Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (2024)

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (1)

    @daveburrows987618 дней назад +136

    I'd be happier if they found a way to display GE values for rares accurately.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (2)

      @MAXIM_One18 дней назад +2


    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (3)

      @Ivysaurss18 дней назад +23

      How can you achieve this when rare prices are manipulated on a daily basis.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (4)

      @blessedbygod12318 дней назад +1

      How when they’re not bought and sold in thousands if not tens of thousands

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (5)

      @daveburrows987618 дней назад +2

      @@blessedbygod123 So what? What does the quantity sold have to do with accurate reporting of prices?

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (6)

      @daveburrows987618 дней назад +7

      @@Ivysaurss If something sells for 500M but you're reporting 378M, that's manipulation. Accurately displaying sales prices is a must.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (7)

    @justinbernardo824018 дней назад +47

    that instant sell button can be amazing but devestating at the same time.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (8)

      @Kerttis14 дней назад

      just make it so it cant sell for like +-20% of the GE price

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (9)

      @Pooswap14 дней назад +1

      Massive price swings and market smashes =)

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (10)

    @darkfog36018 дней назад +38

    Multi selecting like 30 plus items in the bank and selling them all at once would be nice.

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      @anrs315318 дней назад +1


    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (12)

      @randomman108418 дней назад

      This. So tired of having Junk items that I feel lazy selling because it is not worth it. But also not wanting them to take space in bank 😅

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (13)

    @ChevalricRS18 дней назад +44

    These changes look amazing! I think the major thing I'd like to come from this are the active prices, as of right now it's so tough to gauge the actual price of an item. The price shown on the g.e. is almost never accurate and it's rather annoying.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (14)

      @chrisjackson1215День назад

      It's absolute murder as someone returning after 15 years away. None of the "calculators" or "guides" are accurate in the least.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (15)

    @umaxii159118 дней назад +15

    Rs3 is finally getting some well deserved love from papa jagex

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (17)

    @Aberrantly18 дней назад +4

    A huge QoL would be for us to be able to see the latest biggest offer on a given item, hovering over the price of said item, clicking on it, and having it automatically become registered as the newest buy- or selling offer.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (18)

    @SatinFoxx18 дней назад +3

    I think looking at the Bazzar from Hypixal Skyblock is a good idea.
    Instant buy/sell, with custom offers being what set those prices.
    You can see how many offers are in the system, and the prices people are expecting from them.
    The only problem is the same one they face, which is flippers and crashers, but we already deal with those on a larger scale.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (19)

    @D0C_516 дней назад +1

    Just came back to the game after 3 years and im glad to see my main man is still here making these videos!!!

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (20)

    @cvmxo17 дней назад +1

    Love the time you spend on each video. You're very helpful, thank you.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (21)

    @sithisrants415418 дней назад +1

    The only really important change the GE needs is real-time price updates. These small changes are cool, I guess, but we've been asking for a more realistic reflections of item values for years, and it's literally gotten to the point where Jmods have to step in multiple times to manually update the prices.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (22)

    @CaptainRickey17 дней назад +1

    The third idea is so incredibly vulnerable to players putting in 1gp buy offers for things like dhide/leather, bones, runes etc.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (23)

      @exantiuse49716 дней назад

      Do you mean people setting offers for those things so that people using the instant sell button will sell them for 1gp? Because that will not work unless literally every buy order for that item is fulfilled and the only buy orders are the 1gp ones which is never going to happen for items that are traded in high quantities

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (24)

    @jayson929118 дней назад +5

    Wow i pulled an all nighter. Watching protoxx in bed. :)

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (25)

    @fiddleriddlediddlediddle18 дней назад +1

    I feel like the GE needs its price algorithm checked out.
    It told me that leather boots were worth thousands and I couldn't even sell them for one GP.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (26)

    @byever118 дней назад +5

    Runelite has that acronym feature

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (27)

      @ProtoxxGaming 18 дней назад +6

      Wait what? Really? Damn osrs plugins are one step ahead frfr

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (28)

      @HannahNoell18 дней назад +4

      ​@@ProtoxxGaming yeag, osrs via runelite has absolutely unparallelled utility. Even just having ground item highlights in rs3 would be so lovely

