Standard-Speaker from Hazleton, Pennsylvania (2024)

Scouting Topic at Tea Set for June 9 A tea for area girls to become acquainted with the Senior Girl Scout program will be held Tuesday evening, June 9, at 7 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Edward CurWest First street. The affair will be sponsored by Mariner Ship 268, that meets weekly at the First Presbyterian Church. The tea is open to Cadette Scouts who plan to enter the Senior program in the fall, to area girls 15 to 17 years of age who are interested in Senior Scouting, and to former Girl Scouts who would like to rejoin the movement. During the evening, the opportunities available to Senior Scouts will be explained.

These include trail blazer interest groups, community action, international friendship, mounted (horseback) activities, Mariner and Wing Scout programs. Scouts who attended the roundup held at Button Bay, will be present to discuss special international friendship events. Anniversaries BIRTHDAY: Mrs. Michael Cassic, 987 East Chestnut street, today. James DeLucca, 212 South Pine street, sixth, yesterday.

Adelia Zeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zeck, 605 Seybert street, 10th, today. Anna Marie Suglia, rear 702 North Vine street, today. Mrs.

Harvey Johnson, 218 South Laurel street, today. Her granddaughter, Susan Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson, 988 East Chestnut street, is celebrating her fifth birthday today. Deborah Fletcher, 609 McKinley street, six years old, yesterday.

WEDDING: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yenchko, 755 North Locust street, 28th, today. They have two children: Lt. Raymond Yenchko, who is stationed with the Navy at Jacksonville, and Mrs.

Mel (Roberta) Fechner, Southampton. Mr. Yenchko, who is associated with the Hazleton Plumbing and Heating also is the city health officer. Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Gurgol, 311 North Broad street, West Hazleton, third, today. Mrs. Gurgol is the former Ann Sobeck. The couple has one daughter, Donna Marie. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Pawlowski, 314 Putnam street, West Hazleton, 18th today. They have five sons. Mr. and Mrs.

Francis Swantek, Rear 224 West Green street, West Hazleton, 20th today. Mrs. Swantek is the former Anna Markunis. Former Area Man Featured In Sun. Paper The home of a former Freeland resident, Dr.

John J. Shane, and his wife, was featured in an article in Sunday's Philadelphia Bulletin. Dr. Shane is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

John Shane, 727 Front street. Freeland, and he is senior resident in surgical pathology at Hahne. mann Hospital Philadelphia. The Shanes recently moved to a new real estate development, Camac Village, in Philadelphia, where only three families reside. They moved there from a West Philadelphia apartment, and the Bulletin article reports that Dr.

Shane's mother, whom Mrs. Shane calls "the most wonderful mother-in-law in the came down from her home in Freeland, to help. The article describes the "settled look about the place that some people don't achieve for many and describes the furniture as early American, a style both had grown accustomed to in their homes. It also tells of Dr. Shane's collection of old clocks, and the hobby of guns, enjoyed by both Dr.

and Mrs. Shane. Mrs. Shane is studying for her B.S. degree in nursing at the University of Pennsylvania.

When Camac Village is completed, is will contain 57 families. Fiancee of Gerald Klick Miss Dawn M. Anibrandt Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ahlbrandt.

RD 2 Drums, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dawn Marie, to Gerald Edward Klick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Klick, Miss Ahlbrandt, who will School, on June 8, is employed Edgewood, Drums. Her fiance, a graduate of is employed by Vincent Montone, RD 2 Drums. be graduated from Hazleton High at the Swankoski Nursing Home, Hazleton High School, class of 1963, this city.

Debutantes Know Hair Secrets AP Newsfeatures If you want to look like a lady, take a few hair pointers from debutantes, advises Bryce Poindexter, one of young society's favorite hairdressers. Poindexter is also popular with mothers and grandmothers of young socialites. He flits from Junior Assemblies to society weddings, often by plane, to serve his ladies. His York salon appointment book reads like the roster from the Social Register. "The secret of well-groomed hair as far as debs goes is this: Keep it simple.

