Dissertations / Theses: 'Teaching models and methods' – Grafiati (2025)

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Relevant bibliographies by topics / Teaching models and methods / Dissertations / Theses

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Author: Grafiati

Published: 7 July 2024

Last updated: 7 July 2024

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Beyrouthy, Camille. "Models, solution methods and threshold behaviour for the teaching space allocation problem." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2008. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/10576/.

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Universities have to manage their teaching space, and plan future needs. Their efforts are frequently hampered by, capital and maintenance costs, on one hand, pedagogical and teaching services on the other. The efficiency of space usage, can be measured by the utilisation: the percentage of available seat-hours actually used. The observed utilisation, in many institutions, is unacceptably low, and this provides our main underlying motivation: To address and assess some of the major factors that affect teaching space usage in the hope of improving it in practise. Also, when performing space management, managers operate within a limited number and capacity of lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, etc. Hence, some teaching activities require splitting into different groups. For example, lectures being too large to fit in any one room and seminars/tutorials being taught in small groups for good teaching practise. This thesis forms the cornerstone of ongoing research to illuminate issues stemming from poorly utilised space and studies the nature of constraints that underlies those low levels of utilisation. We give quantitative evidence that constraints related to timetabling are major players in pushing down utilisation levels and also, devise "Dynamic Splitting" algorithms to illustrate the effects of splitting on utilisation levels. We showed the existence of threshold between phases where splitting and allocation is "always possible" to ones where "it's never possible", hence, introducing a practical application of Phase Transition to space planning and management. We have also worked on the long-term planning aspect of teaching space and proposed methods to improve the future expected utilisation.


Jones, Heather Patti. "Researching Effective Methods for Teaching the Phases of the Moon." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2012. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/3865.

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This study investigated the effectiveness of commonly used instructional methods for teaching the phases of the Moon to fifth and sixth grade students. The instructional methods investigated were the use of diagrams, animations, and models. The effectiveness of each method was tested by measuring students' understanding of Moon phases with a pre and post-assessment after receiving instruction with a specific method or combination of methods. These methods were then evaluated for their ability to help students learn essential concepts, reinforce relevant vocabulary and discourage misconceptions. Results showed that students had better scores with less prevalence of misconception when they were taught using two methods instead of one. Students taught with only computer animations had significantly lower scores and a higher prevalence of misconceptions when compared to the other methods. This may be due to some design errors in the animation used in this study. Even though students taught with only computer animations had significantly lower scores, students taught with computer animations followed by instruction with diagrams had significantly higher scores. Why this combination of instruction was more effective for student learning is a question that requires further research.


Sassoon,R. "Joins in childrens handwriting, and the effects of different models and teaching methods." Thesis, University of Reading, 1988. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.382162.

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Abosnan, Salem Hamed. "The teaching of 'reading English in a foreign language' in Libyan universities : methods and models." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2016. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/7829/.

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This study focuses on the learning and teaching of Reading in English as a Foreign Language (REFL), in Libya. The study draws on an action research process in which I sought to look critically at students and teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Libya as they learned and taught REFL in four Libyan research sites. The Libyan EFL educational system is influenced by two main factors: the method of teaching the Holy-Quran and the long-time ban on teaching EFL by the former Libyan regime under Muammar Gaddafi. Both of these factors have affected the learning and teaching of REFL and I outline these contextual factors in the first chapter of the thesis. This investigation, and the exploration of the challenges that Libyan university students encounter in their REFL, is supported by attention to reading models. These models helped to provide an analytical framework and starting point for understanding the many processes involved in reading for meaning and in reading to satisfy teacher instructions. The theoretical framework I adopted was based, mainly and initially, on top-down, bottom-up, interactive and compensatory interactive models. I drew on these models with a view to understanding whether and how the processes of reading described in the models could be applied to the reading of EFL students and whether these models could help me to better understand what was going on in REFL. The diagnosis stage of the study provided initial data collected from four Libyan research sites with research tools including video-recorded classroom observations, semi-structured interviews with teachers before and after lesson observation, and think-aloud protocols (TAPs) with 24 students (six from each university) in which I examined their REFL reading behaviours and strategies. This stage indicated that the majority of students shared behaviours such as reading aloud, reading each word in the text, articulating the phonemes and syllables of words, or skipping words if they could not pronounce them. Overall this first stage indicated that alternative methods of teaching REFL were needed in order to encourage ‘reading for meaning’ that might be based on strategies related to eventual interactive reading models adapted for REFL. The second phase of this research project was an Intervention Phase involving two team-teaching sessions in one of the four stage one universities. In each session, I worked with the teacher of one group to introduce an alternative method of REFL. This method was based on teaching different reading strategies to encourage the students to work towards an eventual interactive way of reading for meaning. A focus group discussion and TAPs followed the lessons with six students in order to discuss the 'new' method. Next were two video-recorded classroom observations which were followed by an audio-recorded discussion with the teacher about these methods. Finally, I conducted a Skype interview with the class teacher at the end of the semester to discuss any changes he had made in his teaching or had observed in his students' reading with respect to reading behaviour strategies, and reactions and performance of the students as he continued to use the 'new' method. The results of the intervention stage indicate that the teacher, perhaps not surprisingly, can play an important role in adding to students’ knowledge and confidence and in improving their REFL strategies. For example, after the intervention stage, students began to think about the title, and to use their own background knowledge to comprehend the text. The students employed, also, linguistic strategies such as decoding and, above all, the students abandoned the behaviour of reading for pronunciation in favour of reading for meaning. Despite the apparent efficacy of the alternative method, there are, inevitably, limitations related to the small-scale nature of the study and the time I had available to conduct the research. There are challenges, too, related to the students’ first language, the idiosyncrasies of the English language, the teacher training and continuing professional development of teachers, and the continuing political instability of Libya. The students’ lack of vocabulary and their difficulties with grammatical functions such as phrasal and prepositional verbs, forms which do not exist in Arabic, mean that REFL will always be challenging. Given such constraints, the ‘new’ methods I trialled and propose for adoption can only go so far in addressing students’ difficulties in REFL. Overall, the study indicates that the Libyan educational system is underdeveloped and under resourced with respect to REFL. My data indicates that the teacher participants have received little to no professional developmental that could help them improve their teaching in REFL and skills in teaching EFL. These circumstances, along with the perennial problem of large but varying class sizes; student, teacher and assessment expectations; and limited and often poor quality resources, affect the way EFL students learn to read in English. Against this background, the thesis concludes by offering tentative conclusions; reflections on the study, including a discussion of its limitations, and possible recommendations designed to improve REFL learning and teaching in Libyan universities.


Waswa, Anne, and Mitchelle Wambua. "Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Sweden : Methods, Resources and Assessment in Mathematics." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap (UV), 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-45007.

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Erika, Tobolka. "Model računarski podržane nastave engleskog jezika i metode njene realizacije kao faktor unapređenja i informatizacije obrazovanja." Phd thesis, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnički fakultet Mihajlo Pupin u Zrenjaninu, 2002. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/NS20021017TOBOLKA.

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Disertacija obuhvata opis tradicionalne nastave engleskog jezika kao podsistema sistema obrazovanja i tradicionalne nastave engleskog jezika: jezičke sposobnosti i jezički elementi, nastavne metode, oblici i sredstva. Dostignuća informatičke tehnologije utiču na neophodne promene u obrazovanju. Model računarski podržane nastave engleskog jezika dat je kroz primenu servisa Interneta i kibernetskih i posebnih metoda nastave u računarskoj laboratoriji.
The dissertation presents a description of the traditional English Language teaching as a subsystem of the educational system: langauge skills and elements, methods, forms, aids.The achievments of information technology make influence on necessary changes in education. It also presents model of Computer Assisted English Language Teaching and Learning applying the Internet services and kibernetics and special teaching methods in acomputer laboratory.


Pratley, Sharyn. "Students' perceptions of the influence of the sport education model on their sport thinking and actions : research project report." Thesis, University of Canterbury. School of Sciences and Physical Education, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/2932.

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A well established curriculum model which some claim has a socio-cultural component isthe Sport Education model (Siedentop, Mand and Taggart, 1986). Others suggest that thismodel, with development, could be an appropriate vehicle for socio-critical learningoutcomes that have lifelong meaning and value (Penney, Clarke and Kinchin, 2002,Taggart, 2004).An interest in developing an understanding of the relationship between the philosophicalunderpinnings of a Physical Education curriculum and teaching methods used to facilitatesocio-critical learning outcomes is the motivation behind this research project. Throughinterviewing two secondary school students, their perceptions of the influence of SportEducation on their sport thinking and actions were explored to ascertain if, soci-culturaland socio-critical learning may indeed be realistic outcomes of the Sport Educationmodel.The research provided evidence that students gave a lot of thought to specific incidentswithin the Sport Education unit and acted on these thoughts within the unit. Elements ofcritical thinking and critical action are evident in the research. Students also reportedthinking about their sport involvement both from a participation point of view and alsoabout the nature of their involvement, for example helping others, in out of schoolcontexts. Both expressed intentions of actions they may take in sport out of school due tothe influence of Sport Education. The two students' perceptions of the influence of theSport Education model on their sport thinking and sport action has shown thateducational outcomes of a socio-cultural nature can be achieved through the model.


Costa, Ann Marie. "A Mixed Methods Program Evaluation on the Effectiveness of a School Redesign Model on Teacher Empowerment and Student Achievement." ScholarWorks, 2011. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/1026.