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (29)

      @ianhopkins745718 дней назад +1

      @@HannahNoell able to hide certain items you dont want

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (30)

      @HannahNoell18 дней назад

      @@ianhopkins7457 getting a drop and seeing the purple/orange lights over it and seeing the item name on the ground is peak dopamine and i wish rs3 had that so bad

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (31)

    @WizardOfCheese18 дней назад +2

    im not arsed about the 'x' feature, that could probably be added in a couple of hours of coding (if that) but the +/- feature is big, if you can up/down the price by 1% on the fly, whilst in the thumbnail view, that'd be super useful. the 'insta sell' button sounds like a gimmick to me, basically just the 'x' feature but set to 1gp. who would risk it?

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (32)

      @hdgevin18 дней назад

      im not too phased about the "x%" features either, don't care enough to have dev time put into. Its not a problem to click current buttons, its that the price values are not correct. If they update pricings more often then there is no need for "-99%"

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (33)

      @exantiuse49716 дней назад

      I often set price to 1go when selling random junk to free up bank space. Maybe I lose a few k here and there but it's not worth slow selling every random item, that would take forever

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (34)

    @ptsg18 дней назад +1

    these would be amazing changes! I hope Jagex slots in time for this rather than it being a one man one day a month job

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (35)

    @Jaaaaassssooon18 дней назад

    They could just leave it all, but for slow selling items they could just make a system like wow. In which you can just see what people are selling an item for. This is through the GE interface, example you go to sell a BOLG you can see in the GE interface what people are selling for and decide to match or go lower.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (36)

    @PinkLemnade18 дней назад

    I think it needs to be said:
    with the instant buy button, it needs to NOT display the instant buy price until after you get the money.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (37)

    @SoaringSunflowers17 дней назад

    We need a way to make it faster to sell an inv of stuff FAST. It's so time consuming. So if they could do that, anything else is cool, but less important

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (38)

    @kigachirux460518 дней назад +1

    A market similar to another RPG called Black Desert could also be nice, but i feel its slightly too clear for runescape at the moment.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (39)

    @Wifi_CableДень назад

    Just make the 20% button customizable and leave the rest the same. If you want instant sell, then -100%. It's that simple.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (40)

    @aimsosyckttv522318 дней назад +1

    I would like to see some limit increases too on logs etc. sometimes its annoying waiting 4 hrs to rebuy 10k bones

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (41)

      @CharleetheGiraffe18 дней назад

      you can go over the limit to like 100k bones and then they'll buy while you sleep/at work etc

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (42)

      @exantiuse49716 дней назад

      There has to be some limits to restrict market manipulation, but I agree that some limits are too low. Are super/extreme potions still at 1k/4h or did they increase that? It was super annoying doing overloads to 112 when you could only buy 1k per buy limit lmao

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (43)

    @DemonChicken31616 дней назад

    i would rather have the GE be similar to vanilla wow's Auction House. let us post our items up for whatever price we want, and let the customer choose which option they want to purchase.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (44)

    @Galimeer518 дней назад

    I hope they get rid of that "You are trying to sell a valuable item for far less than it's worth" pop up.
    The fact that I'm selling some treasure hunter token or some sh*t for 1gp means the value the GE's assigned it is wrong.
    More than likely, I've already tried to sell it below market price and it wasn't going.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (45)

    @abzcomics102017 дней назад

    Great vid, and will be interesting what this side project brings, hopefully will be refreshing for mod sukkodo to develop some nice additions to the GE.
    My ideas for Grand exchange would be :-
    1. Limit slots to 2 for players entering game, then unlock of 1 slot every 300 total, all the way up to 3018 would give 14 slots total, and I think great progression reward, IMO the GE should not be a given with amount of slots as default.
    2. Make certain player made items in P2P available for use in F2P, but no ability to actually make them. This opens a market up for example items like potions which would be nice for F2P to use for training but benefit p2p on their being a secondary market for the items that is not just p2p.
    3. Remove certain gathering items from GE or player made items, so that players trade like old school pre-ge those items. I do love the convenience of GE, but think the game is missing the old trading element that all the veterans probably remember, and also all the interaction that this used to bring as a game. Realise this would not be a popular idea for a % of people :) haha :)
    Greetings from Scotland :)