You won't see teased hair, pony tails, Beatle mops or other ridiculously contrived hairdos worn by this group as a rule. They are taught to be natural, and not to call to themselves by flamboyant styles in clothes or hair." he says. Cut Must Be Good The secret of simplicity is a good haircut. Without one you can't achieve a simple hair style, he says. And you'll never need a permanent it your hair is cut properly.

"A woman's individual beauty can be played up by taking a basic style and deciding the length of the hair or the part to be worn with it to achieve the utmost flattery for her. The page boy hairdo. elegantly simple, youthful, chic and sleek will never go out of style. That and other soft hairdos parted on the side are most popular with debutantes," he says. There are too few years a young girl can wear a style as delightfully youthful as the page boy, he points out, SO why not wear it in place of some horribly teased coiffure? Poindexter must persuade young matrons occasionally that they have outgrown the page boy style.

But the boy born in Yadkinville, N. C. can do it with Southern chivalry. He does some dramatic hairdos for special occasions. He even rustled up the old-fashioned curl.

ing iron, when it rained on the day of Patsy Wheeler's coming-out party, and he turned up droopy ends with it. Two important steps to beautiful hair are the hair brush and shampoo, he says. Most girls do not need to worry that they are washing it too often. "I washed Barbara Bel Geddes' nair every other day when she was in a Broadway play and she benefitted by it." he says. A parish bazaar to be conducted August 30 by all societies of Our Lady of Mt.

Carmel Church was announced at the monthly meeting of the Christian Mothers' Society. proceeds, acparish. cording to Rev. Henry Luchi, will go toward furnishing the new rectory. Rev.

Luchi, who serves as spiritual moderator of the society, also spoke on the spiritual benefits of a retreat and announced that one will be held in Scranton June. He discussed the promoting of further devotions to the Sacred Heart and urged the women to attend mass and receive Holy Communion on Friday, the Feast of the Sacred Heart. In telling of the linen shower, Rev. Luchi reported the response was overwhelming. He expressed his thanks and those of the parish housekeeper, Miss Annunciata will tilini, for the linens which used in the new rectory.

The society members will receive Holy Communion in a group at the 7:30 o'clock mass Sunday morning. The next meeting of the will take place June 28 in group, school auditorium. Following the business session, a social hour was held. Party June 12 At Sun Valley For Delta Mu OLMC Parish Plans Bazaar For August 30 Delta Mu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority will have its annual June party, Friday, June 12th, at Sun Valley Inn at 9:30 p.m. Plans for the party were announced at last night's meeting by President Mary DeNoia.

The meeting was at the Hotel Altamont. At the next meeting, June 16, at the Hotel Altamont, final plans will be made for the patio party to be held at Sylvia Zanolini's home in Drums. The social committee, consisting of Joan Schwartz, chairman; Peggy Pitt, Pat Buckley and Ann Dona will handle all arrangements for the party. Legion Ladies List Social For June 15th American Legion Ladies Auxili-1 4 ary will have a social Monday, June 15, at 8 p. at the Legion Home.

Members and friends are invited, and each to take a 50-cent gift. The committee consists of Mrs. Florence James and Mrs. Marian Clark. President Elizabeth Demko presided for last evening's auxiliary morial meeting, Day and services reported at on thee Vine Street Cemetery, where the Legion placed a basket.

Rose Correale, chairman, reported 4,553 coupons sent in May. Anna Grega, unit activity chairman, reported on the recent rummage sale and the poppy sale. Florence James received the gift of the evening. Officers will be elected at the next meeting, June 16. Mrs.