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A recent law in a New England state allowed public schools to operate with increased flexibility and autonomy through the authorization of the creation of Innovation Schools. This project study, a program evaluation using a convergent parallel mixed methods research design, allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of the first Innovation School (IS). Activity theory, which conceptualizes change in systems involving human interaction, was the theoretical foundation of this study. The research questions focused on the efficacy of the autonomous school redesign model in involving stakeholders in participatory decision making, improving teacher collaboration, expanding teacher empowerment, and increasing student achievement on a state standardized assessment. Descriptive and statistical analyses of a preestablished survey on teacher empowerment were used to collect data, and student achievement was examined via parametric statistical analyses of standardized state achievement assessments of 3 rd, 4th and 5th grade students. Independent and paired t-test analyses documented significant increases in teacher empowerment and student achievement test scores associated with the IS model. Qualitative data, focus group and individual interviews, were analyzed through open coding and deriving summative themes of stakeholder perceptions to extend the quantitative results. The combined findings demonstrated that the IS model significantly impacted teacher empowerment and student achievement. The implications for social change lies in giving stakeholders a voice and decision making authority. As a result, schools can become organizations where stakeholders, regardless of race, color, national origin, or educational attainment, become responsible for issues related to the teaching and learning of the entire school community.


Passos, Ivan Carlin. "Raciocínio crítico de alunos de graduação em ciências contábeis: aplicação do modelo instrucional de Richard Paul." Universidade de São Paulo, 2011. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/12/12136/tde-07022012-151121/.

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Devido à demanda do mercado e da nova Lei das S.A´s que exigem um perfil de profissional da área de negócios com maior nível de raciocínio crítico, o objetivo geral desta tese foi conhecer, analisar e avaliar empiricamente a efetividade do modelo de raciocínio crítico de Richard Paul em alunos de disciplinas da área contábil no desenvolvimento de habilidades para pensar criticamente sobre contabilidade e atitudes de raciocínio crítico em geral. O quase-experimento piloto foi realizado em uma instituição pública durante o segundo semestre de 2010, teve uma abordagem geral (quatro intervenções de 30 min.) de aplicação do modelo e o autor da pesquisa foi monitor das classes. O segundo quase-experimento foi realizado em uma instituição particular durante o primeiro semestre de 2011, teve uma abordagem mista (aulas e atividades da turma experimento) de aplicação e o autor da pesquisa foi o professor das turmas. Em ambos os quase-experimentos os participantes preencheram três instrumentos de avaliação: dois deles aplicados no início e no final do semestre e avaliaram habilidades (Ennis Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test - EWCTET) e atitudes (California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory - CCTDI) de raciocínio crítico; e um deles foi uma pesquisa demográfica (aplicado no final do semestre). Além de análises descritivas das amostras, para testar as hipóteses foi aplicada a análise de covariância (ANCOVA) utilizando-se os pré-testes como covariáveis. Na instituição pública não foi constatado efeito significativo do modelo instrucional no desenvolvimento de habilidades ou atitudes de raciocínio crítico e nenhuma diferença considerando o efeito isolado das variáveis idade ou gênero. Foram confirmadas duas hipóteses na instituição particular: a turma experimento (p = 0,040 e d = 0,56) e os alunos mais velhos (p = 0,047 e d = 0,58) apresentaram maior desenvolvimento de habilidades de raciocínio crítico. Apesar de as médias das atitudes não terem sido significativamente diferentes, encontrou-se também efeito significativo do modelo instrucional no desenvolvimento da atitude curiosidade (p = 0,047 e d = 0,65). Também foram constatadas diferenças significativas nas habilidades para os efeitos isolados de idade (p = 0,002 e d = 0,77) e gênero (p = 0,016 e d = 0,60); e para as atitudes no efeito isolado do gênero (p = 0,033 e d = 0,46). Para futuras pesquisas, recomenda-se a aplicação do modelo em cursos de graduação ou pós-graduação da área de negócios e investigações mais profundas sobre formas de raciocínio, comportamento e aprendizagem, considerando idade ou gênero.
Due to market demands and the new Corporate Law\'s that require a professional profile of the business area with higher level of critical thinking, the general objective of this thesis was to recognize, analyze and evaluate empirically the effectiveness of teaching Richard Paul\'s model of critical thinking in students of accounting disciplines in the development of abilities to think critically about accounting and of critical thinking disposition\'s in general. The pilot quasi-experiment was conducted in a public institution during the second half of 2010 and had a general approach (four interventions of 30 min.) of the model\'s use and the author of the study was the monitor´s classes. The second quasi-experiment was conducted in a private institution during the first half of 2011 and had a mixed application approach (used in most classes and activities of the experimental class) and the author of the study was the teacher´s classes. In both quasi-experiments the applicants filled three evaluation instruments. Two of them were applied at the beginning and end of the semester and evaluated skills (Ennis Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test - EWCTET) and attitudes (California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory - CCTDI) of critical thinking and a demographic survey was applied at the end of the semester. In addition to descriptive analysis of the samples, to test the hypotheses set was applied the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using pretest as covariates. In the public institution was not found significant effect of instructional model in developing skills and attitudes of critical thinking and no difference for the effect of isolated variables age or gender. In the particular institution two hypotheses were confirmed, the experimental class (p = .040 and d = .56) and the older students (p = .047 and d = .58) have presented higher development of critical thinking skills. Although the mean of the attitudes were not significantly different, also met significant effect of instructional model in the development of the curiosity attitude (p = .047 and d = .65). There were also significant differences in the abilities to the isolated effects of age (p = .002 and d = .77) and gender (p = .016 and d =.60) and in the attitudes to the isolated effect of gender (p = .033 and d = .46). For future researches, it is recommended to apply the same model in undergraduate or graduate business area and further investigation on ways of thinking, behavior and learning, taking into account age or gender.


Sönnerhed, Wang Wei. "Mathematics textbooks for teaching : An analysis of content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge concerning algebra in Swedish upper secondary education." Licentiate thesis, Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande, Göteborgs universitet, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-16949.

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In school algebra, using different methods including factorization to solve quadratic equations is one common teaching and learning topic at upper secondary school level. This study is about analyzing the algebra content related to solving quadratic equations and the method of factorization as presented in Swedish mathematics textbooks with subject matter content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) as analytical tools. Mathematics textbooks as educational resources and artefacts are widely used in classroom teaching and learning. What is presented in a textbook is often taught by teachers in the classroom. Similarly, what is missing from the textbook may not be presented by the teacher. The study is based on an assumption that pedagogical content knowledge is embedded in the subject content presented in textbooks. Textbooks contain both subject content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. The primary aim of the study is to explore what pedagogical content knowledge regarding solving quadratic equations that is embedded in mathematics textbooks. The secondary aim is to analyze the algebra content related to solving quadratic equations from the perspective of mathematics as a discipline in relation to algebra history. It is about what one can find in the textbook rather than how the textbook is used in the classroom. The study concerns a teaching perspective and is intended to contribute to the understanding of the conditions of teaching solving quadratic equations. The theoretical framework is based on Shulman’s concept pedagogical content knowledge and Mishra and Koehler’s concept content knowledge. The general theoretical perspective is based on Wartofsky’s artifact theory. The empirical material used in this study includes twelve mathematics textbooks in the mathematics B course at Swedish upper secondary schools. The study contains four rounds of analyses. The results of the first three rounds have set up a basis for a deep analysis of one selected textbook. The results show that the analyzed Swedish mathematics textbooks reflect the Swedish mathematics syllabus of algebra. It is found that the algebra content related to solving quadratic equations is similar in every investigated textbook. There is an accumulative relationship among all the algebra content with a final goal of presenting how to solve quadratic equations by quadratic formula, which implies that classroom teaching may focus on quadratic formula. Factorization method is presented for solving simple quadratic equations but not the general-formed quadratic equations. The study finds that the presentation of the algebra content related to quadratic equations in the selected textbook is organized by four geometrical models that can be traced back to the history of algebra. These four geometrical models are applied for illustrating algebra rules and construct an overall embedded teaching trajectory with five sub-trajectories. The historically related pedagogy and application of mathematics in both real world and pure mathematics contexts are the pedagogical content knowledge related to quadratic equations.


Lomneth,TheresaK. "Teaching an Old Profession New Tricks: An Analysis on the Effects of the Flipped Classroom Model on Student Performance." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2014. http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/931.

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AbstractWhen traditional lecture methods prove ineffective, some professors turn to alternative teaching styles. In particular, a flipped or inverted classroom, where students watch conceptual videos before coming to class and use class time for application and fine tuning of these concepts has become popular in recent years. However, little consensus exists on the efficacy of these strategies. The purpose of this study is to determine whether a flipped classroom structure implemented in a medical school course successfully improved student performance. To do so, I analyzed exam data from the University of Nebraska Medical Center before and after implementation of the alternate method in a course, and compared to another class taken in the same semester that did not undergo any change in teaching style.In addition, I investigated differences among particular student academic and demographic groups that may benefit from learning in an inverted classroom environment. My findings suggest that the flipped classroom strategy is advantageous to student learning and can significantly increase the performance of particular divisions of students such as those with lower-than-average MCAT scores and students who performed highly in their first year of medical school.


