 1515 DUERIN A Steeles new home 6 rm house broadioom garage 669 2108 after 6 pm DUERIN St Clair Ige lovely clean home insulated oarage gas electric May sublet IWO 224 6823 DUERIN Sreeies new detached 2 stxev 1 I '2 ba'n tge kitchen garage carpeted 844 5582 DUNDAS Dufterin 5 bdrm house 2 kitchens bsmt 535 6972 EAST end beautiful 2 bdrm house renovated furnishedunfurnished pretty patto back garden close to TT $450 plus utililes 469 2279 EAST York semi 5 rms plus $un room $350 first A last mo rent 1 mo free rent in exchange for re pairs 678 2098 EAST Yxk 86 Txrens 2 bdrm bung yard drive $395 461 0396 RESTAURANT equipment A fur nishings scales sink fryer dishes mixers slices etc 368 8063 RESTAURANT equipment for sale (used) bargain 221 1577 221 2712 RESTAURANT equipment dish washer walk ln fridge bar unit bar fridge more 482 2266 SMALL walk in cooler 5x7 must sell Call 1 985 2753 STORE clearance ix tots assorted merchandise 653 7505 STORE equipment milk cooler 6' freezer dry pop cooler sales coun tx islands A shelving 752 8864 USED cxvevxs Various sizes I 987 4243 524 cases toilet paper towels gar bage bags chemicals 532 8188 Partntrships A third level CGA student seeks bu siness partner 531 1545 JXn evg ACTIVE silent participation funds needed to expand authentic Canadians Antique Business ex cellent retail loclion in Rosedate John 964 6623x964 2137 EXPER professtonal purchaser A inventory analyst will invest $5000 cash in est bus as active investor 964 6062 INVESTORS wanted for unique marine opportunity safe venture unbelievable return 364 3244 LOOKING for partner tenant busy plaza in Keswick shoe stxe or driec fruits A nuts etc 889 2 1 10 i.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Views: 6251

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.