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (46)

    @Vxlxyk16 дней назад

    they should add a edit post tax bar option so you can type how much you want to make after the tax and the game will auto enter the base amount needed to sell the item for to get the amount you want after tax.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (47)

    @Gutigwolfe16 дней назад

    As long as the instant sell keeps within a percentage, then it is fine. The only issue is if there isn't any offers and it sells for 1 gp to a troll otherwise.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (48)

    @joshuajohnson980114 дней назад

    I just wish we could borrow/loan items for a price without having to find someone and do it in person. You type in the name of a borrowable item and you see a list of people lending it and how much they want for it and vice versa.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (49)

    @dumbkid123417 дней назад

    this sounds a lot like what was wrong with the eve online markets. This quick sell and modify order options led to massive market bots driving up or down the value of items through buy or sell orders. They added a tax to buy/sell order modifications to disincentivise the botting/ 0.01 issue that arose.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (50)

    @joost0071918 дней назад

    I would like to see a "sell all my items in my inventory" button. Then a popup comes up with every item in your inventory, and how much each item will be sold for (expected -+10%). It will also show the current GE mid price, and the percentage of how much the difference between these prices is. This for every single item. It will also allow to toggle every item in case you don't wish to sell a certain item. Optional a setting with the maximum price to allow auto-selling. (e.g. no items or stacks above 10m gp)
    Example for one item:
    Drygore mace
    Grand Exchange price: 15,521,965 coins
    Expected sell price: 15,299,888 coins
    Difference: -9,9%

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (51)

    @TJG42118 дней назад

    Nice to see a Jmod with REAL ambition to improve the game. Shocked his two cents made it into a post without getting rejected
    I may not play RS3 anymore as I've fully turned to osrs years ago now but I still want the best for the main game.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (52)

    @iwrestleabeeonce17 дней назад

    The runelite plugin for seeing actual trade prices would be so huge

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (53)

    @Aztrama17 дней назад

    2:17 Man has been doing Arch-Glacor and Vindicta👌🏻

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (54)

    @GamingTechReview17 дней назад

    Value of end game gear being worth billions was due to the rich hoarding them. Necromancies accessibility helped the demand for these weapons to dye off and bring them back to their respective values. People complain about this but I am happy because more of my friends who play RuneScape can access better range and magic gear for cheaper.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (55)

    @sadmiqoxiv17 дней назад

    Just add a menu that shows:
    The current lowest listed price when buying or selling an item.
    This at least shows you where the market value currently is, with no manipulation of prices on rarely traded items.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (56)

      @exantiuse49716 дней назад

      All they need to do to fix rare prices is to update the GE price faster and more consistently. Right now the price updates maximum of 5% per day and only if enough items were sold, increasing the % and decreasing the required items sold would make the GE price reach its true value faster

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (57)

    @0ctoburr18 дней назад

    Another MMO, EVE Online, handles the exchange system so well. You can see the open buy or sell offers, and it gives you the tax cost very clearly. They even handle differnet tax rates in different areas of the game, but that's another layer of the economy that RS doesn't need. If they contracted a CCP (not the political party) employee to help with refactoring the GE interface, I think we'd be in a good place a few months from now.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (58)

    @timharvey506917 дней назад

    Trade history would be so amazing. We have Ely for the time being but in game would be great

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (59)

    @zimbu_17 дней назад

    The ability to get an estimate of instasell without actually selling seems like something merchers would use constantly. Might even encourage some to use bots to continually check a few hundred low volume items to find good spots to put in offers for monster-specific wildcards, third/second age items, mimic/abom cape etc.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (60)

    @nathanloosemore414116 дней назад

    There should be an open, transparent market. I find in other games it works well when other players list an item, you see their name and the price they want in the listing. The seller can opt to auction it over a set time period or list it for a instant buy price. Kind of like eBay I guess.
    I don't see any risks to the market using a concept like this. What does everyone else think? 🤔

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (61)

      @exantiuse49716 дней назад

      What if I want to buy e.g. 10k sharks, but nobody has that many for sale? Do I need to buy 3500 from guy A, 1500 from guy B etc? Sounds less convenient than the current system.
      And what would the interface look like? There are thousands of players buying and selling the more commonly traded items simultaneously, would there be a list of all those players you'd need to scroll through? How would that fit the GE screen, especially if there are names and pictures in addition to the item and its price?