Onal, Ilke. "Effects Of Constructivist Instruction On The Achievement, Attitude, Science Process Skills And Retention In Science Teaching Methods Ii Course." Phd thesis, METU, 2008. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/3/12609554/index.pdf.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of constructivist instruction on the achievement, attitude towards science teaching, science process skills and retention of fourth grade preservice science teachers in Science Teaching Methods II course. Two groups (one experimental and one control) were assigned from Hacettepe University Faculty of Education Department of Science Education. Experimental group consisted of 53 preservice science teachers and the control group consisted of 50 preservice science teachers
totally 103 preservice science teachers participated in this study. Quasi experimental research design was used in this study. Constructivist instruction was used in experimental group and traditional instruction was used in control group during the teaching and learning process. This research study was conducted in fall semester of the 2007-2008 academic year and lasted 15 weeks including the final examination term. Science Process Skills Test, Attitude towards Science Teaching Scale and Achievement Test in Science Teaching Methods II course were administered to participants three times
at the beginning of the study, immediately after the implementation process and 10 weeks later. A mixed between within ANOVA with repeated measures was used as a statistical technique for analyzing quantitative data and both descriptive and content analysis was used for analyzing questionnaire, formative and summative focus group interviews. Statistical mean difference was obtained for all tests in favor of experimental group and the findings of quantitative data analysis results were supported by the qualitative data analysis results. After interpreting the results, it can be claimed that constructivist instruction is effective in preservice science education.


Simmers, Lisa Anne. "An examination of the applicability of implementing Canada's immersion model in a language minority educational setting in the United States." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1996. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/1151.

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Cornelissen, Liezl Odette. "An investigation into the attitudes, perceptions and factors affecting the implementation of the consumer studies teaching portfolio in the Western Cape Education Department." Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2008. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_5215_1266272941.

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The main objective of this study was to investigate the attitudes, perceptions and factors affecting the implementation of the Consumer Studies teaching portfolio in the
Educational Management Developmental Centres (EMDCs) of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). The sub-objectives were firstly to assess the teachers' attitudes toward the Consumer Studies teaching portfolio as an assessment tool. A second aim was to describe teachers&rsquo
perceptions of assessment methods in the Consumer Studies teaching portfolio, while a third was to identify the factors that affect the development of the said portfolio.


Dalben, Adilson 1965. "Fatores associados à proficiência em leitura e matemática : uma aplicação do modelo linear hierárquico com dados longitudinais do Projeto GERES." [s.n.], 2014. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/253935.

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Orientadores: Luiz Carlos de Freitas, Dalton Francisco de Andrade
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T22:44:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1Dalben_Adilson_D.pdf: 5011742 bytes, checksum: e9c6413b4e6fb98c276dcbdecd13440b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014
Resumo: Esta pesquisa é um estudo sobre a eficácia e equidade escolar que tem ganhado atenção especial nos países que usam as avaliações em larga escala a serviço da gestão do sistema educativo. No Brasil, que desde a década de 1990 colocou a avaliação educacional como recurso central em suas políticas educacionais, mas coletando dados seccionais, que são muito frágeis para essa finalidade. Essa fragilidade decorre da alta associação que os fatores extraescolares, sobretudo o nível socioeconômico do aluno, têm sobre as medidas de proficiência. Diante disso, foram usados dados longitudinais e a análise foi feita por meio de modelos lineares hierárquicos. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal desenvolver um modelo estatístico capaz de identificar tais fatores para a realidade brasileira, considerando que a aprendizagem é um processo complexo, isto é, ela é influenciada simultaneamente por múltiplos fatores. Foram desenvolvidos modelos de valor agregado que não só identificam tais variáveis, como também caracterizam sua influência em alunos com distintas proficiências no início de cada período de escolarização. A base de dados utilizada nesses modelos foi fornecida pelo Projeto GERES, que, no período de 2005 a 2008, coletou dados dos mesmos alunos de 1ª a 4ª séries de uma amostra de 312 escolas em cinco grandes cidades brasileiras. Foram medidas as proficiências em Leitura e Matemática de 35.538 alunos e coletadas informações de contexto desses alunos, seus familiares, professores, diretores e escola. Após a redução do grande número de informações disponibilizadas pelo Projeto GERES, feita por meio da Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE), as variáveis resultantes foram reorganizadas em três arquivos usados para análise em modelos lineares hierárquicos de três níveis. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam uma significativa instabilidade nos efeitos que as variáveis têm sobre a proficiência, tanto em leitura quanto em matemática. Ao final da pesquisa, são encontrados alguns fatores que influenciam positivamente e negativamente a proficiência em Leitura e Matemática e outros que afetam especificamente cada uma dessas áreas, indicando que podem colaborar para o aumento da eficácia e da equidade das escolas. No entanto, constatam-se também algumas variáveis que têm comportamentos incoerentes com o esperado e outras com comportamentos opostos nas duas áreas. Assim, dos achados das pesquisas, comprova-se que, com base nos dados utilizados, procedimentos metodológicos e modelos estatísticos adotados, os modelos de valor agregado melhoram a confiabilidade das análises em comparação aos modelos que usam dados seccionais, mas ainda são inviáveis como ferramentas para a gestão do sistema educativo, sobretudo para o uso meritocrático de seus resultados. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa corrobora os achados de outras realizadas no âmbito internacional e permite afirmar que a qualidade da modelagem estatística depende da qualidade dos dados que busca modelar, podendo gerar distorções, estabelecer relações inesperadas ou levar a conclusões equivocadas. Em contrapartida, trata-se de recursos que podem ser usados no sistema educativo, fornecendo dados importantes para a orientação das políticas públicas numa perspectiva de avaliação formativa, com vistas ao melhoramento da qualidade de ensino oferecido pelas escolas e à melhor formação dos profissionais docentes e não-docentes que nelas trabalham
Abstract: This research is a study on school effectiveness and equality in Brazil, adding up to a number of other researches that have drawn special attention in countries that use large-scale evaluations at the service of the education system management. In the Brazil has regarded the educational evaluation as a central resource in national education policies, but using cross-sectional data, which are far more fragile for such purpose. This fragility has derived from the great influence that extra-school factors, particularly the students¿ socioeconomic status, exerts on proficiency measures. Longitudinal data was used in the analyses with hierarchical linear models. The main objective of this research was to develop a statistical model to identify such factors in the Brazilian reality, considering that learning is a complex process, i.e. it is simultaneously influenced by multiple factors. Value-added models were developed not only to identify such variables, but also to characterize their influence on students showing different proficiencies at the beginning of every school term. The data base used in those models was provided by the GERES Project, which collected data of the same students from the 1st to the 4th grade from a sample of 312 schools in five Brazilian cities from 2005 to 2008. Proficiencies of 35,538 students were measured, and information about these students¿ context, family, teachers, principals and school were gathered. After the reduction of the great amount of information made available by the GERES Project by means of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), the resulting variables were reorganized in three files used for analysis in three-level hierarchical linear models. The results evidenced significant instability in the effects that the variables have on proficiency both in Reading and in Mathematics. At the end of the research, some factors that influence Reading and Mathematics proficiency either positively or negatively, as well as other factors that specifically affect one of those areas, were found, thus indicating that they may contribute to increased school effectiveness and equality. However, some variables whose behavior was inconsistent with the one expected, and others with opposite behaviors in the two areas were also found. Therefore, from the research findings, based on the data used, the methodological procedures and the statistical models adopted, it has been evidenced that value-added models improve the analysis reliability in comparison with models that use cross-sectional data, but they are still impracticable as tools for education system management, particularly for meritocratic use of their results. Hence, this research has corroborated the findings of other studies carried out over the world and has enabled us to state that the quality of the statistical modeling depends on the quality of data that it attempts to model, and it may generate distortions, establish unexpected relationships or lead to misleading conclusions. On the other hand, these resources may be used in the education system by providing important data for guiding public policies in a educative evaluation perspective, aiming at improving the quality of teaching offered by schools, teachers and other professionals that work in the school setting
Ensino e Práticas Culturais
Doutor em Educação


King,AlisonR. "A Mixed Methods Investigation of Caregiver Coaching in an Early Intervention Model: Differences in Providers for Children with Hearing Loss." VCU Scholars Compass, 2017. https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/5150.

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The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between early intervention providers’ backgrounds, and their perceptions of caregiver coaching and auditory skill development, to develop professional development programs. An explanatory sequential design was used with participants of varying backgrounds and experience. In the first phase of the study, participants responded to a survey regarding their educational background, and their comfort with caregiver coaching and auditory skill development. Survey results were analyzedusing Spearman’s Ranked Correlational Coefficient (Spearman’s rs) to form groups of participants from extreme cases. The second phase of the study consisted of participant interviews from each of the groups. Interviews were coded to identify themes present within and between groups. The information from both phases were analyzed to generate how professional preparation and certifications influence service delivery. Results were subsequently analyzed to determine potential improvements in the EI system, professional development, and policy.


Nivens, Ryan Andrew, and Renée Rice Moran. "Beyond Problem-based Learning: How a Residency Model Improves the Education of Pre-service Teachers." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2016. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/289.

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In 2010, the state of Tennessee embraced the call to overhaul teacher education and required programs to adopt a residency model within K-12 schools. How exactly this would affect the various methods courses in a teacher education program? This paper provides a description of how two elementary education methods courses have shifted from simulation-style projects to projects that involve working with actual elementary students throughout the semester. This article presents an overview of the new residency style methods courses, along with how major assignments shifted to utilize the extensive time pre-service teachers would spend in the elementary school classroom.


Thomas, Dana Katharine. "Design and development of a unit model for integrated instruction." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 1992. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/1050.

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Tlala, Benedict Mpapa. "Investigating grade 10 learners' achievements in photosynthesis using conceptual chance model." Thesis, University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus), 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/785.