Anna Grega will serve refreshments following that meeting. LIBRARY BANS BEATLES HENDERSON, Ky. (A) -When librarian Sara Winstead found two teen-agers listening to the Beatles on the library record player, they explained that they brought the records from home because their parents didn't dig the "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Miss Winstead made it plain that many library patrons didn't dig it either. HEBREW CALENDAR The Hebrew calendar began with the Creation, which is supposed to have taken place 3,700 years and 3 months before the beginning of the Christian Era. To find the present year in the Hebrew calendar, one must add 3.761 to the date in the Gregorian calendar.

SHOP WEDS. Town we Country SHOP FRI. NOON TO 9 10 TO 9 1 I ELITE SHOP Hotel Altamont SOPHISTICATE SHOP I beautifully imported Leather Suede Jackets special purchase sale $24.90 ORIGINAL VALUES TO $40.00 Charge Accounts Accounts Receive Degrees at Marywood Miss Lorraine D'Angelo Three regional young women were a among 302 graduates who received their baccalaureat and master's degrees from Marywood College, Scranton, at the 46th a annual spring commencement exercises held in the Marywood Theatre. They were Miss Lorraine D'Angelo, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.

Dominic D'Angelo, 674 North Church street; Miss Rosemary Ann Kreisl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kreisl, 345 South Wyoming street; and Miss Elizabeth Wenner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur H. Wenner, 302 Main street, Conyngham. Miss D'Angelo received a bachelor of arts degree with concentration in psychology and certification in elementary education. on While at Marywood, she was a member of the College Students' Mission Crusade and took part in the activities of the Marywood chapter, Student Education Association of Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of Hazleton High School.

Miss Kreisl was awarded a bachelor of science degree with concentration in English and certification in elementary education. She was a staff member of the "Bayleaf," the literary quarterly, served on the House Committee for three years, and was a mem- Cooking Is Fun WEEKDAY LUNCH Jellied Madrilene Sardine Toasts Cucumber Salad Chocolate Sundaes Beverage SARDINE TOASTS can ounces) brisling sardines 1 tablespoon mayonnaise tablespoon chili sauce teaspoon onion powder cup minced celery 4 slices toast cup minced parsley Mash sardines with their oil; mix with the mayonnaise, chili sauce, onion powder and celery. Spread sardine mixture on toast and sprinkle with minced parsley. Cut each slice into 4 squares. Use this spread shortly after prepar- Miss Rosemary Kreisl Miss Elizabeth Wenner ber of the Marywood chapter, Student Education Association of Pennsylvania.

She is an alumna of Hazleton High School. The bachelor of arts degree also was conferred on Miss Wenner, who concentrated in English, had a minor in history, and certification in secondary education. She was member of the Flower a Society, participated Little, Civil Defense Patrol, and sang with Marywood Glee Club. She is graduate of St. Gabriel's High School.

Miss Karen Reese Appears in Play Karen Reese, daughter of Mrs. Angeline Reese, Baltimore, former local resident, appeared recently in "Wally Saunders Presents" in the Lyric Theatre, Baltimore. The show was sponsored by the City of Hope. Miss Reese, who has studied dancing with Mr. Saunders for the past two years, appeared in the Telephone Hour from the Broadway hit, "Bye, Bye Birdie." Saunders has done the choreography for such musical hits as "Guys and Dolls," "Carousel" and ing.

"The King and THE HAZLETON 2 BIG DAYS! BEST NOON TO 9 BUY 10 TO 5 OF THE DAY SAVE UP TO $1.40 A PAIR! Girls' to $3.99 Goodyear Gold Seal SNEAKERS 0.59 2 PR. $5 2 DENIM Tremendous savings on famous "Goodyear" Gold Seal sneakers and all are 1st quality, of course! Washable duck or denim uppers with rubber soles lined with springy foam for that cushioned arch comfort you love. Sizes 4 to 10, narrow and medium widths. Two sensational days--Wednesday and Thursday only $2.59 pair or 2 pair $5.00. (Leader Store, Basem*nt) Hazleton Standard-Speaker, Wednesday, June 3, 1964 15 Ruth Millett Homemaker's Credo For the woman with children her from feeling lost when her who has a husband willing and able to earn a living for his family, there is nothing more important thanCreating the kind of home that is a haven for every member of the family, and where each one's friends are welcome.