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (62)

    @WebcasterProductions18 дней назад

    And with these changes give us platinum tokens because max cash is still incredibly low and theres zero reason we dont have them yet

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (63)

    @frankbaird864518 дней назад

    Full transparency would be sooooooo nice! This is what Guild Wars 2 does and it works very well, very well.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (64)

    @lmuzzammil18 дней назад

    They should implement changes to make it closer to what EVE Online has. It is complete transparency on the available buy/sell offers.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (65)

    @Luna-un2bc18 дней назад

    hey the ge +/- % button in osrs is not a runelite plugin but a new-ish change in the game itself

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (66)

    @Eric4bz18 дней назад

    1. I approve... and I'll be honest I didn't know 'edit offer' existed until now.
    2. No strong feelings either way about this.
    3. Most games do this for trading, so this is very welcome for invaluable loot/junk.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (67)

    @D.E.P.-J.16 дней назад

    Jagex should spend more resources on the GE than just one developer one day a month.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (68)

    @Rumym818 дней назад

    this would be so helpful coz when tryna sell an item and it dont sell for -20% and then you end up spamming -20 and it still wont sell so you end up saying f it and sell it for 1gp

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    @striker671618 дней назад

    I would like to see these in the near future.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (70)

    @ryangentry200318 дней назад

    I would love an interface that shows ongoing offers and sells. Right now if you are trying to sell something that NO ONE is buying, even putting it at 1 gp is offering. This would also help the economy as it informs you of the prices your competitors are selling items for and keeps prices in check.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (71)

      @exantiuse49716 дней назад

      That sort of interface would be prone to manipulation. Pick an item with low volume, buy out all reasonably priced offers, then trade back and forth between two accounts to get the last 10 trades or whatever to show a high number, then sell to people thinking that's the real price. Or do the opposite to lower the perceived price then buy at a discount

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (72)

    @Sasoripwns17 дней назад

    Hypixel skyblocks bazaar is a great example for instant buy and sell. I love the convenience

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (73)

    @Ljrobison17 дней назад

    I honestly didn't even know about the edit offer button. I always canceled and redid it with the arrow button.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (74)

    @piepotential349918 дней назад

    2 things is like them to do, adjust the real price of item that are curently way off ge value and a quick search tab like all magic gear or all melee gear

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (75)

    @mikeyr131618 дней назад

    Cool! I love the instant sell button...

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (76)

    @firestorm21018 дней назад

    Wow this would be amazing 😮

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (77)

    @LunarcomplexMain16 дней назад

    an auto sell option that changes or adjusts the price automatically and isn't player coded, seems like a bad idea for the spirit behind selling and buying items in rs...

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (78)

    @laser855018 дней назад

    1st option: Yes
    2nd option: Personally not really useful as the 5%/20% exists
    3rd option: Some merchers will surely 'abuse' this

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (79)

    @vasiliv11718 дней назад

    I second your recommendations lol. Can't wait for the update(s)

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (80)

    @JustinLabbe-jt8pm18 дней назад

    Hey Protoxx! I found you at the incandescent wisps yesterday... but didn't see myself here. 😞

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (81)

    @holyfire1118 дней назад

    Whats going to happen is the grand ex. Improvements are going to be a section for microtransactions and a higher tax rate than the current 2% of every transaction on items and some other type of BS.

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    @Pooswap14 дней назад

    Can we look at market data past 6 month? data that goes back since the beginning would be nice.

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    @andyfarrow733718 дней назад

    Could an Insta-sell panel be put in place of the Lent items one, or be a custom alternative to Lent items?