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Thesis (M.ED.) --University of Limpopo, 2011
A deep level approach to learning leads to quality learning outcomes. Teachers should use appropriate teaching strategies to encourage learners to use deep level approaches to learning. The Conceptual Change Model (CCM) approach is one such strategy for the teaching of science concepts. Deep level approaches are a necessity when dealing with a difficult science concept like photosynthesis. The purpose of this study was to investigate Grade 10 learners’ achievements in photosynthesis using the CCM approach in order to minimize misconceptions and develop a broader and deeper understanding of the photosynthesis process in the high school context in a semi-rural South African school. The learners’attitudes towards the CCM approach in the teaching of Life Sciences were explored. Thisstudy aimed to answer the following main question: what are the achievements of Grade 10learners’ in photosynthesis as core knowledge? The CCM approach included worksheets based on all five steps of the CCM process: commit to an outcome, expose beliefs, confront beliefs, accommodate the concept and extend theconcept. The sample consisted of 78 Grade 10 learners. The research was carried out with aquasi-experimental/control group design and lasted for six weeks. The achievement test and questionnaires were used as instruments to collect data. The analyses of results show that experimental and control group’s pre-test academic achievement scores were similar and there was no significant difference between them (p < 0.05), but when the academicachievement of the post-test results of the EG and CG were analyzed, it was clear that there is a significant difference. The results from post-tests suggest that learners from the EG, taught using the CCM approach, show significantly greater achievements in photosynthesis thanlearners from the CG. In addition, learners from EG show a positive attitude towards Life Sciences after CCM teaching approach, but not from the CG taught using traditional approach. These findings have implications for a science teacher and recommendations aremade to improve the teaching of photosynthesis as core knowledge.


Parker, Edward Donzell. "Tact Repertoires and Measures of Efficiency: Comparing the Effects of Two Behavioral Intervention Models with Students with Developmental Disabilities." The Ohio State University, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1250704489.

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Silva, Junior Edivaldo Xavier da. "Avaliação do uso de modelos anatômicos alternativos para o ensino-aprendizagem da anatomia humana para alunos do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública da cidade de Petrolina, PE." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/132326.

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O ensino da Anatomia Humana faz-se a partir do estudo da leitura e memorização de estruturas que compõem o organismo do indivíduo, sendo esta última ineficaz para a aprendizagem do aluno. No Ensino Fundamental a Anatomia Humana está inserida na disciplina de Ciências, através do conteúdo corpo humano, no 8º ano do ensino fundamental das escolas brasileiras, segundo os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs). Na maior parte das escolas brasileiras, a disciplina de Ciências é trabalhada de forma expositiva. Para que estas se tornem mais dinâmicas e prazerosas, dando sentido ao aprendizado, os PCNs orientam o uso de atividades práticas, porém nem todas as escolas estão preparadas para sua realização, seja por não ter o espaço físico adequado, seja por não ter professores qualificados. Para amenizar este tipo de problema, métodos alternativos, dinâmicos e lúdicos apresentam-se como uma proposta viável na construção do aprendizado do aluno. Desta forma, esta dissertação se propôs a avaliar o processo de aprendizagem de alunos de uma escola pública sobre a morfologia humana a partir da utilização de modelos anatômicos alternativos na disciplina de Ciências. Em um primeiro momento, realizou-se uma revisão de literatura a fim de verificar a utilização e a existência de roteiros didáticos e modelos anatômicos em aulas práticas de Anatomia Humana. Constatou-se 17 artigos nas bases de dados consultadas que abordavam sobre métodos didáticos para seu ensino-aprendizagem e, dentre estes, 9 tratavam sobre o uso de modelos anatômicos, 7 referenciavam-se a outros métodos utilizados e apenas 1 sobre a utilização de manual didático em aula prática da referida disciplina. Em um segundo momento, promoveu-se ferramentas de educação lúdicas, dinâmicas, interativas e baratas em aprender Anatomia Humana e avaliar a sua eficácia com alunos do Ensino Fundamental de uma Escola Pública em Petrolina. Estes alunos foram divididos em dois grupos, um controle (GC) e outro experimental (EXP), e após a aplicação das atividades para o EXP, o GC, o qual permaneceu com suas aulas expositivas normais, apresentou menor interesse pelo estudo do corpo humano (p<0,02) e se consideraram pouco ou nada estimulados pelo estudo da anatomia humana (p=0,05). Desta forma, as estratégias de ensino aplicadas foram mais eficazes do que o ensino tradicional entre os estudantes avaliados. No terceiro momento, foram confeccionadas estruturas neuroanatômicas alternativas para o ensino prático da Neuroanatomia. Assim, produziu-se 5 modelos neuroanatômicos, os quais foram necessários para a realização da referida atividade pedagógica. Desta feita, foi possível elaborá-las com material de baixo custo, mostrando-se como uma alternativa na ausência de material cadavérico. Assim, métodos alternativos, como a modelização, apresentam-se, estatisticamente, eficazes no ensino de Ciências em turmas de oitavo ano do Fundamental, permitindo, ao aluno, ser um agente ativo de seu próprio conhecimento. Logo, foi possível contribuir, com este, a alfabetização científica consentindo-lhe um conhecimento mais abrangente de seu próprio corpo, promovendo-lhe uma atenção mais direta com a sua saúde e das pessoas que o rodeiam.
The teaching of Human Anatomy is made from the study of reading and memorizing structures that make up the human body, being ineffective for student learning on the last one. In elementary education the Human Anatomy is included in the discipline of Sciences, through the human body content, in 8th grade of elementary education in Brazilian schools, according to the National Curriculum Parameters (NCP). In most of schools of that country, the Sciences discipline is teached of expository manner. For these become more dynamic and pleasurable, giving meaning to learning, NCP advises the use of practical activities, but not all schools are prepared for the meeting, either by not having adequate space, either by not having teachers qualified. To alleviate this kind of problem, alternatives, dynamic and playful methods present themselves as a viable proposal on the construction of student learning. Thereby this paper aimed to evaluate the learning process of students in a public school on human morphology from using alternative anatomical models in the Science discipline. At first carried out a literature review in order to verify the utilization and existence of educational scripts and anatomical models in practical classes of Human Anatomy. It was found 17 articles in data bases that addressed on teaching methods for their teaching and learning, and of these, 9 treated on using anatomical models, 7 alluded to to other methods used, and only one on the use of manual teaching in classroom practice of that discipline. In a second moment, it was promoted playful education tools, dynamic, interactive and inexpensive to learn Human Anatomy and to evaluate its effectiveness with elementary school students from a public school in Petrolina. These students were divided into two groups, one control group (CG) and other experimental (EXP), and after the implementation of activities for the EXP, the CG, which remained with their normal classes, showed less interest in the study of the human body (p <0.02) and they were found little or no stimulated by study of Human Anatomy (p = 0.05). Thus, the teaching strategies applied were more effective than traditional teaching among the evaluated students. The third moment, neuroanatomical structures were manufactured like alternatives to the practical teaching of Neuroanatomy. Thereby, there has been 5 neuroanatomical models, which were necessary for the realization of that pedagogical activity. On this occasion, it was possible to elaborate them with inexpensive material, showing up as an alternative in the absence of cadaveric material. Thus, alternative methods, like modelization, present statistically effective in teaching science in 8th grade of elementary school, allowing students to be active agents of their own knowledge So it was possible to contribute, with this one, scientific alphabetization consenting him a more comprehensive knowledge of himself, providing him a more direct attention to his health and those around him.


Hill,GeraldD.(GeraldDean). "An Experimental Investigation into the Interaction Between Modality Preference and Instruction Mode in the Learning of Spelling Words by Upper-Elementary Learning Disabled Students." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1987. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc331606/.

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This study investigated the effects of selected spelling teaching methods on spelling mastery of upper-elementary, learning disabled students. It also examined the value of assessing learning disabled students' modality preferences for diagnostic/prescriptive purposes.The study's significance is that it sought to (a) determine whether students classified as learning disabled can identify their preferred learning modes; (b) determine whether matching modes of instruction to students' modality reference(s) results in greater achievement; and (c) identify a systematic way of prescribing instruction for learning disabled students.


Smith,JamesA.(JamesArthur)1945. "The Elements of Lesson Design, Elementary Public School Students' Mastery of Mathematics Objectives, Accrued Teaching Experience, and Teacher Inservice Training." Thesis, North Texas State University, 1987. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc332391/.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among the teachers' use of the individual elements of lesson design, students' mastery of mathematics objectives, the hours of inservice training completed by the teachers and the teachers' years of experience. The individual elements of lesson design are defined by Madeline Hunter and are anticipatory set, objective and purpose, input, modeling, checking for understanding, guided practice, and independent practice.


Vance,JasonW. "Elementary Principal Perceptions of the Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model." Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2016. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/3146.

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The Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM) had been in a state of reform since being awarded the Race to the Top Grant. Few teachers admit that an evaluation influenced them significantly; additionally, few administrators agreed that when they evaluated a teacher, it did not significantly affect the teacher or students. The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine the perceptions of building‑level principals regarding the effectiveness (i.e., increased teacher participation and quality) and efficiency (i.e., produces the required results) of the TEAM in regard to teacher evaluations. Four elementary school principals from East Tennessee participated in the study. The researcher provided data from this study to inform stakeholders of strengths and weaknesses of the state evaluation model. Additionally, the researcher used the data to provide recommendations for improvements to the TEAM model and to identify support principals needed to adapt their leadership style to effectively execute TEAM mandates. The research revealed that the principals believed the model was a strong one that was research based; however, the model could prove to be ineffective in the delivery and inefficient in the follow‑through if the proper supports were not in place.


Diattara, Awa. "Problématique de l'acquisition des connaissances dans des environnements informatiques fortement orientés connaissances : vers un outil auteur pour le projet AMBRE." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017GREAM055/document.