Being at home, herself when the children return from school. By example and discipline-not by preaching--to teach her children to become trustworthy, dependable, responsible human beings. Always have time to listen to any member of the family who wants to confide in her. Conserving her time and energy for the really important things she owes her family, instead of frittering both away on outside "busy work." In trying to be a good mother. never let up in her desire to be a real companion to her husband.

Finding time each week for doling some of the things she really wants to do so that she never feels like an unappreciated martyr. Insisting that the children do their share of the household chores so that she doesn't become a resentful drudge. Developing hobbies, skills or intellectual interests that will keep Emmanuel's UCC Class Gives $150 The Gleaners Bible Class of Emmanuel's United hurch of Christ gave the church $150 during the regular class business meeting. Mrs. Samuel Arey presided for the meeting, and Mrs.

Nancy Leipfert led devotions. Foilowing the meeting, the women sewed for the Election Day bazaar. children are finally grown and gone from home. Finding time to make and enjoy friendships, and for being a good neighbor. WE'RE PROS! Take advantage of our professional know how.

We are graduates of the National Dry Cleaning Institute, member of the National Dry Cleaning Association and Penna. Association of Cleaners and Dryers. Send us all your Dry Cleaning today. EMPIRE 422 E. FIFTH ST.

HAZLETON. PA. "People can live with good taste whether they are born to the manor, or on a farm as I was." Poindexter says, "the important thing is to learn from those who observe social graces." Pets for Pots 7488 By ALICE BROOKS Gay and practical 'cause they're extra long! Sew for bazaars, showers, your home. New! Clever holders open padded mouths to grasp hot pots firmly, safely. Pattern 7488: transfers, pattern pieces, two 5x12-inch holders.

Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern- 15 cents for each patfor first mailing and special handling. Send to Alice Brooks, Hazleton Standard-Speaker, 88, Needlecraft P. 0. Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N. Y.

Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, ZONE PATTERN NUMBER. 206 HANDICRAFT HITS 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys, fashions, crewelwork, bazaar hits crochet, knit, new, embroider, quilt. Send 25c. SOMETHING NEW BIG, DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt patterns pieced and applique, for beginners, experts. Send 50c now.

I HAZLETON We Can't Sound off ENOUGH about it THANK YOU Broad VERY for the wonderful response to our 25th ANNIVERSARY EVERYONE was eligible for a valuable PRIZE. All you had to do was register your name AND HAVE YOUR HUBBY SAY: 0 HEY Your name's in the paper YOU WON SOMETHING at JAY'S 25th ANNIVERSARY Why didn't you use My name I'm lucky! JOANN LEDENSPERG 222 Lauderburn Weatherly DEBBIE BRASKIE RD Humboldt HELEN BOBEY 984 Walnut Freeland TERESA SERAFINE 303 Winters W. Hazleton IODIE BOTCH 636 E. Broad B. BONAN 686 Locust Hazleton IRENE SANDO 29 N.

Vine Hazleton CECELIA STANKEWICH Oneida PIGGY JACOBS 309 E. Birch St. BRASENSKI 344 E. Mine St. COOKIE RD Hazleton HORVATH 1013 James Hazleton ALICE DAVID 300 E.

Blaine, MeAdoo WM. MERSHMAN 944 E. 4th St. S. GREYBOSH Haddock MARY ANN PETRUSKEWICH Main Sheppton MARIE STISH 690 N.

Church St. JOANNE CALDEN 29 N. Vine St. MRS. W.

A. MeNELIS 184 S. Laurel St. BETTY A. RAU 561 W.

3rd St. MRS. NELL RINKER 225 2nd Weatherly NANCY ZAPACH Jeansville IRENE HANNISICK Jeddo.

Standard-Speaker from Hazleton, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.