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (84)

    @OfficialSaintzeth17 дней назад

    Cleaning out the bank will be easier

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (85)

    @russelljohnston407517 дней назад

    Insta sell all in inventory would be handy when you are cleaning bank after few hundred boss runs or what ever.

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    @Anonymous...............16 дней назад +1

    i wish rs3 had something like runelite. please jagex?

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (87)

    @Bookofwords18 дней назад

    the instant sell would be good, but.... it is easy for them to take away that warning. Make the code sell the item for the highest offer available... that way it would never give a 1gp sale.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (88)

      @exantiuse49716 дней назад

      The game already sells to the highest offer available. It has always done this ever since GE was introduced. However, there is always a danger that there are no good offers at the moment you sell and the best one is like 10% of the item's value, that's why there needs to be a warning

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (89)

      @Bookofwords16 дней назад

      @@exantiuse497 I didn't say it didn't. I stated that the instant sell should do that, so it never sells an item for 1gp.

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    @jackers3018 дней назад

    Is it me or is Jagex kinda cooking lately? They're flexing the 99 cooking cape (just wished it was the inverted one)

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (91)

    @randyloire985718 дней назад

    honestly two things that would help the game itself is one, list the actual prices of items and not the mid price. That would be the biggest help for all players in the GE. second, allow players to store more than 2.1 bill in gp in the BANK. Thats what a bank is for right? to keep things safe. It wouldnt be that hard to do either. Just have the first bank space in every bank assigned for gp and have the new max amount for that space. Other wise there isnt much to change at the GE other than some limits like why is raw beef at 1k per four hours? makes no sense. low level items should be allowed to be traded more in limits.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (92)

      @exantiuse49716 дней назад

      What is the point of storing money in the bank? There is a money pouch which is protected by bank pin. Or are you talking about OSRS? For that game there are platinum tokens that allow you to store up to 2.1T coins worth of wealth in the bank

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (93)

    @anrs315318 дней назад

    They need to add “last sold

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (94)

    @a_angry_bunny13 дней назад

    I haven't used the ge since Ironman mode was released. Should I still care?

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (95)

    @soda36618 дней назад

    Instant buy/sell would be amazing

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    @cooltubes54717 дней назад

    2:03 Nice.

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    @Bladedanced18 дней назад +1

    honestly if they just copied how osrs does it, that would be good enough

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    @bighouse58118 дней назад

    I wish jagex would just show the offers on sale like WoWs auction house. The instant sell is an AMAZING step though!

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    @tylerhayes980818 дней назад +1

    only 14k players on earlier today, better update the G.E. and not the actual core issues facing the receding population.

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      @joevsyou16 дней назад

      What are these core issues?

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (101)

    @benwil604818 дней назад

    The fact that this is more gamejam than a Jagex main target is baffling

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    @Deku-yv6kw18 дней назад

    How cool would that be? 😊😊

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (103)

    @XXPYR0XX17 дней назад

    get rid of the bull sh*t tax thing. also change it back to when there was 4 grand exchanges 1 in ech corner kinda.

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    @T95s_18 дней назад

    Focus on Group Ironman, or content related updates that will bring people to the game < change the way you can sell sht

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    @what1fun1v3rs318 дней назад

    I really hope this happens

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    @theomega61617 дней назад

    Only think I want is to f*ck off %
    I want, things like +/-100, +/-1000, +/-1m, mainly 'cos I like round numbers and not 10847, +/-5% or +/-20%. That doesn't sell, so I have to alter it another random % to something else weird
    Instead of just another 1k, another 1K. Especially since you can't do like 1.5K 'cos it's just come up as 15K, runescape doesn't like . apparently
    When you're selling stuff for 10M+ and slapping that 20% one or two times can mean a crazy difference in prices

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    @WizardOfCheese18 дней назад

    4:44 they wont add this, it's been (or it was) an on-going conversation on official rs forums for years, probably decades. i can't recall them saying they were against it, but they sure as hell ignored it. it's like WOW's auctions, right? i'd be massively in support of this, f*ck the merch clans and 100x alt users (practically the same thing). I like to see them trial it on FSW (fresh start worlds). we need more beta testing anyway. so jagex, if you're reading this, when is the next FSW?