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Cette thèse aborde la problématique de l’acquisition des connaissances dans le cadre de la conception des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). Dans le contexte spécifique de ce travail, nous nous intéressons à des EIAH destinés à enseigner des méthodes de résolution de problèmes. De telles méthodes permettent, dans un domaine donné, de reconnaître la classe d’un problème et d’être capable de savoir quelle technique de résolution appliquer pour le résoudre. Le coût de conception de ces EIAH est cependant très élevé, en particulier du fait de l’élicitation des connaissances, qui nécessite non seulement une expertise dans le domaine concerné mais également en programmation.Afin de réduire le coût de conception de ces EIAH, et permettre à des auteurs (enseignants ou pédagogues plus experts) de pouvoir éliciter sans programmer les connaissances nécessaires à l’EIAH, nous proposons un processus d’acquisition interactive de ces connaissances. Ce processus est mis en œuvre à travers la conception d’un outil auteur : AMBRE-KB. Pour ce faire, nous avons d’abord proposé des méta-modèles qui permettent de décrire la forme des connaissances à acquérir. Ces connaissances ne sont pas celles d’un expert dans un domaine, mais les connaissances telles qu’on voudrait qu’elles fonctionnent chez l’apprenant à l’issue de l’apprentissage. En s’appuyant sur ces méta-modèles, nous avons ensuite proposé un processus d’acquisition de ces connaissances qui permet d’assister l’auteur lors de l’élicitation des connaissances nécessaires, en lui permettant de construire un modèle de connaissances spécifique à un domaine.Nous avons mené deux expérimentations pour évaluer le processus d’acquisition des connaissances et sa mise en œuvre dans l’outil AMBRE-KB. La première porte sur la complétude. Il s’agit de vérifier, pour un domaine donné, si les modèles de connaissances générés par AMBRE-KB permettent à l’EIAH de résoudre des problèmes. L’objectif de la deuxième expérimentation est de mesurer l’utilité et l’utilisabilité de AMBRE-KB. Les résultats des deux expérimentations sont satisfaisants
The general issue we addressed in this thesis is the challenge of knowledge elicitation in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). In the context of this work, we are interested in ITS teaching problem solving methods. Teaching methods for solving problems consists in teaching students how to think about the problem before starting its resolution. In a given field, such a method is based on a categorization of problems. Knowing to recognize the class of a problem enables students to choose the resolution technique associated with this class. However, designing such ITS is tedious and costly, and specially require expertise in the application domain and in programming.In order to reduce the design cost of these ITS and to enable an author (for example a teacher) to be able to elicit knowledge needed without programming, we propose an interactive knowledge elicitation process. This process is implemented through the design of an authoring tool: AMBRE-KB. For that, we first propose meta-models for the knowledge to be acquired. This knowledge is not an expert knowledge, but knowledge such as we would want that they work at the end of the learning. Next, we propose a knowledge acquisition process based on these meta-models, which enable the author to be assisted in the elicitation process enabling him/her to build specific knowledge models for a given domain.We conducted two experiments to evaluate the knowledge acquisition process and its implementation in the AMBRE-KB tool. The first relates to completeness. The aim is to verify, for a given domain, whether the knowledge models generated by AMBRE-KB enable the solver to solve problems. The aim of the second experiment is to measure the utility and usability of AMBRE-KB. The results of both experiments are satisfactory


Garcia, Lladó Àngela. "Les representacions externes com a eina de construcció del model de força al Grau de Mestre d'Educació Primària." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/672008.

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El context d’aquesta investigació és l’assignatura obligatòria semestral de Didàctica de la Matèria, l’energia i la interacció (DMEI) del Grau de Mestre d’Educació Primària de la Universitat de Barcelona, que dura un semestre. Se sap que la majoria d’estudiants arriben al Grau amb uns coneixements molt pobres de Física i Química. En la majoria dels casos, l’últim curs en què van estudiar Física és durant l’Educació Secundària Obligatòria (quan tenien 14-15 anys). Això és degut a que la majoria d’ells van escollir els batxillerats social o d’humanitats. D’altra banda, hi ha una percepció generalitzada per part dels futurs mestres que un dels temes més difícils del contingut de ciències que han de treballar a l’Educació Primària són les forces i la seva relació amb situacions quotidianes.A partir d’aquest context, els propòsits de doctorat són explorar quins són els models mentals de força de l’alumnat, quin ús fan de les representacions externes i analitzar de quina manera la seva interrelació pot ajudar a una millora de l’aprenentatge del model de força. Per a fer-ho es dissenyaran materials nous i per a utilitzar durant les sessions d’aula. Tenint en compte el nombre reduït de sessions dedicades al tema de les forces durant el curs DMEI, s’ha optat per centrar la recerca en una de les idees de força més fonamentals, però menys intuïtives: la força com a interacció entre dos objectes o sistemes.S’han dissenyat un estudi de cas i un qüestionari per a analitzar quins són els diferents models de força i representacions que tenen els estudiants abans i després de les sessions de classe, com les representacions gràfiques ajuden els futurs mestres a explicitar els seus models mentals i les principals dificultats en l’ús del model de força per a explicar diferents situacions. Amb els resultats obtinguts per aquests instruments i la investigació bibliogràfica sobre representacions gràfiques alternatives, s’ha dissenyat una nova representació que s’ha posat en pràctica durant les sessions de DMEI del curs 2017/18. Aquesta nova representació gràfica s’ha pensat com a instrument per ajudar pensar en termes d’interacció les forces que es donen en diferents situacions. I es planteja amb l’objectiu de facilitar l’anàlisi de la situació plantejada i poder arribar a la representació de les forces que actuen sobre un cos amb el diagrama de cos lliure. El nombre de respostes dels qüestionaris que mencionen la força com a interacció entre cossos és més gran durant el curs 2017/18, de manera que podem dir que la nova representació ajuda a promoure el model de força d’interacció. A més, l’ús d’aquesta representació gràfica com a eina per resoldre problemes ha estat ben rebuda pels futurs mestres. Durant l’examen de DMEI no era obligatori utilitzar-la, però hi va haver una part d’alumnat que l’havia treballat que la va començar a utilitzar espontàniament per resoldre el problema de forces proposat.Tot i que la representació gràfica funciona i la identificació de les forces presents en una situació ha millorat, encara es troben problemes en la realització del dibuix del diagrama del cos lliure que es poden continuar treballant.
The context of this research is the semi-annual course on Didactics of the Matter, the Energy and the Interaction (DMEI) addressed to Teacher Training in the Primary Education Degree atthe Universityof Barcelona. This is a compulsory course in the second year of the Degree. It is known that the majority of students arrive at the Degree with a very poor knowledge on Physics and Chemistry. In most cases, the last course in which they studied Physics is at compulsory secondary education (when they were 14-15 years old). That’s because most of them chose a Social and Humanities major at Secondary High Education (16-18 years old). On the other hand, there is a widespread perception that one of the most difficult topicsin the pre-service primary teacher education is the forces and its relationship with everyday situations. According to this, the PhD purposes are to explore how mental models; the use external representation and their interrelationship improve the learning of the concept of force and to design materials and practices to develop a better understanding of the concept. Given the small number of sessions devoted to the topic of forces in the DMEI course, in our PhD we chose to focus only on one of the most fundamental but less intuitive ideas of force: the force as an interaction between two objects or systems. A case study and a questionnaire weredesigned to analyse the main difficulties in the modelling of forces, how graphic representations help pre-service teachers to do it and which are the different force models and representations that students have before and after the class sessions. With the results obtained by these instruments and the literature research on alternative external representations done we have designed a new representation that was used during de 2017/18 DMEI sessions. An adaptation of the 2016/17 sessions is carried out. The only change done to the sessions was the inclusion of a new graphic representation as an instrument to think with the different given situations in terms of interactions with the aim to be able to reach the representation of the forces on a body with the free body diagram. The number of responses that mention force as an interaction between bodies is higher during the 2017/18 course, so we can say that the new representation helps them to promote the interaction force model. In addition, the use of this graphic representation as a tool for solving problems has been well received by pre-service teachers. During the DMEI exam it was not mandatory to use it, but there was a part of them who used it spontaneously to solve the problem of forces proposed. Although the identification of the forces present in a situation has improved, problems are still encountered in therealization of the drawing of the free body diagram.


Castanedo, Alonso José Manuel. "Aplicación del aprendizaje dialógico en el área de Educación Física: Modelo inclusivo "Retos interactivos con Responsabilidad Compartida"." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/671546.

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OBJETO: El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en demostrar el impacto y validez de un modelo inclusivo contextualizados en el área de Educación Física y fundamentado en el aprendizaje dialógico. Precisamente, comprobar la presencia de los principios del aprendizaje dialógico es otro de los objetivos de investigación. El modelo se denomina ‘Retos Interactivos con Responsabilidad Compartida’ y tiene por objetivo ofrecer una EF dialógica capaz de democratizar los aprendizajes de todos los alumnos y alumnas, sin dejar a nadie atrás.ESTADO DE CUESTIÓN: Por un lado, y teniendo en cuenta que cualquier programa educativo de calidad debe ser inclusivo y transformador, se procede a analizar la presencia de la calidad, la inclusión y la perspectiva crítica en el contexto educativo general y en la EF específicamente. Por otro lado, en un intento por contextualizar el aprendizaje dialógico en el área de EF, se dedica un capítulo a describir los principios del aprendizaje dialógico y su aplicación al área de EF, configurando el concepto de Educación Física Dialógica. Por último, se dedica un capítulo a presentar el modelo inclusivo Retos Interactivos con Responsabilidad Compartida, detallando el origen, la fundamentación, las claves y la estructura didáctica.DISEÑO METODOLÓGICO: La metodología de investigación seleccionada para la presente investigación es la Metodología Comunicativa. La elección metodológica se explica por dos motivos. En primer lugar, por a la afinidad dialógica existente entre la metodología de investigación y el modelo inclusivo objeto de estudio. En segundo lugar, porque, ante el desafío de aportar contribuciones que permitan avanzar hacia una EF de éxito, la organización comunicativa de la investigación y el análisis comunicativo de los datos se convierten en aspectos metodológicos esenciales y decisivos para lograr el impacto deseado.RESULTADOS: la implementación de modelo Retos Interactivos con Responsabilidad Compartida garantiza la presencia de los principios el aprendizaje dialógico independientemente del contexto. Los efectos sobre el aprendizaje derivados de su implementación demuestran aprendizajes de calidad a nivel curricular y convivencial, pero también se reportan aprendizajes relacionados con sentimientos como la amistad y la solidaridad. Por último, se reporta que el modelo inclusivo es un modelo en movimiento, en constante mejora y enriquecimiento gracias a la constante conversación entre las evidencias científicas, la práctica acumulada y las aportaciones de las personas participantes en la investigación.CONCLUSIONES: El modelo inclusivo Retos Interactivos con Responsabilidad Compartida se configura un modelo de éxito que favorece la democratización de los aprendizajes gracias a la presencia de los principios del aprendizaje dialógico.APORTACIONES: Una de las aportaciones de esta tesis es ofrecer un modelo inclusivo que, articulado por los principios del aprendizaje dialógico, garantiza un programa de EF inclusivo, de calidad y crítico, además de estar supeditado y ser compatible con el enfoque educativo que se orienta hacia las Actuaciones Educativas de Éxito. En definitiva, esta tesis aporta una importante contribución a la Educación Física Dialógica.
PURPOSE: This PhD/Doctoral thesis focuses on demonstrating the impact and validity of an inclusive model contextualized in the area of Physical Education and based on dialogical learning. Furthermore, the verification of the presence of the principles of dialogic learning is another of the research objectives. The model is called 'Interactive Challenges with Shared Responsibility' and it aims to offer a dialogic PE for democratizing the learning of all students. STATE OF THE ART: On the one hand, and taking into account that any quality educational program must be inclusive and transformative, the presence of quality, inclusion and critical perspective in the general education context and specifically in PE was analyzed. On the other hand, in an attempt to contextualize dialogic learning in the area of PE, a chapter is devoted to describing the principles of dialogic learning and its application to the area of PE, creating the concept of Dialogic Physical Education. Finally, a chapter is dedicated to present the inclusive model Interactive Challenges with Shared Responsibility, describing the origin, fundamentals, theoretical keys and teaching structure.METHODOLOGICAL DESIGN: The research methodology selected for this research is the Communicative Methodology. Two reasons explain the methodological selection. Firstly, the dialogic affinity between the research methodology and the inclusive model. Secondly, the communicative organization of the research and the communicative analysis of the data become essential and decisive methodological aspects in order to achieve the desired impact, due to the challenge of making contributions for progressing towards a successful PE.RESULTS: the implementation of the Interactive Challenges with Shared Responsibility model guarantees the presence of the principles of dialogic learning regardless of the context. The effects on learning derived from its implementation demonstrate quality learning at the curricular and social level, but also learning related to feelings such as friendship and solidarity are reported. Finally, the inclusive model is a model in permanent improvement and enrichment, based on the ongoing conversation between scientific evidence, accumulated practice and the contributions of the people participating in this research.CONCLUSIONS: The Interactive Challenges with Shared Responsibility is configured as a successful model promoting to the democratization of learning thanks to the presence of the principles of dialogic learning.CONTRIBUTIONS: One of the contributions of this thesis is to offer an inclusive model that, based on the principles of dialogic learning, guarantees an inclusive, quality and critical PE program, being subordinated and compatible with the educational approach that is oriented towards the Successful Educational Actions. Definitely, this thesis becomes an important contribution to Dialogical Physical Education.


Ishac, Rand. "Partikelmodellen : Lärares beskrivning av innehåll och val av undervisningsmetod i åk 4–6." Thesis, Högskolan i Jönköping, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-36299.

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Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka hur undervisningen om partikelmodellen bedrivs i årskurserna 4–6 och hur undervisningen utformas. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativt inriktade intervjuer med fem olika lärare som undervisar inom No-ämnena i de aktuella årskurserna. Resultatet visar att alla fem lärarna undervisar om fasövergångar och materians byggstenar, men att lärarna fördjupar sig inom olika delar av dessa områden. Lärarna i undersökningen väljer olika undervisningsmetoder när de undervisar om partikelmodellen: Traditionell undervisning, hypoteser, datoranimeringar, laborationer, dramatiseringar och användning av konkret material.
The purpose with this paper has been to examine how the education about the particle model in grades 4–6 is conducted and how the education is carried out. The study was carried out with the help of qualitatively directed interviews with five teachers that teach in the science subjects in the grades in question. The results show that all five teachers teach about, phase transitions and the building blocks of matter, but choose to immerse in different parts of these subjects. The teachers choose different teaching methods to teach about the particle model: Traditional teaching, hypotheses, computer animations, laboratory, dramatization and use of concrete materials.


Catala, Benoît. "La transmission-appropriation des savoirs stratégiques et tactiques en boxe thaïlandaise : médiation et résolution de problèmes au service de la performance sportive par la comparaison de deux modèles d'entraînement et l'étude de cas d'entraînés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023PAUU3066.

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Le travail est une recherche en didactique de la boxe thaïlandaise, centrée sur le double processus de transmission et d'appropriation des savoirs d'ordre stratégique, tactique et technique à des fins de performance sportive. L'enjeu est de former un combattant plus réfléchi dans ses modalités de réponse face à un problème posé par un adversaire. Nous visons l'acquisition de méthodes d'entraînement innovantes et la construction de nouveaux rapports aux savoirs, à l'entraînement et à l'entraîneur, en rupture avec les modèles traditionnels. Notre étude part d'une problématique générale axée sur la comparaison de l'efficacité, entre deux modèles d'entraînement sur une période donnée : à savoir, d'une part, la pédagogie du modèle de décisions guidées (PMDG) qui consiste à s'entraîner avec un guidage renforcé de l'entraîneur dans le choix des solutions et, d'autre part, la pédagogie du modèle auto-adaptatif (PMAA) qui consiste à s'entraîner avec un faible guidage et qui impose de responsabiliser les élèves dans la recherche de solutions face à un problème posé. L'originalité de cette étude réside dans son caractère interdisciplinaire, associant la didactique des disciplines scientifiques et technologiques avec la didactique clinique, et dans une approche méthodologique combinant des analyses quantitatives relatives à l'évolution de la performance en situation et des analyses qualitatives traitant du vécu subjectif des pratiquants. Le protocole expérimental a consisté à mettre en place les deux modèles originaux d'entraînement à la résolution de problèmes posés par un adversaire attaquant, pour lesquels nous avons disposé de données quantitatives relatives aux actions défensives du boxeur. Cela nous a permis d'évaluer les évolutions des participants de chaque groupe grâce à des analyses statistiques. D'autres variables ont été testées et nous ont amené à apprécier le rapport entre les méthodes et les rounds, les méthodes et les types de problèmes. En parallèle, nous avons recueilli le vécu subjectif des entraînés, par le biais d'entretiens semi-dirigés menés en ante et post protocole. Le traitement des données a permis de comprendre comment chacun a perçu et a évolué au cours de l'expérimentation dans ses rapports aux savoirs, à l'entraînement et à l'entraîneur. Nous pouvons écrire, dans une observation globale de nos résultats, qu'il conviendrait donc de démarrer une situation de combat en compétition par un modèle de type PMDG. Ceci peut apparaître comme un juste raisonnement dans le sens où l'on apporte de la certitude dans un milieu à haute incertitude, tout particulièrement en round 1 (R1). L'incertitude est alors diminuée en round 2 (R2), notamment par la découverte faite de l'adversaire durant le round précédent. Conséquemment en R2 (si on s'en résume à notre protocole de recherche) et plus généralement dans les rounds qui suivent le premier round (si l'on se rapproche d'une situation réelle de combat), nous pourrions choisir entre les deux méthodes, PMAA et PMDG, que l'entraîneur, par la relation construite avec son athlète et sa connaissance de l'activité et la reconnaissance de l'adversité rencontrée, pourrait réguler. Cela corrobore les conclusions issues de travaux précédents sur « l'ordre des modèles » et l'idée que ce dernier doit être déterminé en fonction des étapes de la formation et du type d'habiletés visées. Concernant les entretiens et le rapport à l'entraînement et à l'entraîneur, les sujets valorisent une autonomie partielle. Ils apprécient de chercher des solutions par leurs propres moyens mais ont tout de même besoin de l'entraîneur lors des situations d'opposition ou plus fréquemment à l'entraînement pour la validation de leurs actions ou pour obtenir des conseils ou des encouragements. Les études de cas ont notamment mis en relief le vécu singulier de chaque combattant dans le rapport à leur entraîneur et, pour certains, l'évolution de leurs conceptions
The research carried out explores the didactics of Thai boxing, focusing on the dual process of strategic, tactical and technical knowledge transmission and appropriation for the purposes of optimising sport performance . The aim is to train fighters' ability to thoughtfully address challenges presented by an opponent. Our approach centers on reflective thinking occurring before, during and after a training situation's actionin order to foster reasoned, conscious boxing. We seek to acquire innovative training methods and build new relationships between to knowledge, training and trainers, breaking with traditional training models.Our study focuses on comparing the effectiveness of two training models in terms of sport performance. The first model, called the Guided Decision Pedagogy Model (PMDG), involves reinforced coach guidance for solution selection. The second model, known as the Self-Adaptive Approach Pedagogy Model (PMAA), offers less guidance and encourages boxers to independently seek solutions for specific challenges.The originality of this study lies in its interdisciplinary approach, notably associating the didactics of scientific and technological disciplines with clinical research, in a methodological approach integrating quantitative analysis tracking performance evolution in training situations, and qualitative analysis delving into practitioners' subjective experiences.The experimental protocol involved implementing two unique training models to address problems posed by an attacking opponent, for which we had quantitative data on the boxer's defensive actions. This allowed us to assess participants' progress in each group through statistical analysis. Additionally, various variables were examined to assess the relationship between methods, rounds and types of problem.We also gathered trainees' subjective experiences through semi-structured interviews conducted before and after the protocol. Analysing this data provided insights into how each individual perceived and developed their relationship to knowledge, training and the coach during the experiment.In our comprehensive analysis of results, it appears that the PMDG method is more effective for group advancement, while the PMAA method appears to be more conducive to individual progress.Regarding the interviews and the trainees' relationships to training and the coach, participants highly appreciated having some degree of autonomy. They found satisfaction in seeking solutions independently, but they also relied on the coach, especially in opposition scenarios or for validation, advice, or motivation during training. The case studies underscored the distinct experiences of each fighter in their coach-student relationship, and for some, the evolution of their ideas.This study could be extended by applying the same protocol to offensive strategies or by comparing its effects with other established models.The objective is to corroborate current findings, uncover new insights, contribute to the advancement of training and research in the realm of sports and athletics, and more generally to foster the development and exploration of novel models of knowledge transmission and appropriation


Denysenko,V. "Teaching methods for teaching English for specific purposes." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2021. https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18524.