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    @conman69818 дней назад

    I really want them to fix the UI on higher resolution monitors. It looks horrific in 4k and bad in 1440p.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (109)

      @spartax898618 дней назад

      Agreed, and at first I thought it was just my new monitor but it's literally only RuneScape that looks like ass lol

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (110)

    @Gasedupcashedup14 дней назад

    They need to focus on making the game better not the grand exchanges, do they not see how much players they lost 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (111)

    @pcgamesf2p70818 дней назад

    im just happy that the bond is 126m lol, nice video protoxx

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (112)

      @ProtoxxGaming 17 дней назад +1

      Don't be too happy, they'll go up again hahaha

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (113)

      @pcgamesf2p70817 дней назад

      @@ProtoxxGaming is a great t the i buy 5 of them lol they never going d 120m again

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (114)

    @jackfarris367017 дней назад

    No way ChatGPT wrote your intro

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (115)

    @runescaperxboxer44818 дней назад

    is it ok if i enjoy with a cup of coffee instead?

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (116)

    @robinhood677514 дней назад +1

    Oh no 2024 and still played like a chess game when bosses are juiced like they play World of warcraft. Runescape in general needs to die out, this game is getting garbage and old.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (117)

    @xSpaceInvader17 дней назад

    I wish they would balance the economy instead of letting everything go to the moon. Not every item needs to be valued in the billions lol.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (118)

    @FirestormDDash17 дней назад

    More like the Grand *Change* 😅

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (119)

    @ansenkoshy18 дней назад

    More new players pleaseeeee items are expensive now

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (120)

    @Gills42018 дней назад

    now if they would do something about that gold dupe............... oh wait they wont because that was a bug a jmod inplemented into the game to abuse and sell the gold i forgot.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (121)

    @typerightseesight17 дней назад

    The things been broken for a while especially things like +10 3 times and it'll sell you an extra 10 every single time. lol

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (122)

    @loganmaximus216017 дней назад

    GE Selling tax is bullsh*t. When you are taxed in real life, it is at least supposed to go toward something. It isn't just thrown into the dirt for nothing in return.

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (123)

      @IScreamedWolf17 дней назад +1

      I get it tbh. Without a gold sink inflation gets insane. To be honest though, I don’t know how much the tax offsets the death cost change they implemented

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (124)

    @yokdahaneler.341818 дней назад

    we planned already how to abusing instant sell button for ruining market :D

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (125)

    @zukmybik17 дней назад

    6 Trillion gp+ per hour was duped over the course of 3 months, when players could spawn infinite amounts of gold after the max cash update, what will happen this time with another GE update? Don't ruin the game anymore please!
    btw, no video talking about this bug, as fixed in may but worked for 3 months lol, so people need to know about it, i think only talking on reddit and only one rs3 youtuber talked about it, this is so bad to the game, and no one got banned!

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (126)

    @Ryan-us7oh18 дней назад

    I dont really play mainscape anymore... i keep saying i will and get one for a day then go back to my hcim...

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (127)

      @Ryan-us7oh18 дней назад

      I will say this tho I feel like at least over time insta sell buttons would be bad as ppl would take advantage of that and put them in for like 1gp.. unless they add something to negate that. Also would be cool to have a right click option or something from in the bank if ur at the ge only to sell to ge then u never need to even take it out of the bank.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (128)

    @WigneyR18 дней назад

    Avatar rework when? Jagex plz

    • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (129)

      @ProtoxxGaming 17 дней назад

      shelved btw
      ruclips.net/video/3cO8ejLgtkU/видео.html vid on that exact topic

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (130)

    @aaz19929 дней назад

    I got bored and been playing my main account like an unofficial ironman for months now. No need for GE lol

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (131)

    @cheekyjebus555917 дней назад

    over a 1 billion dollar company, 1 man once a month project. Buy some keys.

  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (132)

    @ietjecraft18 дней назад


  • Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (133)

    @itac0i18 дней назад +1

    This should all be scrapped before it's started. Keep it unlikely it's fine how it is.

Jagex plans to change the grand exchange (2024)


Why can't I use the Grand Exchange? ›

New players

New free-to-play accounts cannot sell or buy certain items on the Grand Exchange until they have acquired at least 10 quest points, spent 20 hours in-game and has a total skill level of 100.

Is there more than one Grand Exchange? ›

There are 4 locations in Runescape you can access the GE; Varrock, Menaphos, Priff and Max Guild.

Is there only one Grand Exchange in Osrs? ›

Members get eight Grand Exchange slots, each of which may be used to either buy or sell items; however, free players are limited to three. Additionally, free players may only purchase free-to-play items, and not members' items.

What was the grand exchange in history? ›

The Columbian Exchange, sometimes called the Grand Exchange was the exchange of goods and ideas from Europe, Africa, and Asia and goods and ideas from the Americas. It also spread different diseases. It started in 1492 when Christopher Columbus arrived in the West Indies (North America).

Can F2P use Grand Exchange? ›

Members have eight Grand Exchange slots in which they may trade items, however free players are limited to three.

Why is my osrs account restricted from trading? ›

New free-to-play accounts have trade restrictions in place until the account's logged in time surpasses 20 hours of game time, 10 or more quest points are acquired, and reaching 100 total level. Such restrictions include a block from selling certain items on the Grand Exchange.

Why are Christmas crackers expensive in osrs? ›

Due to the fact this was the only time a supply of them was added to the game, they quickly became rare items worth hundreds of thousands to millions of gold in the years to come.

What is the corrupted twisted bow? ›

A mystical bow carved from the twisted remains of the Great Olm. Values. Value. 250,000 coins. High alch.

What is the buy limit timer for Grand Exchange? ›

The buying limit of Grand Exchange items is restricted to a certain quantity every 4 hours. This timer is based on the first item bought in the 4-hour slot.

What is the rarest item in OSRS? ›

In Old School RuneScape (OSRS), the rarest weapon or item is often considered to be the Twisted Bow. It is a rare drop from the Chambers of Xeric raid and is highly sought after for its powerful ranged attack and unique mechanics.

Is swapping legal in RuneScape? ›

Swapping (if not linked to any other type of rule breaking) is not against the rules - however it does carry large risks. As a result we highly recommend that you don't attempt to 'swap. ' There is no safe way to 'swap' and there are many things that can go wrong.

How much is 1 million OSRS? ›

The price of OSRS gold varies and can fluctuate depending on supply and demand. On average, 1 million OSRS gold coins can cost anywhere from $0.25 to $0.30, but this can change depending on various factors such as the current state of the in-game economy and player demand.

How did the Grand Exchange dramatically alter agriculture? ›

Europeans brought horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs, among others. These animals changed agricultural practices and transportation. Horses had a huge effect on the indigenous American economies and culture. Buffalo hunting became far more efficient when done on horseback.

What was the exchange in 1492? ›

The Columbian exchange was underway. On his second voyage, Columbus brought wheat, radishes, melons, and chickpeas to the Caribbean. His travels opened an Atlantic highway between the New and Old Worlds that never closed and only expanded as the exchange of goods increased exponentially year after year.

What is the oldest form of exchange? ›

Bartering is the oldest form of exchange.

How to use the Grand Exchange? ›

Right click on an Exchange Clerk (located in the center, in blue) and click on "Exchange". You'll see a screen with six boxes for buying and selling (two if you are a free player). Click on a box and you'll see new two boxes, each for the option of buying or selling an item.

Why can't i use the bank in Darkmeyer? ›

The Darkmeyer bank is a bank located in Darkmeyer. Players frequently use the bank when pickpocketing from Vyrewatch. Players must have completed Sins of the Father to access it. Players not wearing the full set of Vyre noble clothing will not be able to bank here.

How to teleport to the Grand Exchange osrs? ›

A Grand Exchange Portal can be built in the portal chamber of a player-owned house. It will teleport players to the Grand Exchange for those who have completed the Medium Varrock Diary, by using the "Toggle" option on the Varrock Portal.

How do you get to the Grand Exchange fast? ›

Use a ring of wealth, ring of fortune, luck of the dwarves, or a Hazelmere's signet ring, to teleport directly to the Grand Exchange.


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