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Kellner, Jérémie. "Gaussian models and kernel methods." Thesis, Lille 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL10177/document.

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Les méthodes à noyaux ont été beaucoup utilisées pour transformer un jeu de données initial en les envoyant dans un espace dit « à noyau » ou RKHS, pour ensuite appliquer une procédure statistique sur les données transformées. En particulier, cette approche a été envisagée dans la littérature pour tenter de rendre un modèle probabiliste donné plus juste dans l'espace à noyaux, qu'il s'agisse de mélanges de gaussiennes pour faire de la classification ou d'une simple gaussienne pour de la détection d'anomalie. Ainsi, cette thèse s'intéresse à la pertinence de tels modèles probabilistes dans ces espaces à noyaux. Dans un premier temps, nous nous concentrons sur une famille de noyaux paramétrée - la famille des noyaux radiaux gaussiens - et étudions d'un point de vue théorique la distribution d'une variable aléatoire projetée vers un RKHS correspondant. Nous établissons que la plupart des marginales d'une telle distribution est asymptotiquement proche d'un « scale-mixture » de gaussiennes - autrement dit une gaussienne avec une variance aléatoire - lorsque le paramètre du noyau tend vers l'infini. Une nouvelle méthode de détection d'anomalie utilisant ce résultat théorique est introduite.Dans un second temps, nous introduisons un test d'adéquation basé sur la Maximum Mean Discrepancy pour tester des modèles gaussiens dans un RKHS. En particulier, notre test utilise une procédure de bootstrap paramétrique rapide qui permet d'éviter de ré-estimer les paramètres de la distribution gaussienne à chaque réplication bootstrap
Kernel methods have been extensively used to transform initial datasets by mapping them into a so-called kernel space or RKHS, before applying some statistical procedure onto transformed data. In particular, this kind of approach has been explored in the literature to try and make some prescribed probabilistic model more accurate in the RKHS, for instance Gaussian mixtures for classification or mere Gaussians for outlier detection. Therefore this thesis studies the relevancy of such models in kernel spaces.In a first time, we focus on a family of parameterized kernels - Gaussian RBF kernels - and study theoretically the distribution of an embedded random variable in a corresponding RKHS. We managed to prove that most marginals of such a distribution converge weakly to a so-called ''scale-mixture'' of Gaussians - basically a Gaussian with a random variance - when the parameter of the kernel tends to infinity. This result is used in practice to device a new method for outlier detection.In a second time, we present a one-sample test for normality in an RKHS based on the Maximum Mean Discrepancy. In particular, our test uses a fast parametric bootstrap procedure which circumvents the need for re-estimating Gaussian parameters for each bootstrap replication


Gulam, Razul Sirajudeen. "Bayesian methods for unified models." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2003. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.619713.

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Streftaris, George. "Bayesian methods for Poisson models." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/1842/14505.

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To account for overdispersion in count data, that is variation in excess of that justified from the assumed model, one may consider an additional source of variation, by assuming that each observation, Yi, i = 1, ..., m, arises from a conditionally independent Poisson distribution, given its respective mean qi, i = 1, ..., m. We review various frequentist methods for the estimation of the Poisson parameters qi, i = 1, ..., m, which are based on the inadmissibility of the usual unbiased maximum likelihood estimator, in terms of the associated risk in dimensions greater than two. The so called shrinkage estimators adjust the maximum likelihood estimates towards a fixed or data-determined point, abandoning unbiasedness in favour of lower risk. Inferences for the parameters of interest can also be drawn employing Bayesian methods. Conjugate models are often adopted to facilitate the computational procedure. In this thesis we assume a nonconjugate log-normal prior distribution, which allows for more dispersion in the Poisson means and can also accommodate a correlation structure. We derive two empirical Bayes estimators, which approximate the posterior mean. The first is based on a linear shrinkage rule, while the second employs a non-iterative importance sampling technique. The frequency properties of the two estimators in terms of average risk are assessed and compared to other estimating approaches proposed in the literature. A full hierarchical Bayes analysis is also considered, assuming both informative and non-informative prior distributions at the lower stage of the hierarchy. Some analytical posterior inferences, based on simple approximations are obtained. We then employ stochastic simulation techniques, suggesting two Markov chain Monte Carlo methods which involve the Gibbs sampler and a hybrid strategy. They rely on a log-normal/gamma mixture approximation to the full conditional posterior distribution of the parameters qi, i = 1, ,..., m. The shrinkage behaviour of the hierarchical Bayes estimator is explored, and its average risk is examined through frequency simulations. Examples and applications of the considered methods are given throughout the thesis.


Williams, Gareth Wyn. "Methods for global illumination models." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.695389.

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Global illumination models are used to simulate the complex lighting effects found in nature. This thesis investigates the wavelet radiance global illumination model and the extension of the wavelet radiance algorithm to support non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) surfaces. NURBS are a powerful mathematical form for representing freeform surfaces - NURBS are used in many rendering systems and therefore it is very useful to extend illumination models to support these surfaces.


Fleming, Miri. "Teachers' receptivity to teaching models." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/185807.

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The focus of this study is teachers' receptivity to new teaching models. Traditionally, research has been conducted to assess teachers' implementation of innovations. The stage prior to learning and implementing the model generally has been generally ignored. In this study, the researcher assumed that the level of teachers' receptivity could influence upon whether and to what extent the new teaching model is implemented. This study was designed to identify personal characteristics and environmental variables that affect the degree of teacher receptivity to a teaching model. Four teacher-participants were selected according to their level of receptivity to one of the models included in the study, Madeline Hunter's Essential Elements of Instruction or Hilda Taba's Teaching Strategies. The data collected through interviews were analyzed in two directions. First, participants' beliefs, experiences, and workplace conditions were identified using qualitative case study methodology. Second, participants' perceptions of the teaching models were analyzed using Rogers' (1962) framework for determining characteristics of an innovation. Several themes related to participants' receptivity to new teaching models, and their beliefs, experiences, and workplace conditions were revealed. These comprise differences in teachers' pedagogical orientations and in their perceptions of teaching models' characteristics, including the way the model was introduced, changes in levels receptivity, teaching models in relation to the student population served, satisfaction with workplace conditions, level of familiarity with the new teaching model, teachers' independence, and behavioral changes required by the teaching model. The study may be of particular interest to staff developers and educators of students teachers because of the importance of considering teachers' individual needs and characteristics when introducing new teaching models.


Rozhkova,I. "Teaching methods of treatment eyes." Thesis, Sumy State University, 2016. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/46899.

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Note that to prevent any disease is easier than to fight it!Innovations in medicine help to save and treat vision. However, it isimportant to remember that a lot depends on the style and way of life. Takecare of your vision!


Анпілогова, Тетяна Володимірівна. "POPULAR METHODS OF TEACHING ENGLISH." Thesis, Національний авіаційний університет, 2019 //Лінгвістичні та методологічні аспекти викладання іноземних мов професійного спрямування України: Матеріали І Міжнародної науково- практичної конференції 20 березня 2019 р. / За заг. ред. О.М. Акмалдінової. – К. : НАУ, 2019. с 13-15, 2019. http://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/38409.

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Success in learning a language depends on the quality of the chosen method. Each technique has its pros and cons. 4 methods ( suggestopedic method , traditional technique, communicative technique , intensive teaching methods) of teaching English are described in the article.
Успех в изучении языка зависит от качества выбранного метода. У каждой методики есть свои плюсы и минусы. В статье описаны 4 метода (сугестивный метод, традиционная техника, коммуникативная методика, интенсивный метод обучения) преподавания английского языка.
Успіх у вивченні мови залежить від якості обраного методу. Кожна техніка має свої плюси і мінуси. У статті описано 4 методики (сугестивний метод, традиційна методика, комунікативна техніка, інтенсивні методи навчання) висвітлені у статті.


Delahoyde,TheresaHawkinsPeggyL.MorinPatriciaJ.HutchinsonChristine. "Generational differences of baccalaureate nursing students' preferred teaching methods and faculty use of teaching methods." Click here for access, 2009. http://www.csm.edu/Academics/Library/Institutional_Repository.

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Thesis (Ed. D)--College of Saint Mary -- Omaha, 2009.
A dissertation submitted by Theresa Delahoyde, MSN, RN to College of Saint Mary in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor in Education with an emphasis on health professions education. This dissertation has been accepted for the faculty of College of Saint Mary by: Peggy Hawkins, PhD, RN, BC, CNE - chair ; Patricia Morin, PhD, RN - committee member ; Christine Hutchinson, JD - committee member. Includes bibliographical references.


Tao, Ji. "Spatial econometrics models, methods and applications /." Connect to this title online, 2005. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1118957992.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2005.
Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains x, 140 p. Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-140). Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center


Wåhlin, Pernilla. "Theoretical Actinide Chemistry – Methods and Models." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Fysikum, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-54848.

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The chemistry of actinides in aqueous solution is important, and it is essential to build adequate conceptual models and develop methods applicable for actinide systems. The complex electronic structure makes benchmarking necessary. In the thesis a prototype reaction of the water exchange reaction for uranyl(VI), for both ground and luminescent states, described with a six-water model, was used to study the applicability of density functional methods on actinides and different solvation models. An excellent agreement between the wave function methods CCSD(T) and MP2 was obtained in the ground state, implying that near-minimal CASPT2 can be used with confidence for the reaction in the luminescent state of uranyl(VI), while density functionals are not suited to describe energetics for this type of reaction. There was an ambiguity concerning the position of the waters in the second hydration sphere. This issue was resolved by investigating a larger model, and prop- erly used the six-water model was found to adequately describe the water exchange reaction. The effect of solvation was investigated by comparing the results from conductor-like polarizable continuum models using two cavity models. Scattered numbers made it difficult to determine which solvation model to use. The final conclusion was that the water exchange reaction in the luminescent state of uranyl(VI) should be addressed with near-minimal CASPT2 and a solvation model without explicit cavities for hydrogens. Finally it was shown that no new chemistry appears in the luminescent state for this reaction. The thesis includes a methodological investigation of a multi-reference density functional method based on a range separation of the two-electron interaction. The method depends on a universal parameter, which has been determined for lighter elements. It is shown here that the same parameter could be used for actinides, a prerequisite for further development of the method. The results are in that sense promising.


Catanzaro, Daniele. "Models and methods for molecular phylogenetics." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210453.

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Un des buts principaux de la biologie évolutive et de la médecine moléculaire consiste à reconstruire les relations phylogénétiques entre organismes à partir de leurs séquences moléculaires. En littérature, cette question est connue sous le nom d’inférence phylogénétique et a d'importantes applications dans la recherche médicale et pharmaceutique, ainsi que dans l’immunologie, l’épidémiologie, et la dynamique des populations. L’accumulation récente de données de séquences d’ADN dans les bases de données publiques, ainsi que la facilité relative avec laquelle des données nouvelles peuvent être obtenues, rend l’inférence phylogénétique particulièrement difficile (l'inférence phylogénétique est un problème NP-Hardsous tous les critères d’optimalité connus), de telle manière que des nouveaux critères et des algorithmes efficaces doivent être développés. Cette thèse a pour but: (i) d’analyser les limites mathématiques et biologiques des critères utilisés en inférence phylogénétique, (ii) de développer de nouveaux algorithmes efficaces permettant d’analyser de plus grands jeux de données.
Doctorat en Sciences


Rao, Tandhoni. "Noncausal methods and models for image." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/13344.

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Morgan,JoanneV. "Numerical methods for macroscopic traffic models." Thesis, University of Reading, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.250700.

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Schwander, Olivier. "Information-geometric methods for mixture models." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 2013. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/93/17/22/PDF/these.pdf.

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Cette thèse présente de nouvelles méthodes pour l'apprentissage de modèles de mélanges basées sur la géométrie de l'information. Les modèles de mélanges considérés ici sont des mélanges de familles exponentielles, permettant ainsi d'englober une large part des modèles de mélanges utilisés en pratique. Grâce à la géométrie de l'information, les problèmes statistiques peuvent être traités avec des outils géométriques. Ce cadre offre de nouvelles perspectives permettant de mettre au point des algorithmes à la fois rapides et génériques. Deux contributions principales sont proposées ici. La première est une méthode de simplification d'estimateurs par noyaux. Cette simplification est effectuée à l'aide un algorithme de partitionnement, d'abord avec la divergence de Bregman puis, pour des raisons de rapidité, avec la distance de Fisher-Rao et des barycentres modèles. La seconde contribution est une généralisation de l'algorithme k-MLE permettant de traiter des mélanges où toutes les composantes ne font pas partie de la même famille: cette méthode est appliquée au cas des mélanges de Gaussiennes généralisées et des mélanges de lois Gamma et est plus rapide que les méthodes existantes. La description de ces deux méthodes est accompagnée d'une implémentation logicielle complète et leur efficacité est évaluée grâce à des applications en bio-informatique et en classification de textures
This thesis presents new methods for mixture model learning based on information geometry. We focus on mixtures of exponential families, which encompass a large number of mixtures used in practice. With information geometry, statistical problems can be studied with geometrical tools. This framework gives new perspectives allowing to design algorithms which are both fast and generic. Two main contributions are proposed here. The first one is a method for simplification of kernel density estimators. This simplification is made with clustering algorithms, first with the Bregman divergence and next, for speed reason, with the Fisher-Rao distance and model centroids. The second contribution is a generalization of the k-MLE algorithm which allows to deal with mixtures where all the components do not belong to the same family: this method is applied to mixtures of generalized Gaussians and of Gamma laws and is faster than existing methods. The description of this two algorithms comes with a complete software implementation and their efficiency is evaluated through applications in bio-informatics and texture classification


Burch,MarkG. "Statistical Methods for Network Epidemic Models." The Ohio State University, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1471613656.

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Bai, Lihui. "Computational methods for toll pricing models." [Gainesville, Fla.] : University of Florida, 2004. http://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0006341.

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Parsons,S. "Approximation methods for latent variable models." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2016. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1513250/.

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Modern statistical models are often intractable, and approximation methods can be required to perform inference on them. Many different methods can be employed in most contexts, but not all are fully understood. The current thesis is an investigation into the use of various approximation methods for performing inference on latent variable models. Composite likelihoods are used as surrogates for the likelihood function of state space models (SSM). In chapter 3, variational approximations to their evaluation are investigated, and the interaction of biases as composite structure changes is observed. The bias effect of increasing the block size in composite likelihoods is found to balance the statistical benefit of including more data in each component. Predictions and smoothing estimates are made using approximate Expectation- Maximisation (EM) techniques. Variational EM estimators are found to produce predictions and smoothing estimates of a lesser quality than stochastic EM estimators, but at a massively reduced computational cost. Surrogate latent marginals are introduced in chapter 4 into a non-stationary SSM with i.i.d. replicates. They are cheap to compute, and break functional dependencies on parameters for previous time points, giving estimation algorithms linear computational complexity. Gaussian variational approximations are integrated with the surrogate marginals to produce an approximate EM algorithm. Using these Gaussians as proposal distributions in importance sampling is found to offer a positive trade-off in terms of the accuracy of predictions and smoothing estimates made using estimators. A cheap to compute model based hierarchical clustering algorithm is proposed in chapter 5. A cluster dissimilarity measure based on method of moments estimators is used to avoid likelihood function evaluation. Computation time for hierarchical clustering sequences is further reduced with the introduction of short-lists that are linear in the number of clusters at each iteration. The resulting clustering sequences are found to have plausible characteristics in both real and synthetic datasets.


Pribadi, Aaron. "Algebraic Methods for Log-Linear Models." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2012. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/hmc_theses/41.

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Techniques from representation theory (Diaconis, 1988) and algebraic geometry (Drton et al., 2008) have been applied to the statistical analysis of discrete data with log-linear models. With these ideas in mind, we discuss the selection of sparse log-linear models, especially for binary data and data on other structured sample spaces. When a sample space and its symmetry group satisfy certain conditions, we construct a natural spanning set for the space of functions on the sample space which respects the isotypic decomposition; these vectors may be used in algorithms for model selection. The construction is explicitly carried out for the case of binary data.


BONOMELLI, Marco. "Models and methods for portfolio selection." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Bergamo, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10446/181483.

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Nguyen, Viet Hung. "Empirical Methods for Evaluating Vulnerability Models." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2014. https://hdl.handle.net/11572/368542.

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This dissertation focuses on the following research question: “how to independently and systematically validate empirical vulnerability models?†. Based on the survey of past studies about the vulnerability discovery process, the dissertation has pointed out several critical issues in the traditional methodology for evaluating the performance of vulnerability discovery models (VDMs). Such issues did impact the conclusions of several studies in the literature. To address such pitfalls, a novel empirical methodology and a data collection infrastructure are proposed to conduct experiments that evaluate the empirical performance of VDMs. The methodology consists of two quantitative analyses, namely quality and predictability analyses, which enable analysts to study the performance of VDMs, and to compare them effectively.The proposed methodology and the data collection infrastructure have been used to assess several existing VDMs on many major versions of the major browsers (i.e., Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari). The extensive experimental analysis reveals an interesting finding about the VDM performance in terms of quality and predictability: the simplest linear model is the most appropriate one for predicting vulnerability discovery trend within the first twelve months since the release date of browser versions; later than that, logistic models are more appropriate.The analyzed vulnerability data exhibits the phenomenon of after-life vulnerabilities, which have been discovered for the current version, but also attributed to browser versions out of support – dead versions. These vulnerabilities, however, may not actually exist, and may have an impact on past scientific studies, or on compliance assessment. Therefore, this dissertation has proposed a method to identify code evidence for vulnerabilities. The results of the experiments show that a significant amount of vulnerabilities has been systematically over-reported for old versions of browsers. Consequently, old versions of software seem to have less vulnerabilities than reported.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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